Author: Cathy Nolan

September 7, 2022 Reflection – You be courageous and do not be afraid!

You be courageous and do not be afraid!   September 7, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady concluded her August 25, 2022 message with these words of encouragement: “You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you.” Our Mother Mary is a courageous woman!  Just think about it.  God sent the Angel Gabriel to her, announcing His desire that she become the Mother of His Son.  She was all alone, a young woman.  She couldn’t run to her mother or father.  She had to think it through herself.  And she did!  And in courage (which is a heart filled with faith in God) she said “Yes”!!!!  The whole world changed in that moment!! After Jesus was born, she and Joseph had to run from Herod, all the way to Egypt, so save Jesus’ life.  No body guards, no help anywhere except in her heart filled with faith.  But she did it! When Jesus was 12 or so, he remained behind in Jerusalem, at the Temple.  He didn’t ask permission or tell them what He was doing.  She lived through three days of agony, searching for Him.  But with her heart filled with faith in God, she did it! When St. Joseph died, Our Lady had to face life as a widow.  That is never easy.  But she did it, silently with her heart filled with faith in God. When Jesus began his public ministry, Our Lady had to follow him in his homelessness and poverty, teaching and preaching to all who would listen.  She saw the Leaders and Teachers mistreat Him, and speak ill of Him.  She bore all of that with Him. But she continued in peace with her heart filled with faith in God. Finally, on Calvary she stood by the Cross of her Son, as He died for all mankind.  No words can describe the agony she shared with Him.  But her courage (her heart filled with faith in God) never flagged. Our Lady is our leader in courage.  If she tells us to be courageous, we must say yes to her! I have gathered several messages in which Our Courageous Mother has called us to be courageous, and to encourage each other as we follow Jesus in this very sad world.  There are quite a few.  You might use them for reflection over the next days!  We want to follow Our Lady in her example of courage! Friday, September 16, 1983 “Pray, pray, pray! Do not be discouraged. Be in peace because God gives you the grace to defeat satan.” December 25, 2001 “Dear children! I call you today and encourage you to prayer for peace. Especially today I call you, carrying the newborn Jesus in my arms for you, to unite with Him through prayer and to become a sign to this peaceless world. Encourage each other, little children, to prayer and love. May your faith be an encouragement to others to believe and to love more. I bless you all and call you to be closer to my heart and to the heart of little Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.” December 25, 2004 “Dear children! With great joy, also today I carry my Son Jesus in my arms to you; He blesses you and calls you to peace. Pray, little children, and be courageous witnesses of Good News in every situation. Only in this way will God bless you and give you everything you ask of Him in faith. I am with you as long as the Almighty permits me. I intercede for each of you with great love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” September 25, 2011 “Dear children! I call you, for this time to be for all of you, a time of witnessing. You, who live in the love of God and have experienced His gifts, witness them with your words and life that they may be for the joy and encouragement to others in faith. I am with you and incessantly intercede before God for all of you that your faith may always be alive and joyful, and in the love of God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” November 25, 2015 “Dear children! Today I am calling all of you: pray for my intentions. Peace is in danger, therefore, little children, pray and be carriers of peace and hope in this restless world where Satan is attacking and tempting in every way. Little children, be firm in prayer and courageous in faith. I am with you and intercede before my Son Jesus for all of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” May 25, 2016 “Dear children! My presence is a gift from God for all of you and an encouragement for conversion. Satan is strong and wants to put disorder and unrest in your hearts and thoughts. Therefore, you, little children, pray so that the Holy Spirit may lead you on the real way of joy and peace. I am with you and intercede before my Son for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 25, 2017 “Dear children! Love, pray and witness my presence to all those who are far away. By your witness and example, you can draw closer the hearts that are far from God and His grace. I am with you and intercede for each of you so that, with love and resoluteness, you may witness and encourage all those who are far from my Immaculate Heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” November 25, 2018 “Dear children! This is a time of grace and prayer, a time of waiting and giving. God is giving Himself to you that we may love Him above everything. Therefore, little children, open your hearts and families, so that this waiting may become prayer and love and, especially, giving. I am with you, little children, and encourage you not to give up from what is good, because the fruits are seen and heard of afar. That is why the enemy is angry and uses everything to lead you away from prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.” March 25, 2020 “Dear children! I am with you all these years to lead you to the way of salvation. Return to my Son; return to prayer and fasting. Little children, permit God to speak to your heart, because Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness. You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer will be heard; God will hear your cries and give you peace. I am with you and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” July 25, 2020 “Dear children! In this peaceless time in which the devil is harvesting souls to draw them to himself, I am calling you to persevering prayer, so that in prayer you discover the God of love and hope. Little children, take the Cross in your hands. May it be your encouragement for love to always win, in a special way now when the Cross and faith are rejected. You be a reflection and an example with your lives that faith and hope are still alive and a new world of peace is possible. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son, Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 25, 2021 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to witness your faith in the colors of spring. May this be a faith of hope and courage. May your faith, little children, not waver in any situation, not even in this time of trial. Go courageously with the risen Christ towards Heaven, which is your goal. I am accompanying you on this way of holiness and am placing all of you in my Immaculate Heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” November 25, 2021 “Dear children! I am with you in this time of mercy and I am calling all of you to be carriers of peace and love in this world where, through me, little children, God is calling you to be prayer and love, and an expression of Heaven here on earth. May your hearts be filled with joy and faith in God; that, little children, you may have complete trust in His holy will. That is why I am with you, because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to the hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022

September 6, 2022 Reflection – A Word of Encouragement!

