Day: November 13, 2017

Pray for the Cure!

  (c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017   November 14, 2017 Dear Family of Mary! Thursday, November 26, 1981 This evening, the Blessed Virgin was smiling. We prayed and sang with her. We asked her questions about the sick. “Have a strong faith, pray and fast and they will be cured. Be confident and rest in joy. Go in the peace of God. Be patient and pray for the cure. Goodbye, my dear angels.” I love this message from Our Lady, with her advice on how to help the sick. She was speaking to the very young visionaries in 1981. And we know that many people were coming to them to ask for help and healing, because they were encountering Our Lady. But Our Lady’s response implies that the job of procuring healing is really in our hands. She merely gave the children the tools needed to pray for healing: Strong Faith Prayer Fasting Confidence Resting in joy! The Peace of God Patience Don’t you just want to smile at this list!! It is full of trust in God, and in selfless love. This is how we can help those who are sick. With that in mind, tomorrow a very special young woman, Mary Freeby, will undergo a bone marrow transplant in Cincinnati. She has a rare immune disease. She has been to Medjugorje and is entrusting herself to Our Lady, but we can help with our faith, prayer, fasting, confidence, joy, patience and peace. Let’s pray for her as Our Lady teaches us! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017 PS. I have a very routine cataract operation tomorrow too, which I will offer up for Mary! The Rosary tomorrow will be recorded! God bless you all!        

Forgive from the heart!

Let us forgive one another!! (c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017   November 13, 2017 Dear Family of Mary! “Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he wrongs you seven times in one day and returns to you seven times saying, ‘I am sorry,’ you should forgive him.” (Luke 17: 3-4) These words of Jesus from our Gospel reading for today are basic to all human relationships. We are fallen. We sin. We hurt one another. And if we are to stay friends, spouses, family members, we have to forgive and ask for forgiveness. We have to be honest with one another when we slip up, and forgive when there is repentance. Our Lady spoke about this basic human dynamic on October 2 of this year: October 02, 2017 “Dear children, I am speaking to you as a mother – with simple words, but words filled with much love and concern for my children who, through my Son, are entrusted to me. And my Son, who is of the eternal now, He is speaking to you with words of life and is sowing love in open hearts. Therefore, I am imploring you, apostles of my love, have open hearts always ready for mercy and forgiveness. According to my Son, always forgive your neighbors, because in that way peace will be in you. My children, care for your soul, because it alone is what truly belongs to you…” Jim Browne gave a powerful retreat in South Bend last weekend. He taught us how to actually apply Scripture to our own situation, in such a way that it calls down the power of God upon us. His examples were wonderful. I think Jim would apply Luke 17: 3-4 in this way: “I, _______, will be on my guard! If my brother sins, I will rebuke him; and if he repents, I will forgive him. And if he wrongs me seven times in one day and returns to me seven times saying, ‘I am sorry’ I will forgive him.” Getting these holy words in our mind and heart can release the power of God in us. It is not always easy to forgive. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, and our own resolve we can do it! Forgiveness works miracles in our relationships. It protects our own hearts from resentment and frees our neighbor from our condemnation. What a gift Jesus has given us in forgiveness!!! Our Lady’s words are also helpful. We can let her words occupy space in our minds and hearts as well. “Therefore, Our Lady implores me, an apostle of her love, to have an open heart always ready for mercy and forgiveness. According to her Son, I, _________, will always forgive my neighbors, because in that way peace will be in me.” Notice that Our Lady spoke to us about her words to us and Jesus’ Word to us: “Dear children, I am speaking to you as a mother – with simple words, but words filled with much love and concern for my children who, through my Son, are entrusted to me. And my Son, who is of the eternal now, He is speaking to you with words of life and is sowing love in open hearts.” Our Lady’s words are simple, filled with love and concern. And Jesus’ words are words of life, that sow love in open hearts! These words from Jesus and Mary are for our good. I am very grateful to God for giving us Holy Scripture, His very Word for us. He has given us a unimaginable gift in His Word. I am also grateful in these days for Our Lady’s messages, as they are an aid in holiness. May we all learn to forgive from the heart as Jesus tells us, so that we will find peace! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017 PS. Thanks to Jim Browne for leading such a beautiful weekend of prayer and sharing in South Bend. I highly recommend attending one of his weekends, as they are very healing and joyful!!      

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.