Day: August 16, 2016

The New Ark of the Covenant

       (c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016 JMJ August 16, 2016 St. Stephen of Hungary Dear Family of Mary! I am lingering over the power of the Feast of the Assumption.  I want to share the homily given by Fr. Leon Pereira yesterday in Medjugorje, at English Mass.  He covers the Scriptural basis for Our Lady’s Assumption.  It gives me such peace to know more and more about Our Lady.  Maria Assumpta, ora pro nobis!! Fr. Leon Pereira – Homily on August 15, 2016 – The Assumption: How would you like to be remembered after you are gone? It depends, I suppose on who you leave behind, and what they recall about you. And often enough, what people say about us is not the fine-tuned version that we would like to publicize about ourselves. People’s memories are selective. Now the remembering of our dead is the best that a world that does not know Christ can muster. The pagans set up memorials because the only thing you can leave the world is the memory of you before you departed for the world of wraiths and shadows. And even today people will say things like “Our dead ones will live on in our memories.” Now if that is true, then they are the most pitiable of all. Because they have a half-life that will depend on our vague and befuddled memories. The dead do not live on in our memories. And Christ is no shadow, no wraith, not ghost. He says to his disciples after His resurrection, “Handle me and see, a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” That is why we do not have relics of Christ as such, but only of the things that came into contact with Him. The relics of His Passion, the burial cloths, the nails, the crown of thorns and the other implements of His Passion and Death. And you see that this is also true of Our Lady. The early Christians avidly collected the bones and blood of the martyrs the way modern people might collect a piece of the Berlin Wall or a lock of Elvis’ hair. The early Christians never claimed to have a relic of Our Lady. Of the body of Our Lady. Instead they said that Our Lady was no longer on the earth. Certainly not in her spirit, but not in her body either. Collecting the relics of saints and martyrs makes a lot of sense. Far more sense indeed than collecting pieces of the Berlin Wall, or of Elvis or a photograph of so-called celebrities. Real celebrities, those who ought to be celebrated, are the Saints of Christ. And when we celebrate Our Lady, we do not celebrate a memory. Mary is not a shadow. She is complete. She is alive, she is not dead. By the power of the Resurrection of her Son, she is risen! In his Gospel, Luke presents Our Lady as a box, to be precise, as the Ark of the Covenant. I hope you know what the Ark of the Covenant is. Thank about “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, the very first film. The box like things with the two angels over it, with handles on either side, and the Spirit of God rested over it, and anyone who touched it was likely was zapped to death. Do you remember? That is the Ark of the Covenant. Luke portrays Our Lady as the Ark. The Scriptures tell us that the Ark held three things (Hebrews 9:4). They are all symbols of Jesus. First, the Ten Commandments were kept inside the Ark. The two stone tablets that God gave to Moses, the covenant that God had made with His people. But Jesus, we know, is the mediator of the new and eternal covenant. Jesus is like the new set of stone tablets (Hebrews 9:15). Second, it held Manna, the Bread from Heaven that God fed His people with in the desert. But Jesus is the true and living Bread from Heaven. He, Himself, tells us (John 6:14-15). And third. It contains Aaron’s staff, the one which budded and flowered. This was the sign that God had picked Aaron to be high priest. But Jesus is the High Priest, the shoot sprouting from the stump of Jesse (Isiah 11:1) The contents of the old Ark prefigure Jesus. So the thing containing these things, the Ark itself, prefigures Mary. It is a symbol of Mary before she, herself, had arrived. The old Ark contained the Old Covenant. Mary, the new Ark, contains the New Covenant. And just as the old Ark was overshadowed by the Glory of God (Exodus 14: 34), so Mary is overshadowed by the power of the Most High (Luke 1: 35). King David, we are told, lept and danced before the Ark when it came to Him (2 Samuel 6: 12-16). Likewise, (you just heard it now in the Gospel) John the Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb when she hears the sound of Mary’s greeting (Luke 1:41). And then the old Ark stayed in the house of Obed-edom for three months, and it caused increased fertility in that family (2 Samuel 6:11) and how long did Mary stay in Elizabeth’s house? “And she stayed with her three months” (Luke 1: 56) And what happens? The whole reason Elizabeth is pregnant is because of Mary and Jesus. The whole reason Zachariah regains his speech, in fact the whole reason he was struck dumb in the first place, is all because of what is going on with Mary and Jesus. King David says when the Ark comes to him in Jerusalem, “Who am I that the Ark should come to me?” (2 Samuel 6:9). Likewise, again you just heard it, what does Elizabeth say when Mary comes to her? “Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43) In other words, Luke is telling us clearly that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant. Mary is the Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant. Now what happened to the original Ark is a mystery. It is not in someone’s cellar in the United States after Indiana Jones rescued it. The songs in Jeremiah say it was lost. And they prophesied that it would be superseded at the coming of the Messiah (Jeremiah 3: 16). A later legend says that Jeremiah hid the Ark at