A Word of Encouragement September 6, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2022) Our Lady concluded her August 25, 2022 message with these words of encouragement: “You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you.” Not only is Our Lady with us, but God is with us!!!  What could we possibly fear?  But the enemy is a master at spreading fear and discouragement, so we have to stay close to our Mother!!! I want to share a story that Fr. Joe Freedy began his homily with yesterday at English Mass in Medjugorje (September 5, 2022)  I will transcribe it here, but also give you the link so you can hear it for yourselves!! ( Here us the link: ) Fr. Freedy told us this incredible story: I want to share this story with you because it provides so much encouragement for me in my prayers.  Sometimes we get discouraged.  And I want to say that the voice of God is always the voice of encouragement.  Never if discouragement. The devil’s voice is always the voice of discouragement and never encouragement.  The devil’s modus operandi, the way he works, is always the same.  He wants to get us discouraged and get us to despair.  That is what he is always leading to: discouragement and despair. What God wants to do is to encourage us and fill us with hope!  Amen! Yeah! So… my buddy, John, told this true story, that happened in Pittsburgh, in a little town called “Greentree”, which is right outside of Pittsburgh. His name is John Petrovich.  He is a very normal guy.  Just a good guy.  And he told me this story.  And I said, “John that is an amazing story, can I tell it?”  And He said, “Absolutely!”  And so I tell it everywhere I go. He was jogging one morning in a neighborhood that he is not used to jogging in.  And he saw an ambulance in somebody’s driveway.  And because he is a really good guy he thought – “Should I stop and see if everything is ok?”  But then he said to me, “You know, Fr. Joe, I am not a doctor and I didn’t know this person.  So I kept jogging.” And he said that as he passed by he said one “Hail Mary”.   He didn’t stop and fold his hands, and he didn’t get down on his knees.  He didn’t pray from the heart like we are taught to do.  He just prayed the “Hail Mary.”  Maybe some of you do that.  When I see an ambulance, because I am a priest, I give the ambulance and the people inside it a blessing.  And he said he just prayed one “Hail Mary”. He said, about a week later, he had thought nothing of it.  And he was jogging around the same neighborhood…this is a true story…And he heard a woman call out, “Hey, You!! Sir!”  And he said to me, “Fr. Joe, I just kept jogging because I didn’t know anybody in that neighborhood.”  And she said, “No, you, the jogger!!” And she was on her porch, pointing at me.  And he turned around and said, “Me?”  And she said, “Yah, you!”  And she said,” You saved my life!”  And he said, “Sorry, Ma’am, I don’t think we know each other. I’m not from this neighborhood.  I’m from a few neighborhoods over.” And she said (listen to this guys): “No I recognize your face.” She said, “Last week I had a stroke. And I was rushed to a hospital in the city of Pittsburgh. And I was in the hospital bed and I was dying.  I knew I was dying.  And Jesus appeared to me.  And He held out His hand. And your face was on the palm of His hand.   And He said, “You were going to die, but because of the prayer of this man, you are going to live.”  She recognized my friend’s face in the palm of Jesus’ hand! Folks!  How many hundreds of thousands of Hail Mary’s have you prayed?  How many hundreds of thousands of Rosaries have you prayed?  How many thousands of Hail Mary’s have you prayed just in your time here?  I just want to let you know, and for anybody who might be discouraged, that every time your turn your heart and your mind to Our Lord and to Our Lady, that they have heard your prayers!!  Amen!! There is no unanswered prayer.  Every prayer you have prayed, whether it is fully from your heart, though that is how we desire to pray, or whether it is just offered, a sigh of your heart, it has been heard because she is an attentive mother!  Amen! So don’t be discouraged!  Be encouraged!  Maybe some of you have had the thought that the situation I have been praying for is beyond the reach of God…It’s an impossible situation.  But we know that there is nothing that is impossible for our God! You have seen miracles in your life.  We have all seen miracles.  God can do it! Remember the Chronicles of Narnia!  C.S. Lewis.  The great scene where Aslan is down on the beach.  Aslan is the Lion. He is representative of Christ.  And there are two people talking, and one is a little bid discouraged.  And the older person says to the younger person, “Yes, things do look dark. Things do look bad.” Maybe we look out on the world and we think, things are dark, things are bad, the countries, the states and cities we are from, even our families are broken… But he says, “But listen, Aslan is on the move.”  Aslan is the Christ-figure.  I want to let you know that all the situations that you have come here to pray for, your children, your grandchildren, your marriages, your work situations, maybe your own depression, or your own physical infirmities…Aslan is on the move!  And if it seems like things are only getting darker, Aslan is on the move! God has a perfect plan!  Amen!  Be encouraged today.!!!! Well, thank you Fr. Joe! You are a man of encouragement!!  We are encouraged!!  We will pray for you as you spread the Good News through your priesthood!! Follow this link, and listen to Fr. Joe directly!!  His homily is anointed and wonderful!! “You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you.”  In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022

