Day: December 28, 2017

May the saints be models to you and an encouragement…

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. December 29, 2017 St. Thomas a Becket Dear Family of Mary! October 25, 2017 “Dear children! I am calling you to be prayer in this time of grace. You all have problems, afflictions, sufferings and lack of peace. May saints be models to you and an encouragement for holiness; God will be near you and you will be renewed in seeking through your personal conversion. Faith will be hope to you and joy will begin to reign in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.” We find ourselves at the end of 2017! It has been a beautiful year of graces and blessings. Yesterday we spoke about gratitude, and how our witness must spring from our gratitude for all God has done for us! It is also true that we can carry the graces and blessings we have received in 2017 into 2018 only with the gift of gratitude. What a beautiful way to start a new year, with thanksgiving and trust in our loving God. Many of us have a custom of praying for a saint to be our companion for the new year. This saint chooses us (according to Denis) to be our special friend and encourager for the year. As Our Lady says, “May saints be models to you and an encouragement for holiness…” Mary TV is posting an updated “Saints list” on our web page as an aid to receiving our new saints in 2018. You can print this list, and cut up the squares containing saint’s names. Then put them in a container, and with a “Hail Mary” draw out your new saint! It is amazing how intentional these saints turn out to be! Here is the Saints List 2018 as a PDF that you can download: “Saints List 2018”   The list can also be found in “Prayers and Resources” in the drop down box, as “2018 Saints list.” Matt is going to post it tonight, so if you don’t see it, pray for Matt! I want to thank all of you who have joined us at Mary TV this year, through our live events, our video library, by receiving the Daily Reflections and Updates, and visiting our Facebook page. We pray that you have been blessed with a closer relationship with Our Lady and her Son, Jesus. May the peace and joy of God, especially present in Medjugorje, be with you and in you in 2018. Together we may be able to spread the Kingdom of God in this poor and tired world. Together we can share Our Lady’s presence with others and draw them into her embrace. Together we will help Her Heart to Triumph! Have a Blessed and Happy New Year! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017


(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017 J.M.J. December 28, 2017 The Holy Innocents Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! Today I am bringing to you my Son Jesus for Him to give you His peace and blessing. I am calling all of you, little children, to live and witness the graces and the gifts which you have received. Do not be afraid! Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to be joyful witnesses and people of peace and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (December 25, 2017) Our Lady has a mission for us. She needs us to be witnesses of the graces and gifts we have received through her intercession from her Son, Jesus. The first step on this mission is to fall on our knees and pray to truly understand what gifts we have been given and what graces have been at work in our lives. This first step is crucial. We must pray to see all that Jesus has done and is doing in us. It seems to me that this knowledge can come from putting on the spiritual eye glasses of gratitude. Gratitude changes the way we see our lives and ourselves. Gratitude implies that who I am and what I have accomplished, all that is “me” has been given to me. I did not make myself. I did not choose my parents or my circumstances. All that I have has come from God. He is the one who made me, fashioned me in my mother’s womb. He is the one who carefully prepared gifts and graces for me, the one who has done miracles of healing and love in me, so that I could grow to know Him, love Him and serve Him. I have discovered that gratitude seems to be a major factor in the testimonies on Mary TV’s “Fruit of Medjugorje” videos. Those who give witness to Our Lady of Medjugorje and her influence in their lives, are always so grateful to her for all she has done for them. Mary gives us the gifts and graces that Jesus has for us in Medjugorje. She is so kind, patient, careful and loving. And so those gifts and graces are easily received from her hands. They may be dramatic revelations of how we need to change, what sins we have committed, what wounds we have sustained, our brokenness, etc. But those revelations become true moments of grace and healing that lead to hope and joy. Once we see what Jesus and Mary are doing to get us on the right road, to show us our future in heaven, to help us repent and choose the good, then we become filled with gratitude. We feel safe in their hands and we can live life again. This is when we can witness. Once we have been healed and strengthened by Jesus and Mary, shown the better way, we can witness to the gifts and graces we have received without fear. It is such good news! So, let’s do as Our Lady says and pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to be joyful witness! Let’s ask the Spirit to reveal to us all that we have been given by Jesus through Our Lady of Medjugorje, so that we can begin, in gratitude, to share the good news! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2017

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.