Mount Nebo (2 Maccabees 4:8). The loss of the Ark is a great blow to the people of Israel. For the Ark was the guarantee of the special presence of God with His people. Wherever the Ark was, their God was there in a special way. But in Jesus God was present in a special way. Jesus is God made Man. God made flesh. So in Mary, the Ark of the Covenant, God is fully present in space and time. Mary is the guarantee that God has become a human being, that God is present to His people. And this time forever. The old Ark is gone. It’s lost. But this new Ark, it is fitting that the new Ark should never be lost as the old one was. And so the Book of Revelation tells us that Mary is associated with celestial powers. It says that Mary is clothed with the sun, she is standing on the moon, crowned with twelve stars, and juxtaposes her with the old Ark. Revelations 11 ends by saying, “There was thunder and lightning, a peel of thunder, and the Ark of God was seen in heaven. And a great sign appeared in Heaven: A Woman clothed with the Sun, standing on the Moon, crowned with twelve Stars. And she cried aloud in the travail of birth.” Mary is shown with all these things to show us that she is the new Ark and that she is removed from the changeability of this world. She is in God’s world because she is faithful to His covenant forever and Jesus’ sign that He is faithful forever to us. Mary, through Christ, is the first fruits that has been glorified and made fully alive through the power of Jesus’ resurrection. And we, according to the Book of Revelation, we are the other children of the Woman clothed with the Sun because we belong to Christ and await His coming in glory. Those who are faithful to the Son she gives birth to. And He has never allowed His mother, this Ark to be destroyed because the covenant He makes with us lasts forever. He has prepared a place of rest for this woman who bore the Son, and more than that, both the Gospel of St. John and the Book of Revelation make clear, we Christians are given a great thing, we are given Our Lady as our Mother. A living, bodily Mother. Not a ghost, not a spirit, not a memory, but a resurrected woman, fully alive. I asked you at the start how you would like to be remembered when you are dead. I don’t want to be remembered, I want to be resurrected. So that I can put my arms around Our Lady and tell her how beautiful she is, and how much I love her. And I can only do that if I have a body. Mary is not remembered, she is resurrected. And she is alive in Christ, and she is your mother, even more than your own mother can be to you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Oh Mary, Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2016

August 16, 2016

 Thank you, dear Gospa, for your presence in Medjugorje!! August 16, 2016 Dear Apostles of Mary, MaryTV’s shipmates sailing with Our Lady upon the digital sea, “God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen…A great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars…” (Rev 11:19 – 12:1). The Book of Revelations is being fulfilled today! Our Lady came again today in Medjugorje wearing a crown of twelve stars. “Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”   Our Lady is crushing his head.  “This time is my time,” she’s told us in her messages! Satan has no time left. Thank you for joining Mary TV’s team, helping us spread her messages.They are like life preservers from heaven for us. “My children, listen to me. I speak for your salvation!” And thank you for helping us spread the news of her presence with us: “Dear children! My real, living presence among you should make you happy because this is the great love of my Son. He is sending me among you so that, with a motherly love, I may grant you safety!” (July 2, 2016).  Lebanese inter-faith leaders at a meeting in Lebanon Hope in the interfaith dialogue held recently in Medjugorje: (From Cindy) Hi Dennis!! Peace and Blessings! Thank You and Cathy for all you do for Our Lady! Just a special note to thank you for Mary TV and your connection to the joy that is happening in Medjugorge!  I have been sick of late and went to the site to connect with others in prayer. As I watched Tea with Rosie, and the leaders of three faiths coming together to pray for peace tears fell down my cheeks. My mom was Greek Orthodox, and the diferences in religions affected my family in so many ways.  My dad suffered so much hurt the way his church treated his bride. He would say to me, “I’m not mad at God, its that church.” My mom went to Mass with us and became a friend of Fr. Farrell, OFM C.A.P. She became involved in the Charismatic Renewal and we attended a FIRE conference and were blessed with my dad’s return to church a week later on Easter Sunday, the year before my mom died. It was with Great Joy I saw all the faiths come together to pray for peace!  What Joy there must be in heaven!! Watching I half felt I was there because Medjugorje’s Peace and Joy filled my soul and being all the way here in Michigan! God willing someday I will get there in physical presence!! Thank you, thank you both for your faithfulness! Thank you for telling the messages as you talk. What freedom. The prayer at the end, the novena prayer, lifted me so!  I feel like this ministry is leaving the devil no place to be but hell because everyone has access to the light through Mary Tv. Holy Hugs to you both!! Cindy   Thanks again to President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic! President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović on Tea with Rosie! (from Linda) Thank you so much for this amazing update on what is going on in Medjugorje.  What a wonderful blessing to have the different faiths come together in Mary’s special place to discuss & pray for peace….wow !!  