September 5, 2022 Reflection – I am with you and I intercede for you before my Son Jesus!

I am with you and I intercede for your before my Son Jesus!   September 5, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2022) Our Lady tells us she is with us often. She assures us that she is present and close to us, as a good mother is close to her children. And she has also told us that she intercedes for each one of us! This is so very comforting. She prays to God for us! “I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus!” But it occurred to me when I read these words in the August 25, 2022, message, that we have an incredible opportunity! Our Lady is with us! Indeed, she is with us in a very concrete manner in Medjugorje. She is actually there with us, through her apparitions, and I believe she is there all the time. It is a powerful dispensation for us, Medjugorje. Our Lady is with us constantly I believe. So, if she is with us there in this special way, we have a powerful connection with God through her. She says she intercedes for us! She stands before God and asks for all the things we need, but not just in heaven, but from earth. Mother speaks for us from Medjugorje! Why does that excite me? Because Our Lady is with us like Moses was with the twelve tribes in the desert, or Elijah was with the people pleading for rain on Mt. Carmel, or Joshua was with the Israelites at the battle of Jericho. She is with us, praying for us for deliverance from the bondages of the evil one in our day. And her intercession is more powerful than any intercessor who came before her. She is the Immaculate Conception, the Queen Mother, Mary the Mother of God! Her prayer will not be denied!! But in this battle we have a part to play. We must stand with her. We must live with bold faith and determination. We must convert, repent, choose God’s plan, and walk with her in the direction of paradise. We must be faithful! She will lead us. But we must keep our attention firmly planted on our Queen Mother as she intercedes for us and leads us forward! Here are three messages in which Our Lady has told us about her intercession and our part in her plan. Let’s live her words with renewed enthusiasm. These are the days of the Triumph! November 25, 2014 “Dear children! In a special way, today I am calling you to prayer. Pray, little children, so that you may comprehend who you are and where you need to go. Be carriers of the good news and be people of hope. Be love for all those who are without love. Little children, you will be everything and will achieve everything only if you pray and are open to God’s will – to God who desires to lead you towards eternal life. I am with you and intercede for you from day to day before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 25, 2015 “Dear children! I am with you also today to lead you to salvation. Your soul is restless because your spirit is weak and tired from all worldly things. You, little children, pray to the Holy Spirit that He may transform you and fill you with His strength of faith and hope, so that you may be firm in this battle against evil. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call…” July 25, 2020 “Dear children! In this peaceless time in which the devil is harvesting souls to draw them to himself, I am calling you to persevering prayer, so that in prayer you discover the God of love and hope. Little children, take the Cross in your hands. May it be your encouragement for love to always win, in a special way now when the Cross and faith are rejected. You be a reflection and an example with your lives that faith and hope are still alive and a new world of peace is possible. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son, Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Amen, Mother! Do not stop interceding for us! Lead us forward with hope to the Kingdom of Heaven! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV  

September 2, 2022 Reflection – Through personal peace, you build peace…

Through personal peace, you build peace… September 2, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world. (August 25, 2022) Mother wants us to be those who build peace all around them.  She needs us to be those who establish peace.  But she knows that true peace can only be shared if we actually live the peace that God gives.  Peace can only come from God.  No other program or system can establish peace.  Peace is a gift from God. Here are two messages that may move us in the direction of personal peace: February 25, 1991  “Dear children! Today, I invite you to decide for God, because distance from God is the fruit of the lack of peace in your hearts. God is only peace. Therefore, approach Him through your personal prayer and then live peace in your hearts and in this way peace will flow from your hearts like a river into the whole world. Do not talk about peace, but make peace. I am blessing each of you and each good decision of yours. Thank you for having responded to my call.” September 25, 2002  “Dear children! Also in this peaceless time, I call you to prayer. Little children, pray for peace so that in the world every person would feel love towards peace. Only when the soul finds peace in God, it feels content and love will begin to flow in the world. And in a special way, little children, you are called to live and witness peace – peace in your hearts and families – and, through you, peace will also begin to flow in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.” It is amazing to me that God can spread peace through each one of us, but only if we first accept His peace in our hearts and lives.  The work of peace is God’s work.  The home for peace is our hearts.  If we give the holy peace of God a home in our hearts, God will do the rest.  Peace will flow. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV  

September 1, 2022 Reflection – God permits me to…lead you on the way of peace!

