Day: January 10, 2019

Have mercy on me, O God!

Pilgrims venerate the Risen Christ Statue (c) Anthonly Zubac 2019   January 10, 2019 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady said to us on January 2: “Dear children! Sadly, among you, my children, there is so much battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness. My children, so easily you forget my Son, His words, His love. Faith is being extinguished in many souls, and hearts are being grasped by material things of the world…” Psalm 51: 1-12 Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, so that thou art justified in thy sentence and blameless in thy judgment. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Fill me with joy and gladness; let the bones which thou hast broken rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Amen In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2019

January 9, 2019 Update from Denis

(c)Anthony Zubac/Mary TV 2019 January 9, 2019 Dear Mary TV Family, Our Lady’s shipmates sailing on the digital sea! I trust you were able to give your perusal to my January 4, 2019 update…it’s still at the bottom of Mary TV’s web page if you haven’t yet read it: We’re experiencing incredible graces…. and I know where they’re coming from: the prayers of our shipmates! I’m happy to share with you, for instance, that starting today, ALL of Mary TV’s streaming/programming is High Definition… We expect our television production studios to be completed and operational in time for the 38th Anniversary, June 25th, 2019…. By the end of this month the elevator and a second set of stairs should be installed, and soon the electrical grid, bathrooms and engineering rooms. It’s all finally coming together – and so fast! Tom will be heading back to Medjugorje next month to start working on new technology. To finish the television production studios will cost another $20,000, and to stock the production facility with the latest in broadcasting cameras and technical equipment, another $60,000 IMPORTANT: A donor has offered to match any donations up to $40,000….so if we can get $40,000 in donations, we’ll have the $80,000 needed!! It’s been a slow process (as Our Lady told Vicka it would be, during an apparition in Medjugorje in April 1999). Everything is coming together just now when it appears Our Lady will need it. Thank you and God bless you! You are the most amazing shipmates! Cathy and I place you all in the chalice at the time of consecration every morning at Mass…. and after Mass pray the 7/7/7 for all your petitions. God bless you and thank you! Denis PS. I want to share the email (below) that Cathy received yesterday from a shipmate who is praying with us from Scotland (she gave Cathy permission to share it). It moved us both deeply. Dear Cathy and Denis, My husband gave me £100 as his Christmas gift to me as he wanted me to buy a new warm winter coat. On Sunday I was praying the Rosary with you and was so happy to hear of how far around the world MaryTV has travelled collecting shipmates along the way. It’s an incredible achievement on behalf of Our Blessed Mother’s desire to bring us safely home to Our Lord Jesus. Denis spoke about those, on the ground, so to speak, such as Tom and Matt and how they always rise and address each challenge, no matter the sacrifices they must make to keep us connected to Medjugorje, amplifying our Lady’s gentle and beautiful voice and sending it out to the world. I was praying for some particular intentions for MaryTV when I felt strongly that I should donate the gift from my husband instead of buying that new coat. Hopefully, in a small way, it can contribute to enabling all of us to snuggle warmly under Our Blessed Mother’s mantle. No warmer or more beautiful coat exists. I also hoped that everyone working so tirelessly at MaryTV might see that we shipmates appreciate everything you are doing and that we dearly need your efforts. As I felt compelled to donate this Christmas gift whilst praying for you maybe it’s like a little kiss from your Mother for doing so well. I hope so. God bless you all With kindest regards and love Anna (Scotland) PPS. To join in the matching gift for the new studio in Medjugorje, here is a link to our donation page. Please mention that you want to give your gift as part of the Studio Matching Grant when you donate! Mary TV’s Donation page