Day: June 12, 2017

“You are not alone. I am with you!”

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. June 12, 2017 Dear Family of Mary! October 02, 2016 “Dear children, the Holy Spirit, according to the Heavenly Father, made me the mother – the mother of Jesus – and by this alone, also your mother. That is why I am coming to hear you, that I may open my motherly arms to you; to give you my heart and to call you to remain with me, because from the top of the cross my Son entrusted you to me…” Our Lady understands the Trinity better than any theologian, any scholar, any teacher, any mystic. At the Annunciation, she encountered the Three-ness of God in such a spectacular way!! The Father sent Gabriel to ask Mary to be the Mother of His Son, and then sent the Holy Spirit to make it so! And Jesus was conceived! Mary was so close to God at that moment, and ever since! She teaches us about the Trinity. One of the things she has been teaching us since the early days of her coming to Medjugorje is that we are not alone. “That is why I am coming to hear you, that I may open my motherly arms to you; to give you my heart and to call you to remain with me, because from the top of the cross my Son entrusted you to me…” She opens her motherly arms to us, to draw us into her love. She tells us that she is with us, and so we are not alone. “Do not be afraid, you are not alone, I am with you.” (April 2, 2016) “Do not be afraid. I am here. You are not alone.” (September 2, 2013) “Do not be afraid, you are not alone. Give me your hands and I will lead you.” (April 2, 2012) “You are not alone; I am with you and intercede before my Son Jesus for you.” (May 25, 2017) “You are not alone; I am with you through the grace which the Most High gives me for you and your descendants.” (March 25, 2017) One of the most powerful graces of Medjugorje, I believe, is the experience of not being alone. Pilgrims experience the sensation of being home in Medjugorje, of being with family, of having a sense of communion with others that they do not experience elsewhere. It is a beautiful sensation. I believe that Our Lady’s presence creates this wonderful sensation of not being alone. But I think she brings us into the same experience of love she is having, due to the presence of God! I believe the experience of not being alone is actually an experience of the Trinity. You see, our God is Three Persons. He is never alone. He is a Communion of Persons that never stops, and never fails, and always delights. Love is the very essence of the Trinity. God is never alone. And we are made in the image of God, so we long for that communion of persons. But in our sinfulness and brokenness, it rarely exists for us. We do not want to be alone, but we are divided from one another by sin. In fact, hell is that complete loneliness, isolation and division that Satan chose for himself. And this is what he constantly tries to do to us, cut us off and make us completely alone. No love, no communion, no delight in the other, only loneliness and rejection. But we are built to long for love and communion and that is exactly what God is! And Mary is with us to lead us into the eternal experience of being loved and loving. She wants that for us. And she is with us to accomplish it. We are not alone! We are children of God, and we have a future full of joy, because God is Trinity!! And Mary is with us to draw us into our heavenly home where we will never be alone. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.