Day: October 21, 1981

October 21, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

With respect to Fr. Jozo who is awaiting sentence from the court. Vicka: Dear Gospa, I know that you do not have the spirit of vengeance, but try nevertheless to bring certain people to reason, so that they might judge impartially. “Jozo looks well and he greets you warmly. Do not fear for Jozo. He is a saint, I have already told you.” Will Jozo be condemned? “Sentence will not be pronounced this evening. Do not be afraid, he will not be condemned to a severe punishment. Pray only, because Jozo asks from you prayer and perseverance. Do not be afraid because I am with you.” (Wednesday, October 21, 1981)

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.