God permits me to…lead you on the way of peace!   September 1, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace… (August 25, 2022) God has permitted Our Lady to be with us!!  And He has given her a special job.  She is to lead us on the way of peace.  This has been her mission from the beginning. She told the visionaries: Thursday, August 6, 1981 “I am the Queen of Peace.” And the word “peace” occurs at least 563 times in her messages! Truly, her task among us is to establish peace and she has not wandered from that task all these years.  We see that Our Lady’s work has been challenged at every step.  The forces of evil have seemingly increased their attacks upon the world, trying to inflict hatred and war upon us in every way possible.  But that should not surprise us.  The enemy of our souls has been challenged by the Queen of Peace.  She has been sent to lead us to peace, and she will not back down.  And so the battle is engaged! Our Lady gave us a powerful message in 2019, in which she outlined her battle plan.  She told us exactly how we can win this battle for peace.  As we begin to live her messages, and walk with her. we become strong in all the virtues and defeat the enemy of our souls. Our Lady is with us to lead us on the way of peace: June 2, 2019 “Dear children, only a pure and an open heart will make it such that you may truly come to know my Son and that all those who do not know His love may come to know it through you. Only love will make you comprehend that it is stronger than death because true love conquered death and made it so that death not exist. My children, forgiveness is the most exalted form of love. You, as apostles of my love, must pray that you be strong in spirit and that you could comprehend and forgive. You, apostles of my love, by understanding and forgiveness, are giving an example of love and mercy. To be able to comprehend and forgive is a gift for which it is necessary to pray, and to nurture it. By forgiveness you are showing that you know how to love. Just look, my children, how the Heavenly Father loves you with a great love, with understanding, forgiveness and justice – how He gives me, the Mother of your hearts, to you. And here I am among you to bless you with a motherly blessing, to call you to prayer, to fasting – to tell you to believe, to hope, to forgive, to pray for your shepherds, and above all to love without limits. My children, follow me. My way is the way of peace and love, the way of my Son. It is the way that leads to the triumph of my heart. Thank you.” Mother, we will follow you.  Take us upon the way of peace and love, the way of Jesus, the way that leads to the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart!!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV

August 31, 2022 Reflection – God permits me to be with you…

God permits me to be with you…   August 31, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “…God permits me to be with you…” (August 25, 2022) At intervals throughout these 41 years, Our Lady has reminded us that God is permitting her to be with us!  She is not a free agent!  Mother Mary wants only the Father’s will to be done in her. But she does have a free will, none the less.  And when she tells us that God permits her to be with us, I hear in those words her personal desire to be with us, which God honors with His permission! Our Lady loves us as her very own children.  And mother’s like nothing more than to be with their children!  It is a very strong feeling, which must be even stronger for someone as pure and holy as Mary.  She longs for her children.  And the Father, in His great mercy and love understands this and permits her to come to us in these difficult days. “…God permits me to be with you…” (August 25, 2022) This generous and moving permission should make us all feel so loved by God!!  Our Mother is with us!! Our Lady has spoken several times about this permission that she has received.  Each time is enlightening.  Here is a message from 1988 in which she told us of the Father’s permission: March 25, 1988 “Dear children! Today also I am inviting you to a complete surrender to God. Dear children, you are not conscious of how God loves you with such a great love because He permits me to be with you so I can instruct you and help you to find the way of peace. This way, however, you cannot discover if you do not pray. Therefore, dear children, forsake everything and consecrate your time to God and God will bestow gifts upon you and bless you. Little children, don’t forget that your life is fleeting like a spring flower which today is wondrously beautiful but tomorrow has vanished. Therefore, pray in such a way that your prayer, your surrender to God, may become like a road sign. That way, your witness will not only have value for yourselves but for all eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Our Lady loves us with a deep motherly love!  God the Father loves us with an even deeper fatherly love, and therefore he is sending Our Mother to us in these very frightful and difficult days so that we can find the way to peace!  Let us never lose sight of this incredible gift!  Mary is with us to draw us into eternal life, where there is endless peace!  And as we follow her, our lives will be like road signs for others, examples of how God’s love through Mary’s heart saves us! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV

August 30, 2022 Reflection – Listen to my messages!

Listen to my messages!   August 30, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! I want to begin prayerfully reflecting on the August 25, 2022 message with all of you, but I need more time with it.  Let’s ponder Our Lady’s message today, and open our hearts to her words.  She speaks with heavenly authority. In the Gospel today, Jesus rebukes an unclean spirit and it comes out of a man. And those who were present at the exorcism said to one another: “What is there about his word?”  (Lk 4:36)  Jesus spoke with authority!!  The Authority of God! Our Lady is not God, but she is very close to the Trinity!!  Sitting now so near them in Heaven!  And her words have a mother’s authority and a mother’s love.  We need her words!  She brings us close to Jesus!  Our Lady’s messages are a great gift! So let’s let this message sink in!! “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace,  you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you.  Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2022) Our Mother is with us!!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV

August 29, 2022 Reflection – Put prayer in the first place in your families!

