Day: June 14, 2018

The 37th Anniversary Novena Day 3

(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2016 J.M.J. June 18, 2018 37th Anniversary Novena – Day 3 Dear Family of Mary! “Dear angels! Thank you for your prayers, because through them my plan is being realized. This is why, angels, pray, pray, pray, so that my plan may be realized. Receive my motherly blessing!”(June 25, 2001 Ivanka) Our Lady has made it clear in her messages that her coming to Medjugorje involves a specific plan from the Heavenly Father, a plan for the salvation of the world in these days. She has mentioned her plan many times. Three things stand out about this plan: 1. It is a plan for the salvation of the Church and the world, and involves the Parish of Medjugorje and the pilgrims who are responding to her call. 2. Satan opposes this plan with great power and deep animosity. He is working tirelessly to destroy this plan. 3. The plan is dependent upon the response of Our Lady’s children. Through our personal conversion, prayer, fasting, adherence to the Sacraments, and our witness to the truth, Our Lady’s plan will prosper. Today let us pray to understand and live this plan that God has given to Our Lady for the sake of souls. Our “yes” is part of that beautiful plan for the good of all. The Annunciation “My dear children! Satan is so strong and with all his might wants to disturb my plans which I have begun with you. You pray, just pray and don’t stop for a minute! I will pray to my Son for the realization of all the plans I have begun. Be patient and constant in your prayers. And don’t let Satan discourage you. He is working hard in the world. Be on your guard!”(January 14, 1985 – Message conveyed by Vicka from Our Lady.) The Visitation “Dear Children! Today also I invite you to prayer, now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized. Satan is strong and wants to sweep away my plans of peace and joy and make you think that my Son is not strong in His decisions. Therefore, I call all of you, dear children, to pray and fast still more firmly. I invite you to self-renunciation for nine days so that, with your help, everything that I desire to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima, may be fulfilled. I call you, dear children, to now grasp the importance of my coming and the seriousness of the situation. I want to save all souls and present them to God. Therefore, let us pray that everything I have begun be fully realized. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(August 25, 1991) The Birth of Jesus “Dear children! Today I call you to pray and fast for my intentions, because Satan wants to destroy my plan. Here I began with this parish and invited the entire world. Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call. Therefore, you who have said ‘yes’, be strong and resolute. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(August 25, 2011) The Presentation in the Temple “Dear children! Pray for my intentions, because Satan wants to destroy my plan which I have here and to steal your peace. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray that God can act through each of you. May your hearts be open to God’s will. I love you and bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(August 25, 2014) The Finding in the Temple “Dear children! Today I invite you to open yourselves to God by means of prayer so the Holy Spirit may begin to work miracles in you and through you. I am with you and I intercede before God for each one of you because, dear children, each one of you is important in my plan of salvation. I invite you to be carriers of good and peace. God can give you peace only if you convert and pray. Therefore, my dear little children, pray, pray, pray and do that which the Holy Spirit inspires you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”( May 25, 1993) Let us pray: Dear Mother Mary, we gather together to pray this novena, with deep gratitude for your presence in our midst. You have come to show us the way to heaven. The Heavenly Father has sent you to us to help us to repent and return to Him. You are coming to be the bond between us and the Heavenly Father, and to help us to love and serve His Son. You pray with us for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, because you have told us that when we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. Therefore we ask that during this Novena you will help us to bond with you and through you with our Triune God who loves us so much. We ask that every grace can be poured out upon our shepherds during these nine days, that they will be strengthened and purified for the days ahead, these most triumphant days of the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart! Thank you, dearest Mother!!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2018

