Day: October 19, 2017

Do not waste time thinking about the future, worrying…

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. October 20, 2017 St. Paul of the Cross Dear Family of Mary! “…My children, do not waste time thinking about the future, worrying….” (October 2, 2017) Caryll Houselander speaks about worry this way: Your final question is “How not worry?”! Well if only I had an answer to meet that, how gladly I would give it to you, and apply it to myself! But of course there is no shortcut to not worrying. It does not necessarily imply want of trust; in fact, it may be that what God asks of you is to accept it, and not to worry about worrying! Trust does not, of course, mean that you trust God to remove the causes of worry, though if you persevere in prayer in spite of all setbacks, he may do that; but trust really means that, however impossible it is to realize this emotionally, your will accepts as a certainty that whatever God allows to happen is, in his plan of love, what is really best for you and those whom you love. “Surrender” to God’s will does not of course mean being able to want disaster! It does mean believing, blindly of course, that whatever happens, and whatever you feel about it, you are in his hands, and so are those you love. The more you say, “I must not worry,” the more you will: I think it better simply to offer the worrying to God… I have the temperament which just has to face the worst possibility, and I think, when one does, one realizes that the very worst can be accepted. My way is to say in every emergency, “Now what is the worst that can happen?’ and then, “So what?” That works with me. (From “The Letters of Caryll Houselander: Her Spiritual Legacy. Sheed and Ward LTD. 1965) I love Caryll Houselander. She just says it like it is!! Have a wonderful weekend!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV 2017 PS. Announcing a weekend retreat in South Bend, Indiana: Jim Brown (Fruit shows 29, 44 and 199) “Surrender and Accept Jesus’ Invitation to the Banquet” Friday, November 10 to Sunday November 12, 2017 Hosted by Queen of Peace Ministries PO Box 761, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Call for more information: 574-288-8777 Seating is limited!! Sign up today!  

Open your hearts to Jesus…

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. October 19, 2017 Sts. John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, and companions Dear Family of Mary! “…And my Son, who is of the eternal now, He is speaking to you with words of life and is sowing love in open hearts. Therefore, I am imploring you, apostles of my love, have open hearts always ready for mercy and forgiveness. According to my Son, always forgive your neighbors, because in that way peace will be in you…” (October 2, 2017) The saints we celebrate today are very good examples of Our Lady’s words to us. They had open hearts, filled with the words of life and love. They were ready to give mercy and forgiveness, always forgiving their neighbors and seeking the way of peace. They did not run from martyrdom but accepted ill treatment for the sake of the souls of their flock. Fr. Isaac Jogues chose to give himself up to the Iroquois, saying, “It must be,’ I said in my heart, ‘that my body suffer the fire of earth in order to deliver these poor souls from the flames of hell. It must die a transient death, in order to procure for them an eternal life.’” (recorded by Fr. Jerome Lalemant, S.J.) Only the Son could instill such love in a heart. Only Jesus can give us the courage to suffer for others, to forgive and to love with our eyes on heaven. Jesus alone can fill our hearts with such mercy. On my long flight home from Medjugorje, I glimpsed a movie the depicted the fate of missionaries in Japan in the 1800’s. They were tortured endlessly. But the movie failed to capture the presence of Jesus in the martyrs, the love and power that Jesus instills in hearts that are open to Him. It made the martyrdom merely a test of will power. On our own we cannot love, forgive or suffer for Jesus. Only Jesus’ love and mercy in us can overcome such things. Our Lady wants us to realize that we need to open our hearts to receive Jesus in them, every day, to open and receive Him. He is our only strength and love. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017 PS. Announcing a weekend retreat in South Bend, Indiana: Jim Brown (Fruit shows 29, 44 and 199) “Surrender and Accept Jesus’ Invitation to the Banquet” Friday, November 10 to Sunday November 12, 2017 Hosted by Queen of Peace Ministries PO Box 761, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Call for more information: 574-288-8777 Seating is limited!! Sign up today!  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.