Put prayer in the first place in your families!   August 29, 2022 The Passion of Saint John the Baptist Dear Family of Mary! “The Passion of Saint John the Baptist reveals that to die for the truth is not to die in vain. John the Baptist’s courageous preaching about the truth of marriage earned him imprisonment and death – but now he reigns gloriously with Christ who conquered death!” (From Magnificat, p 408, August 2022) When I read these words, I was struck with how things have not changed over 2000 years. Even today, God’s truth about the family is greatly opposed. And many have suffered for speaking the truth. Herod had married his brother’s wife. John the Baptist tried to persuade him to stop living in adultery but when that failed, God led him to proclaim it publicly. John was beheaded. Speaking the truth about marriage and the family continues to call forth animosity in our day. It is one of the issue that has torn our countries apart. Our Lady told Lucia of Fatima that “The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family…” Sr. Lucia revealed this to Cardinal Caffarra in one of her last letters (a letter that has since gone missing from the Vatican Archives). Don’t we see this today?  But she also said, “Don’t be afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue.”  And she concluded, “However Our Lady has already crushed its head.”  Our Lady in Medjugorje has been healing and strengthening marriages from the beginning of her apparitions.  How many families have been reunited and blessed!!  We will never have a count.  But the Five Stones are a roadmap for our families to grow in holiness and joy! It cannot be forgotten that Our Lady first appeared in Medjugorje on June 24, 1981, which is the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.  Her work in Medjugorje is associated with the prophetic work of St. John the Baptist.  And by extension to St. Elijah!  They both were prophets of the Lord declaring the truth to a fallen world.  And Our Lady has come today to take up their prophetic role for us. So today, on this feast day of the Passion of St. John the Baptist, let’s take up our weapons and fight for the sanctity of marriage, the family, and life: let’s pray the Rosary! Here are five of Our Lady’s messages in which she gives sound advice for the family. Use them as meditations during your Rosary: April 25, 1996 “Dear children! Today I invite you again to put prayer in the first place in your families. Little children, when God is in the first place, then you will, in all that you do, seek the will of God. In this way your daily conversion will become easier. Little children, seek with humility that which is not in order in your hearts, and you shall understand what you have to do. Conversion will become a daily duty that you will do with joy. Little children, I am with you, I bless you all and I invite you to become my witnesses by prayer and personal conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 25, 2005 “Dear children! Also today, I call you to renew prayer in your families. By prayer and the reading of Sacred Scripture, may the Holy Spirit, who will renew you, enter into your families. In this way, you will become teachers of the faith in your family. By prayer and your love, the world will set out on a better way and love will begin to rule in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.” January 25, 2020 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to pray even more, until you feel the holiness of forgiveness in your heart. There must be holiness in the families, little children, because there is no future for the world without love and holiness – because in holiness and joy, you give yourselves to God the Creator who loves you with immeasurable love. This is why He sends me to you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” March 25, 2020 “Dear children! I am with you all these years to lead you to the way of salvation. Return to my Son; return to prayer and fasting. Little children, permit God to speak to your heart, because Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness. You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer will be heard; God will hear your cries and give you peace. I am with you and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” December 25, 2006 (Jakov) “Today is a great day of joy and peace. Rejoice with me. Little children, in a special way, I call you to holiness in your families. I desire, little children, that each of your families be holy and that God’s joy and peace, which God sends you today in a special way, may come to rule and dwell in your families. Little children, open your hearts today on this day of grace, decide for God and put Him in the first place in your family. I am your Mother. I love you and give you my Motherly Blessing.” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV

Marija and Fr. Livio discuss the August 25, 2022 Message

A conversation between Maria and Fr. Livio about the August 25, 2022 Message! Dear friends, we have live Marjia from Medjugorje, who is about to give us the message of the Queen of Peace today the 25 August 2022. Hi Marija. Hello Father Livio! I greet with all my heart all listeners of Radio Maria. Today, August 25th, Our Lady gave us the following message: “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2022) L. So, Marjia this message of the month of August seems to me that like that of July! Both messages are based precisely on hope and on the optimism of the Faith; they are very encouraging. M. Yes, just as in her last message, Our Lady is a Woman who is coming to Medjugorje with her own title of “Queen of Peace” and brings us hope by telling us that God has allowed her to be with us and to guide us on the path of Peace. For many years, through communism, the world has been given till a fake peace in paganism which is going nowhere; while instead Our Lady is building Peace in God. She is with us to guide us on the way of peace and she as our Queen, as our Mother, intercedes before God for us. So, this is a message of hope. I deeply believe that during all these years without a future, humanity got lost, that’s why Our Lady is here with us to lead us on the right path, a new path and she urges us to be courageous because God is with us. F.L. I wanted to ask you, Our Lady often says: “God allows me to be with you”, so it is She herself who does the request to God. Sometimes she says, “God sent me” but sometimes it is She who insists on being present for so long. Is it really her request? Well, Father Livio, I think it’s the opposite. I believe it is not her (and I know Our Lady); I deeply believe that Our Lady is one with God’s will and if He has allowed her to be with us for such a long time it means that therefore it really is God’s Will to help and save this humanity going towards perdition. As she said: “You are building a world without God, return to God!” I think her presence is meant to build a better world. F.L. According to you Marjia, I don’t know if you can or cannot answer but, I wanted to ask you if Our Lady will do her daily apparitions even during the secrets. M. No, we don’t know it! Since with Jacob, Ivanka and Mirjana, Our Lady stopped her daily apparitions, it could happen with me as well. Since our time is not God’s time we don’t realize how long the apparitions really last. For example, sometimes when it seems to me that the apparition lasted an hour, in reality it was only 5 minutes; God works out of time, no need of time tracking! He is our time, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is Eternity and I believe that even when we think of the secrets we have God who is Himself a secret. Our Lady comes to tell us that we must not be afraid that here on earth we are on our way to Heaven and She wants to guide us on the path of Peace. How many, too many people today have no peace, they are schizophrenic, sick, obsessed, looking for yoga practices, some gymnastics as a means of relaxation. Our Lady is leading us to this very thing: “Return to God!” She told us many times without God we have no peace and we do not find inner balance. There, where many times we worry about material things, forgetting the spiritual need of which our soul, body and mind are in need, we must return to prayer and trust, as Our Lady has been doing with us from the very beginning. F.L. And anyway let’s leave this perspective of the future to God, which seems the best thing to do. I wanted to tell you Marjia that I see that Our Lady involves us very personally. In the July message she had told us that we are able to bring people closer to his Son through our lives and now she says more or less the same thing by saying that it is through our personal peace that we can truly build peace in the world, that is, however, our personal commitment is always required. Yes, yes, because Our Lady wants this personal commitment of the encounter with God and if I commit myself to meet Him I begin willingly and with joy to accept His project as a gift which is part of this great project for all humanity. As in one of her messages she told us that: “I want to offer you as a big bouquet to my Son Jesus” so I am beginning to think that each one of us is different and our richness is to be found in our unique variety of colors that we also find in heart-shaped flowers or sunflowers for example. This is why Our Lady is inviting us to seek peace, the peace that comes from God directed into the heart of man. When we have found it, we will begin to be a sign to others who will say: “But you are so joyful, you have peace in your heart, but what have you done?” At that point we’ll become peacemakers. F.L. Marjia, I wanted to refer to the experience you had on the 26th I think or the 25th of June 1981 when you got the message of Peace. However, Our Lady specified that first of all we must make peace with God, be reconciled with God, then we thus can be bearers of peace also among men; our peace with God is therefore the first step to take. Exactly, first comes personal conversion by making peace with God, returning to God. Our Lady very clearly says to abandon sin and begin the path of holiness through one good confession and as you know Medjugorje was officially declared the biggest confessional of the world where people, and we see it every day, begin a new life with God leaving behind a negative past, lived in sin. It happens in Medjugorje, as in no other part of the world, that many people commit themselves by writing letters to Our Lady telling her that they want to start a new life, and after arrogance, overbearance, self-praise, a sensitivity of their heart begins and leads the person himself to yearn to embrace holiness, conversion, prayer, living the Holy Mass, the sacraments and in a very concrete way therefore the soul becomes more sensitive toward others as well. F.L. Of course Marjia, we have always heard from you right from the very beginning that Our Lady is here as Queen of Peace and that through the tribulations of the present moment and also of the future times, she will nevertheless be able to bring the world towards a time of peace. How do you describe this time of peace in which Our Lady wants to take us. We see it through this message: “God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world.” To me this is a plan of God that allows her to stay with us and guide us to Paradise, where in order to be peace makers there must be no war or disorder, discord and arrogance. I remember when the war in Ukraine started, we felt the need to do something concrete in addition