I really enjoyed the interview with the Croatian President.  Our country’s leaders should take a “page out of her play book” and learn to turn to God for help…Good for her !  Thanx again Denis….  Linda from New Jersey More encouragement: Good Morning from California – Thank you Denis for your messages and updates.  I loved reading about the “rosary potter” – she gave me inspiration today –  Every donation is so important and valuable.  I was a 1 time a year donation person but I chose today to be a monthly giver.  It’s so simple with the PayPal system and I can afford a bit more when it is a small amount each month charged on my visa.  Thank you to everyone who works to spread the good news and graces of Medjugorje. Today I feel so happy to be able to help you through this donation & in thanksgiving to our Holy Mother & Father for their intercessions in our world and daily lives. Many blessings to all, Julie – California girl August 11, 2016 PRAISE be to GOD for MaryTV’s ABSOLUTE, AMAZING Love of the LORD!!! What you have given me, through GODS GRACE, leaves me ASTOUNDED!!!  THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for your time energy and the LOVE of “OUR LORD” that you bring to me and GIVE me SOOOOOO much!!!! I don’t even know the words to describe it!!!!  But please know MaryTV is in my PRAYERS ALWAYS, in this life and the NEXT!!!!!!  THANK YOU BOTH and ALL your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Advertising in your local news paper: (from Diana) The ad will appear in August. Paper then in July as people are on vacation. Will begin in August and as I can place it. Using your logo ad you sent me (and is on the web page). The color photo Theresa Toronto sent would require 1/2 page and hundreds of dollars to run once. Sorry. Please pray that the ad results in increased viewers in this area and increase in donations for marytv. Thanks for reading Matthew 6:24-34 on Thursdays as Our Lady requested many years ago. Had it printed ALL CAPS above my name on checks and you can’t imagine the number of times people have asked about it. What year did She ask us to read that on Thursdays? I think I put it on my checks in 1984. Been there a long time. Diana Update on Fr. Leon’s Domincan habit: August 12, 2016 Dearest Denis and Cathy! I finally found the perfect material for Father Leon. The last material I brought for him last time was lovely he sad but still too hot. I’ve emailed him about what else I should buy and I do know what he wants. What I have found is a perfect lightweight moister wicking polyester with a upf of 30 in the perfect color (polyester in ivory is hard to find by that one factor alone). It is a miracle I found it but the only problem is it will cost $65. I don’t have enough to pay for it. Do you think you could find a donor for it? OR I can pay someone back in a month or so for it. We will also need to find someone who will take it to Medjugorje. I can mail it to anyone and I have the money to mail it. Please let me know what you think! Thank you very much for the rosary today. The quotes from St. Jane, along with your hearts praying, helped me trust more in my prayer to let the Holy Spirit do all the work 🙂 And I’m not just saying pretty words, it really did!  hehehe God Bless you! Love, Traci (Note from Denis: please let us know if you hear of anyone going to Medjugorje who might be willing to bring the material with them…. Thanks.  Also, we have received several donations for Fr. Leon’s robes, so we don’t need more donations for that.  We will be having two winter robes made and sent to him as well! Thanks to all! And If you haven’t yet heard Traci’s testimony, it is “Fruit of Medjugorje” episode # 215 found at <>)! More Feedback about the Youth Festival:  Oh my goodness! I just finished watching the live stream of the Cenacola play and it was awesome. Thank you for making it possible. It was as if I was sitting in Medjugorje watching the beautiful talent of those souls! The scenery, the music, the dancing, the costumes, the acting and the heart of it all was just as good if not better than any Hollywood presentation! Thank you ALL who had anything to do with the production!! May the Lord bless, protect and guide you all the days of your lives! Donna B. For those who wish to donate to Mary TV here is the information:   PayPal Donation Link Vanco Services Donation Link And checks can be sent to this address: Mary TV P.O. Box 899 Notre Dame, IN 46556 (Make checks payable to “Mary TV”)Thank you so much and God bless you! Denis PS. Don’t miss Fr. Leon’s homily yesturday in Medjugorje: And in regard to the importance of the Solemnity of the Assumption, see Cathy’s April 12, 2016 and August 14, 2016 reflections, found at Did you know in his book, The World’s First Love, published in 1952, Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that within three decades of the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption, (1950) God would send the remedy for the devastation caused by atheistic humanism that had destroyed the faith in so many parts of the world…. The remedy that is being sent by heaven is Our Lady’s call from Medjugorje! PPS. Michael is leading another Medjugorje pilgrimage, October 3 through October 14th. Airline tickets are cheap right now (and the weather in October is the most beautiful time of year).   Call Michael before his pilgrimage fills up. Michael Nolan, Tel 574 335 – 9952, email: <[email protected]> MISSION STATEMENT: MARY TV is a lay apostolate founded to put at the Gospa’s service (Our Lady’s service) modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje – and her school in Medjugorje – to the world. “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”  Saint John Paul II Be connected!  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.