Day: January 8, 2017

January 8, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017 Dear Family of Mary TV: “A People Awakened”, one of the first films on Medjugorje done by a professional film crew (filmed in Medjugorje in January, 1983) for which Mary TV’s Tom Matasso served as Technical Director – will air tonight (Sunday, Jan 8th) on Mary TV’s channel at 5:36pm EDT and later tonight at 12:13am EDT, (i.e., thirteen minutes past midnight)….and tomorrow morning (Monday morning) at 7:30am EDT and again at 9:30am …. Thank you for your support that keeps us sailing on the digital sea! God bless you! Denis MISSION STATEMENT: MARY TV is a lay apostolate founded to put at the Gospa’s service (Our Lady’s service) modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje – and her school in Medjugorje – to the world. “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”  Saint John Paul II Be connected!  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.