Day: November 28, 2016

Silence and recollection of spirit.

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016   J.M.J. November 28, 2016 Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! Also today, I am calling you to return to prayer. In this time of grace, God has permitted me to lead you towards holiness and a simple life – that in little things you discover God the Creator; that you fall in love with Him; and that your life be a thanksgiving to the Most High for everything He is giving you. Little children, in love, may your life be a gift for others and God will bless you; but you, witness without interest – out of love for God. I am with you and intercede before my Son for all of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (November 25, 2016) I am struck with the simplicity of this message. Our Lady does not call us to approach God through long hours of study. She tells us that God is allowing her to lead us towards holiness and a simple life! This is something she can do so well! Our Lady is so holy, and so simple. And she shines with the joy of heaven! St. Faustina understood Our Lady’s simplicity as well. At the beginning of Advent, 1937, St. Faustina wrote this: Advent is approaching. I want to prepare my heart for the coming of the Lord Jesus by silence and recollection of spirit, uniting myself with the Most Holy Mother and faithfully imitating Her virtue of silence, by which she found pleasure in the eyes of God Himself. I trust that by Her side, I will persevere in this resolution. (Diary 1398) St. Faustina desired to be united with Our Lady, to stay very close to her, so that she could grow in holiness. It was Our Lady’s silence and recollection of spirit that Faustina wanted to imitate. I believe that the simple life that Our Lady offers us is that life of silence and recollection, a life in which we ponder and wonder at everything in creation, because it is all a gift of the Father. I propose that we all pray as St. Faustina did, so that this Advent will be one prolonged prayer of thanksgiving to God for all He has done for us, and a silent preparation for the coming of Jesus. What could be better!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2016

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.