Day: August 16, 2017

My Son is always with you…

(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. August 16, 2017 St. Stephen of Hungary Dear Family of Mary! Here is a beautiful message from Our Lady in which she spoke very deeply about our relationship to the Jesus in the Eucharist: May 02, 2016 “Dear children, my motherly heart desires your true conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread love and peace to all those who surround you. But, my children, do not forget: each of you is a unique world before the Heavenly Father. Therefore, permit the continuous working of the Holy Spirit to work on you. Be my spiritually pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change. It is only that many of my children have forgotten it. My children, my words are neither old nor new, they are eternal. Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times, to ‘gather the shattered crosses’ and to be apostles of the revelation. Thank you.” In this message Our Lady encourages us to be centered on our relationship with Jesus through receiving Him in the Eucharist. She says, “Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew.” How often do I forget that Jesus has come to me in the Eucharist? How long do I adore Him in my heart after Holy Communion? Do I realize that Jesus comes to break bread with me and bring the Father and the Holy Spirit with Him, to dwell in my heart? St. Faustina wrote about her experience of receiving Holy Communion: 486. Jesus, when You come to me in Holy Communion, You who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, have deigned to dwell in the little heaven of my heart, I try to keep You company throughout the day, I do not leave You alone for even a moment. Although I am in the company of other people or with our wards, my heart is always united to Him. When I am asleep I offer Him every beat of my heart; when I awaken I immerse myself in Him without saying a word. When I awaken I adore the Holy Trinity for a short while and thank God for having deigned to give me yet another day, that the mystery of the incarnation of His Son may once more be repeated in me, and that once again His sorrowful Passion may unfold before my eyes. I then try to make it easier for Jesus to pass through me to other souls. I go everywhere with Jesus; His presence accompanies me everywhere. (Saint Faustina’s Diary, 486) Maybe St. Faustina’s example will help us to begin to realize that we are each “a unique world before the Heavenly Father.” Maybe we will allow Jesus, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit to “dwell in the little heaven of [our] heart[s]” throughout the day, and we will never leave them alone. Think what a difference it would make. We might become Apostles of the Revelation! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.