to prayer to be able to stop it. Even today, like every day, we continue to pray for peace because we know that man cannot reach it alone since it is a gift of God that we receive in our heart. Without God we will arm ourselves increasingly and selfishness and arrogance will not only physically and spiritually destroy us but also the history of a whole population is canceled through the pulling down of museums, schools… There is no longer even respect for the dead and man has become more like a beast, and this is terrible. For this it is that I believe Our Lady has been here for so long to guide us to become more sensitive people, loving God above all things and their neighbor as themselves. F.L. And in any case, for there to be peace in the world, at least the majority of men around the world must convert, otherwise there could not be. Exactly and Our Lady is with us to guide us. F.L. Do you think that many will convert? M. I see many people who have returned to God, not yet enough, but Our Lady is like a drop after another drop that pierces the stone and with her Son Jesus is doing a good job for us, inside our hearts and with many faithful she calls to herself. This we see through the sensitivity of so many converted hearts who desire to do good. This is the most impressive thing. F.L. Of course, of course! However, it’s a very long job Marjia, it will take many decades, many years for this change of hearts to take place or will it be a particular moment???…. I think that it’s showing already right now, for example, during the youth festival how many people have shown the beauty of their faith before the Blessed Sacrament, in not wanting to leave it. This has also happened to me, the fact that I also didn’t want to leave nor move away even if I felt thirsty and hungry, but nothing mattered; the important thing was to stay there. In the evening there was a moment when some lights were coming from the altar and not only illuminated my face but also touched my heart as they arrived through the hands of the priest thinking of Jesus. Many other things we have seen and take as signs of the Lord who is also helping us to better understand the beauty of our faith. F.L. Yes, however, in the end we must always get to the point that is to say that God could not give us a greater gift than the daily presence of Our Lady M. Exactly, I agree with you Father Livio, because as Our Lady tells us God has allowed her to be among us! This can be considered one of the greatest gifts that the Lord has been able to grant to this poor lost humanity. We have no idea how many prayer groups are in the world, how many people and how many hearts that were touched by the presence of Our Lady and her messages! This itself is an incredible miracle. F.L. And we must say that even in the West it seems that in part or in good part there is a world without God; but in reality there are minorities of believers who are growing everywhere; we see this not only there in Medjugorje but that is, Our Lady has sown and now the shoots are growing. M. There is a forest that is silently growing, through the constant prayer, for the love for God and this is why I am saying that we mustn’t be so negative. This is also what our Lady is telling us tonight: God is with us, she is with us, what are we afraid of? We ought not to be afraid! F.L. Yes, yes we could not have had a greater gift together with the Eucharist to have the gift of Our Lady. They both are such an invincible power. M. Thank Heaven, thank Heaven. It is exactly like that because I deeply believe that each and every day we are starting to realize the greatness of the gift that Our Lord has left us also through his life, death and resurrection that we are not aware of yet. In these last centuries we have seen many apparitions, Our Lady of Guadalupe comes to my mind, this continuous sign of her presence imbued in this cloth it moves my heart as in so many other situations in our church here in Medjugorje where the Lord leaves us powerful and permanent signs! Who could have ever imagined that Our Lady would come and stay with us for such a long time. We have become adults together with her and She is not leaving us, she guides us, she gives us hope, she is the one who is showing us the light for our journey. F.L. As you told me before, I came to this conclusion that during these past two or three years, due to the lack of presence of faithful because of covid, there is now a significant presence back there in Medjugorje which really is an extraordinary flowering! Like a new and an eternal spring coming back, that is, time passes but Medjugorje is increasingly alive. M. And not only that Father Livio. I also think of the people who return to Medjugorje where they’ve previously met one big family! Yes Our Lady’s family is so powerful; it doesn’t matter if it’s Our Lady of Lourdes or Fatima, Guadalupe or elsewhere, but She is our Mother, our Queen and we are all there, under her Mantle we feel safe. I think each of us feels really proud to be one of her children. Today a lady showed me this chain she wears on her wrist as a symbol of servitude and belonging to our Lady and it is like that for many people who in their own little ways are dedicated and open to a plan she has over each one of us. On Apparition Hill there is a group that is reciting the “thousand Hail Marys” as a sign of thanking our Mother while the adoration and prayers will continue throughout the night in our parish. They are the invisible souls as I already mentioned, this forest which is reinvigorating itself in the silence and the awareness that we are “Our Lady’s extended hands”. This is nice because even while we sleep there is someone who prays, adores, loves Jesus above all things; this is the hope for the future. We also have to understand that Our Lady has called us to become the apostles of her love and this must be for us a reason for holy pride but also working for Our Lady which becomes the real meaning of our life because we understand the importance of her plan. Yes, and we feel important because she is talking to us as we are her own and God’s children. This is the thing that gives us joy. With this I would also like to say that as often as we feel we are God’s children, we don’t have to fear neither the coming secrets nor the future’s events nor the evil because God is with us. M. There are prayer groups, Father Livio there are prayer groups. F.L. Therefore, I wanted to tell you Marjia how can we go against the mainstream and be strong in the faith? M. When Our Lady asked since the beginning to form prayer groups and to help each other like those droplets that turn into a great sea, I believe that the real help is precisely this. I see those