The 37th Anniversary Novena Day 2

(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2016 J.M.J. June 17, 2018 37th Anniversary Novena – Day 2 Dear Family of Mary! I am your mother! Over the years, Our Lady has made it very clear that she is a mother. Her fundamental relationship to us is as mother. She is a mother to each of us individually, and she has the particular attention to detail that only a mother can have for each of us. Nothing escapes her notice. She watches over each of us with enormous energy and dedication. We are the most fortunate of children to have Our Lady as our mother. Today, let’s rest in the peace and security of little children who have the best of mothers, and let our gratitude swell. Our Lady is tending to everything. She is leading us to the Father. As Our Lady said; “Dear children! Today I wish to tell you to open your hearts to God like the spring flowers which crave for the sun. I am your Mother and I always want you to be closer to the Father and that He will always give abundant gifts to your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (January 31, 1985) The Annunciation: “Dear children! During these days my Lord is allowing me to be able to intercede more graces for you. Therefore, I wish to urge you once more to pray, dear children! Pray without ceasing! That way I will give you the joy which the Lord gives to me. With these graces, dear children, I want your sufferings to be a joy. I am your Mother and I desire to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(July 19, 1986) The Visitation “Dear children! I thank you for your prayers and for the love you show toward me. I invite you to decide to pray for my intentions. Dear children, offer novenas, making sacrifices wherein you feel the most bound. I want your life to be bound to me. I am your Mother, little children, and I do not want satan to deceive you for He wants to lead you the wrong way, but he cannot if you do not permit him. Therefore, little children, renew prayer in your hearts, and then you will understand my call and my live desire to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(July 25, 1993) The Birth of Jesus “Dear children! Today, on this day of grace, I desire for each of your hearts to become a little stable of Bethlehem in which the Savior of the world was born. I am your mother who loves you immeasurably and is concerned for each of you. Therefore, my children, abandon yourselves to the mother, so that she may place each of your hearts and lives before little Jesus; because only in this way, my children, your hearts will be witnesses of God’s daily birth in you. Permit God to illuminate your lives with light and your hearts with joy, so that you may daily illuminate the way and be an example of true joy to others who live in darkness and are not open to God and His graces. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(December 25, 2014 Jakov) The Presentation “Dear children! I am coming among you because I desire to be your mother – your intercessor. I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father – your mediatrix. I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit. My children, consecrate yourselves to me completely. I will take your lives into my motherly hands and I will teach them peace and love, and then I will give them over to my Son. I am asking of you to pray and fast because only in this way will you know how to witness my Son in the right way through my motherly heart. Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you.”(March 18, 2012 Mirjana) The Finding in the Temple “Dear children, I, your mother, am coming anew among you out of love which has no end, from endless love of the endless Heavenly Father. And as I am looking into your hearts I see that many of you accept me as a mother and, with sincere and pure hearts, you desire to be my apostles. But, I am also the mother of those of you who do not accept me and who, in the hardness of your hearts, do not desire to come to know the love of my Son. And you do not know how much my heart suffers and how much I pray to my Son for you. I pray to Him to heal your souls because He can do so. I pray to Him to illuminate you with the miracle of the Holy Spirit so that you may stop, always anew, betraying, cursing and wounding Him. With all my heart I pray for you to understand that only my Son is the salvation and the light of the world. And you, my children, my dear apostles, always carry my Son in your hearts and thoughts. In this way you are carrying love. All those who do not know Him will recognize Him in your love. I am always beside you. In a special way I am beside your shepherds because my Son has called them to lead you on the way to eternity. Thank you, my apostles, for your sacrifice and love.”(September 2, 2014) Dear Mother Mary, we gather together to pray this novena, with deep gratitude for your presence in our midst. You have come to show us the way to heaven. The Heavenly Father has sent you to us to help us to repent and return to Him. You are coming to be the bond between us and the Heavenly Father, and to help us to love and serve His Son. You pray with us for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, because you have told us that when we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. Therefore we ask that during this Novena you will help us to bond with you and through you with our Triune God who loves us so much. We ask that every grace can be poured out upon our shepherds during these nine days, that they will be strengthened and purified for the days ahead, these most triumphant days of the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart! Thank you, dearest Mother!!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2018

The 37th Anniversary Novena Day 1

(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2016 J.M.J. June 16, 2018 Novena for the 37th Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming in Medjugorje Dear Family of Mary! Today we begin a very blessed novena! It is the Novena for the 37th Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming in Medjugorje. We will be praying with the St. James Parish and pilgrims from all over the world, in thanksgiving to God for sending Our Mother to Medjugorje to be with us and help us. We will also be joining with Our Lady to do intercession as she asked in her June 2, 2017 message: “Apostles of my love, the world is in such need of your arms raised towards Heaven, towards my Son, towards the Heavenly Father.” This is the time to pray for the salvation of souls, to raise our arms and our hearts to God for the sake of the world. The Parish of St. James will climb Apparition Hill every day of the novena, starting at 4:00 pm Medjugorje time. Mary TV will stream this event, live, every day ( ). We can all join in the prayer of the Rosary with the Parish as they climb the hill where Our Lady first appeared to the visionaries back in 1981. Mary TV will have to rearrange our schedule to accommodate the Parish Novena. Here is how our daily schedule will look from Saturday, June 16 through Sunday, June 24: 3:00 pm Medjugorje time – (9:00 am EDT) – The Daily Rosary with Denis and Cathy 4:00 pm Medjugorje time – (10:00 am EDT) – Parish 37th Anniversary Novena climbing Apparition Hill 6:00 pm Medjugorje time – (12:00 pm EDT) – Parish Evening Rosary 7:00 pm Medjugorje Time – (1:00 pm EDT) International Mass There will be no “Hour of Mercy” during the novena. Each day we will have 5 messages to reflect upon and possibly use during our Rosary Prayer. We are really grateful to be able to participate in this novena in such a tangible way. To pray with the parish, on the hill and at the church in the evening, live over the internet, is a great blessing. Thank you to all of you who pray for and support Mary TV! You are giving a great gift to us all! Day One – 37th Anniversary Novena Prayer to the Queen of Peace Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, Queen of Peace! You came to us to lead us to God. Obtain for us the grace not only to say: “Be it done to me according to Your will!”, but to live it, as You did. Into Your hands we put our hands, so that You may lead us to Him amidst these afflictions and woes. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Today we will meditate on the amazing gift of Our Lady’s presence in Medjugorje for 37 years now! Who would have guessed she would be able to come to us every day for all these years. God’s mercy is very great. Our Lady calls us to understand the importance of her coming in this most recent message: June 02, 2017 “Dear children, as in the other places where I have come to you, also here I am calling you to prayer. Pray for those who do not know my Son, for those who have not come to know the love of God, against sin, for the consecrated – for those whom my Son called to have love and the spirit of strength for you, for the Church. Pray to my Son, and the love which you experience from His nearness will give you the strength to make you ready for the works of love, which you will do in His name. My children, be ready. This time is a turning point. That is why I am calling you anew to faith and hope. I am showing you the way by which you need to go, and those are the words of the Gospel. Apostles of my love, the world is in such need of your arms raised towards Heaven, towards my Son, towards the Heavenly Father. Much humility and purity of heart are needed. Have trust in my Son and know that you can always be better. My motherly heart desires for you, apostles of my love, to be little lights of the world, to illuminate there where darkness wants to begin to reign, to show the true way by your prayer and love, to save souls. I am with you. Thank you.” Let us pray this Rosary in joy and gratitude that Our Lady is still with us! The Joyful Mysteries The Annunciation: September 02, 2012 “Dear children, as my eyes are looking at you, my soul is seeking those souls with whom it desires to be one – the souls who have understood the importance of prayer for those of my children who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father. I am calling you because I need you. Accept the mission and do not be afraid, I will strengthen you. I will fill you with my graces. With my love I will protect you from the evil spirit. I will be with you. With my presence I will console you in difficult moments. Thank you for your open hearts. Pray for priests. Pray that the unity between my Son and them may be all the stronger, that they may be one. Thank you.” The Visitation: February 25, 1995 “Dear children! Today I invite you to become missionaries of my messages, which I am giving here through this place that is dear to me. God has allowed me to stay this long with you and therefore, little children, I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world, so that a river of love flows to people who are full of hatred and without peace. I invite you, little children, to become peace where there is no peace and light where there is darkness, so that each heart accepts the light and the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.” The Birth of Jesus: June 25, 1991 “Dear children! Today on this great day which you have given to me, I desire to bless all of you and to say: these days while I am with you are days of grace. I desire to teach you and help you to walk the way of holiness. There are many people who do not desire to understand my messages and to accept with seriousness what I am saying. But you I therefore call and ask that by your lives and by your daily living you witness my presence. If you pray, God will help you to discover the true reason for my coming. Therefore, little children, pray and read the Sacred Scriptures so that through my coming you discover the message in Sacred Scripture for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” The Presentation in the Temple July 25, 1995 “Dear children! Today I invite you to prayer because only in prayer can you understand my coming here. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you to understand that you must convert. Little children, I wish to make of you a most beautiful bouquet prepared for eternity but you do not accept the way of conversion, the way of salvation that I am offering you through these apparitions. Little children, pray, convert your hearts and come closer to me. May good overcome evil. I love you and bless you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” The Finding in the Temple March 25, 2003 “Dear children! Also today I call you to pray for peace. Pray with the heart, little children, and do not lose hope because God loves His creatures. He desires to save you, one by one, through my coming here. I call you to the way of holiness. Pray, and in prayer you are open to God’s will; in this way, in everything you do, you realize God’s plan in you and through you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Let us pray: Dear Mother Mary, we gather together to pray this novena, with deep gratitude for your presence in our midst. You have come to show us the way to heaven. The Heavenly Father has sent you to us to help us to repent and return to Him. You are coming to be the bond between us and the Heavenly Father, and to help us to love and serve His Son. You pray with us for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, because you have told us that when we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. Therefore we ask that during this Novena you will help us to bond with you and through you with our Triune God who loves us so much. We ask that every grace can be poured out upon our shepherds during these nine days, that they will be strengthened and purified for the days ahead, these most triumphant days of the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart! Thank you, dearest Mother!!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2018

A Still Small Voice

A Still Small Voice June 15, 2018 Dear Family of Mary! The first reading for Mass today is from 1Kings 19. Elijah has had to run away from Jezebel because he had withstood her and she wanted to destroy him. He runs into the wilderness, and comes to a cave. There he is told by the Lord to stand and wait for Him in the cave. Here is what Elijah experienced: And he said, “Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. And when Eli’jah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Eli’jah?” (1 Kings 19:11-13) Elijah was given a lesson on how to discern the presence of the Lord. Most of us would expect that the presence of the Lord would be filled with power like a strong wind, and earthquake, or fire. Don’t we wonder when the Lord will reveal himself to the world with fire and brimstone? But Elijah experienced each of these destructive natural forces and did not sense the presence of the Lord in them. It was not until he heard a still small voice that Elijah was aware of God. He immediately covered his face, because it was thought to see God was to die. And he stood at the entrance of the cave and awaited God. God spoke to Elijah in a “still small voice”. This voice was an intimate voice. It was a voice that spoke directly to Elijah’s heart. It may have been small, easily disregarded. But for Elijah, it was the voice that had accompanied him as he prophesied to errant Israel, and who now had more work for Elijah to do. We also need to be attuned to the still small voice within us, the voice of our Lord and God. Each of us are called to hear His voice and follow Him. Our Lady has told us: “…Oh, my children, how much bad is done by those who must see or interpret in order to come to believe. That is why, you, my children, my apostles, in the silence of your heart, listen to the voice of my Son, so that your heart may be His home, that it may not be dark and sad, but that it may be illuminated with the light of my Son…” October 02, 2016 Our Lady tells us we must listen to the voice of her Son, in the silence of our hearts. His voice will be still and small. It will not command or frighten us. He will speak to us gently and in a way that could be missed. That is why we must grow in silence. Only then will we hear Jesus properly. Prayer helps us grow in silence. Like Elijah we can wait in the cave of our heart, and discern the presence of God, not in the violent occurrences of life, but in the small still communications of love that His voice brings. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2018 PS. Tomorrow, Saturday, June 16, 2018, the Parish of St. James will begin a Novena in honor of the 37th Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming to Medjugorje. The Novena will be prayed by the parish, while climbing Apparition Hill. The climb will begin at 4:00 pm Medjugorje time. The Novena will end on June 24, 2018. Mary TV will be altering our schedule to accommodate this Novena, streaming it, live, on our channel. Here is the altered schedule: 3:00 pm Medjugorje time – (9:00 am EDT) – The Daily Rosary with Denis and Cathy 4:00 pm Medjugorje time – (10:00 am EDT) – Parish 37th Anniversary Novena climbing Apparition Hill 6:00 pm Medjugorje time – (12:00 pm EDT) – Parish Evening Rosary 7:00 pm Medjugorje Time – (1:00 pm EDT) International Mass This will extend for nine days from June 16 to June 24. Note, there will not be Hour of Mercy for that period of time.

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.