Day: March 8, 2018

The Gift of Hope

(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2018 March 8, 2018 Dear Family of Mary! The second Theological Virtue that Our Lady speaks to us about in the March 2, 2018 message is Hope. Here is what she tells us: “…My children, I am with you in life, in suffering, in pain, in joy and in love. Therefore, have hope. It is hope that makes you comprehend that life is there. My children, I am speaking to you, my voice is speaking to your soul, my heart is speaking to your heart…” (March 2, 2018) These words from Our Lady are so very comforting. She tells us she is with each one of us at every moment of our life. No matter what we are experiencing, she is there. If we are suffering and in pain she is there, as she was for her Son, Jesus. Completely united with us, suffering with us, praying for us, encouraging us. When we are joyful, she is there, rejoicing in our happiness and offering it to the Father. When we love, she is loving in us, and through us. Her presence is for us a reason to hope! Why is hope important? Like Faith, Hope rests on our trust in Jesus, our trust in the Father who created us. Hope tells us that life is real, and that we are made to live…to live forever with God. Here is the definition of Hope found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.1817: 1817 Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. Hope gives us the desire for the Kingdom of Heaven. Hope tells us that eternal life is real and is intended for our happiness. Hope assures us that though we are weak, God will find the way for us to arrive in the Heavenly Kingdom He has created for us! The Holy Spirit will guide us and help us with His graces. And I believe that in this day, Our Lady is the grace-bearer from the Holy Spirit, sent to bring us home. That is why she continues: “My children, I am speaking to you, my voice is speaking to your soul, my heart is speaking to your heart.” Our Lady’s voice is speaking to us, whispering words of encouragement and strength. She is the voice of the Spirit, speaking to our soul with words of light. Her heart speaks to each of our hearts with words of love, of comfort, of truth. Her heart is united with our hearts, in love. Our Lady is the grace of the Holy Spirit for us in these days. She is with us to keep hope alive. We do need Our Lady. If ever there was an age without hope, it is our age. With Faith almost nonexistent in many of our cultures, hope becomes weak. With no God, there is no future to hope in. We can become hope for others, if we allow Our Lady’s words in our hearts and souls to take root. We can become hope for others just as she is hope for us. May it be so! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2018 PS. Mike Nolan ( ) is taking a group to Medjugorje on April 2 – 13, 2018! He has room for more pilgrims and says that the airfares are very reasonable. If you have been receiving nudges to go to Medjugorje, call Mike at 574-335-9952!!

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.