groups supporting one another especially when they are in difficulty, for example if one loses his job then they are a real helping hand. This is why I don’t give so much importance to negative facts. We must live our life in a favorable way with our hope as believers in one God who is not only dead but also Risen, Risen for each of us. F.L. Marjia, you said something very important, because in today’s world many persons feel a little lonely and unfortunately the parish does not always manage to fulfill the needs of the community. It is very important that even Marian Christians, just as you said it well, through prayer groups, family meetings and initiatives, help each other because it is much more difficult to move forward if you are alone. M. But I noticed that the “Pilgrim Madonna” as they call it, in other words the statue of our Lady that goes from house to house as a way to a real commitment into the return to prayer which is the same concept as how Radio Maria was born through volunteers who started to call and invite people to go back to parishes. When I was little, communism was also well organized. They communicated through some of their representatives and it worked very well. Same concept for the prayer groups. I notice that they are helping each other by getting to know people better, besides praying together and little by little the confidence and each person’s problem comes out for whom friendship and brotherhood is built. F.L. This is how we help each other in doing good. So we become exactly what Our Lady says: “my extended hands out in this world”. Even if we are elderly, our life has a meaning, becoming a living prayer that has no walls or limits even from our own bed, if we are sick, it has a whole meaning and the fruits arrive where they are most needed. For our young people, the elderly, the sick, for those in hospital, for the desperate, we have so many intentions that we could pray day and night and I say that it is by praying that we learn how to pray. F.L. Of course. Marjia, so you saw our Lady tonight (laugh from Marjia who says: (“exactly Our Lady of Hope, we are desperate but She is our Lady of hope”), (Father Livio also laughs with her), so tell us was she worried, was she serene, how was she tonight? M. She was beautiful because she came bringing the Light from Heaven and when I looked at her I melted and I seemed to fade away because her presence is always a great joy. A wave, a breath of Heaven! We can only say thanks to God. F.L. Tell us, when she comes what does she say: “Praise Jesus Christ”? M. Always, and we reply: “May Jesus and Mary always be praised.” And she smiles. F.L. (Father Livio smiles) As always did you ask her for the message?. M. As always F.L. What did you tell her? M. As always, if she has a message that we are here to hear it. F.L. Marjia when you present the prayer intentions before or during the visit, how does Our Lady listen to you? M. She listens, looks at us not only at me but also at those present, many times she prays over us, sometimes she answers our questions. F.L. But does she also look at the little notes you put in the basket? M. They are there, surely she looks at them, she doesn’t start reading them but she looks at them, we talk to her about them. F.L. Can she keep everything in her mind? M. Yes, yes! Our Lady, as in Cana of Galilee, when she saw that there was no wine she said: “Do whatever he tells you.” She is very attentive to each of us and nothing escapes her eyes, which is why I believe that God has done a great job by sending her among us. F.L. Once you told me that when you talk to Our Lady, She listens to you with her heart. M. Yes she does F.L. Does she understand you? M. Not only that, but she also listens and with so much love, with the heart and with a dedication to each of us as if we were only children – like an attentive, warm, loving mother, and when we are with her, even if there are a thousand or a million of us, for her each of us is an only child. F.L. Well, yesterday I went over an interview you had here on Radio Maria. I would like to ask you the same question again and that is: “Did Our Lady sometimes reprimand you”? M. Yes, Father Livio! Let’s not go into that!! Let’s end this conversation! (laughter from both of them). F.L. Do you know that just you saying these things here makes the apparition become present to the listeners who appreciate a lot! In brief you make very alive the person who is Our Lady. Do you remember what Father Slavko said, that the most beautiful message of Our Lady is her very presence. M. Exactly, Our Lady represents Heaven and we are aware of understanding it, we are unworthy instruments, but we do our best to be able to say: “Lord here we are.” Let us try to be good soldiers who respond with the heart to the invitation that Our Lady is giving us. The most important thing is that people respond with an open heart and embrace her message. Then the Lord does the rest. F.L. Very well Marjia you said some beautiful things and I thank you very much. I do my job of asking you questions, then what you can answer you do it so well and thank you so much.| M. However, at this moment I believe that the most wonderful thing is to be united in prayer with humility by listening to what Our Lady tells us, on this journey that has allowed us to fall in love with her and through her who is leading us to her Son Jesus. I wish it for each of you and for this I pray every day. F.L. Thanks with the heart Marjia and remind us to Our Lady every now and then. M. With all my heart and I send you a big kiss from Medjugorje from all who are here right now. F.L. Then let’s end with the prayer. In the name of the Father ….”My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord …Blessings  

August 26, 2022 Reflection – Marija and Fr. Livio talk about the message!

  August 26, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! On August 25, 2022, after receiving the message, Marija had a long telephone conversation with Fr. Livio! They talked about the message and many other things about Our Lady! Our shipmate, Marina Massa has translated their conversation for us, and I have saved it as a PDF! Here it is for you to open and read! August 25, 2022 Conversation between Fr. Livio and Marija I must say that Marija’s relationship with Our Lady is just wonderful!! I love to hear her share about Mother Mary! God bless you all! Enjoy this transcript! Here again is the message that Our Lady gave to us today, August 25, 2022 through Marija: “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace, so that through personal peace, you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2022) In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV