Day: August 28, 2017

August 27, 2017 Update from Denis – The Blue Cross!

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 August 27, 2017 Dear Family of Mary TV, INCREDIBLE NEWS! You can now pray at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje at any time of day or night, from any place in the world! This link to the live camera shot, , can be found at the very top of Mary TV’s web page. Your prayers and donations have made this special place of prayer in Medjugorje accessible to all of Our Lady’s children – 24/7 – just when she’s telling us: “Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer!”* I’m told this feat is nothing short of a miracle. For example, there is no clear “line of sight” to our building. The signal has to travel 1.3 miles and make its way around buildings and trees. AND IT’S WORKING! We didn’t really know what the camera would see. AND ITS PERFECT! This must give Our Lady joy…. In the “Prayer to the Mother of Goodness, Love and Mercy”, that she dictated to Jelena Vasilj on April 19, 1983, Our Lady included these words for us to pray to her: “Give us the grace to be merciful towards you!” Putting modern communications technologies at her disposal in Medjugorje so her children can stand by her side in prayer as she intercedes for the whole world is doing exactly that, being merciful to our Mother. “My Son promised me that evil will never win because you, the souls of the just, are here” A big THANK YOU to all our donors. This is a labor of love from us all. Some unexpected larger donations came in just before the youth festival – when Our Lady had told us: “Be ready. This time is a turning point!” Without them we would not have been able to move forward as we have done. Mary TV’s team consists of volunteers, some of whom receive small stipends. No one gets a full salary…. And donations right now aren’t really covering monthly expenses….but somehow Providence takes care. For example, Rosie hadn’t told me that she was short 1,800 Euros to pay this year’s rent for Mary TV’s Tea House in Medjugorje. I just found out that on the day the rent was due (May 1st, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker) someone walked into the Tea House, placed 1,800 Euros into Rosie’s hand, turned around and walked out! (Thank you, who ever you are!!)** Here is the link for how you can be part of this marvelous work for Our Lady: Thank you and God bless you! Denis Nolan   *“Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer. Pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and a meeting with the Most High. He will transform your hearts and you will become people of love and peace. Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer. You, do not forget that prayer is the secret key of meeting with God. That is why I am with you to lead you. Do not give up on prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2017 message). ** I just can’ keep from sharing one more little story: Franjo and Rosie will be traveling to the US soon to greet their first grandchild (Yes, Josip and Christina are about to have a baby)! Franjo was late applying for a Visa….The family was a little nervous he might be cutting it too short. He was greeted last week when he walked into the US Embassy in Sarajevo, with: “Hi Franjo! How’s Rosie?” He was greeted warmly and given “red carpet” treatment! People at the Embassy are familiar with Mary TV and watch it regularly!

People of Prayer!

(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. August 28, 2017 St. Augustine Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer. Pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and a meeting with the Most High. He will transform your hearts and you will become people of love and peace. Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer. You, do not forget that prayer is the secret key of meeting with God. That is why I am with you to lead you. Do not give up on prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2017) “Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer…” Indeed, it seems that Our Lady has been working all these years to build us up into a people of prayer. She has spoken to us about prayer in almost every message. Here is a message in which she describes her hopes for us as people of prayer. She wants us to be those who are praying and sacrificing: February 02, 2017 “Dear children, you who are striving to offer every day of your life to my Son, you who are trying to live with Him, you who are praying and sacrificing – you are hope in this peaceless world. You are rays of the light of my Son, a living gospel, and you are my beloved apostles of love. My Son is with you. He is with those who think of Him – those who pray. But in the same way, He is patiently waiting for those who do not know Him. Therefore, you, apostles of my love, pray with the heart and with your works show the love of my Son. This is the only hope for you, and this is also the only way to eternal life. I, as a mother, I am here with you. Your prayers directed to me are the most beautiful roses of love for me. I cannot but be where I sense the scent of roses. There is hope. Thank you.” Our Lady needs us to be hope for this world. As we offer every day of our lives to Jesus, living with Him, praying to Him, sacrificing with Him, we become hope for the world. Our prayers also are directed to Our Lady, and they become roses of love for her. She comes where there are roses! She tells us there is hope, because we are people who pray. Also, Our Lady has called us to pray with others: September 25, 2000 “Dear children! Today I call you to open yourselves to prayer. May prayer become joy for you. Renew prayer in your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you will experience joy in prayer and togetherness. All those who pray and are members of prayer groups are open to God’s will in their hearts and joyfully witness God’s love. I am with you, I carry all of you in my heart and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” When we open ourselves to prayer, we become people of prayer. Prayer becomes a joy for us. And we soon begin to pray with others, in prayer groups and in our families so that we will experience being part of the family of God. We become part of the great family of prayer. In this way, through our communal prayer, we begin to open to God’s will. This is very important to Our Lady, because it is then that we become witnesses for those who do not yet know the love of Jesus. So you can see that being people of prayer is very important. If we pray, pray, pray, we will become hope for this world, and witnesses of the love of God for those who do not know Him. Being people of prayer is a high calling, and one that we all can follow, no matter our state in life. May we all become people of prayer! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.