Day: January 22, 2019

Full of trust and without looking back…

(c) Anthony Zubac 2019   January 22, 2019 Day of Prayer for the Protection of the Unborn. Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children, on this day of grace, I am calling you to love. Little children, God loves you immeasurably and that is why, little children, full of trust and without looking back and without fear, completely surrender your hearts to Him so that God may fill them with His love. Do not be afraid to believe in His love and mercy, because His love is stronger than every one of your weaknesses and fears. Therefore, my children, full of love in your hearts, trust in Jesus and say your ‘yes’ to Him, because He is the only way which leads you to the Eternal Father.” (December 25, 2019 Jakov) I love this message! I just love it! Jakov only receives one public message each year. And it can get lost in the shuffle with all the Christmas business! But Our Lady has an especially tender way of speaking through Jakov. This message is a very good demonstration of her tenderness. “Dear children, on this day of grace, I am calling you to love…” So simply, Our Lady gives us this call, the call to love. Do we think about this call every day as we get up in the morning? “I am called this day to love…” How would it change our day if we made this call a priority in our day? How would it change the way we organize our time? It’s a thought… “Little children, God loves you immeasurably and that is why, little children, full of trust and without looking back and without fear, completely surrender your hearts to Him so that God may fill them with His love…” Every time I read this sentence, it takes my breath away. God loves us immeasurably…God loves us so much we can never measure it. Such love should fill us with trust! And such love should move us to only look forward. No looking back at what has happened. No more self-recrimination or shame. No more fear that we will fail again. God’s love is so vast, it will carry us through everything. We have nothing to fear. We need only to surrender to this vast love, and let God fill us with His grace. “Do not be afraid to believe in His love and mercy, because His love is stronger than every one of your weaknesses and fears…” Do not be afraid! Yes, we are weak. Yes, we are unsure. Yes, we have failed many times. But that doesn’t stop God from choosing us and loving us. God can overcome every weakness and fear in our hearts, if we let Him. “Therefore, my children, full of love in your hearts, trust in Jesus and say your ‘yes’ to Him, because He is the only way which leads you to the Eternal Father.” Therefore…Our Lady has given us the truth about the Father. He is always love. And she has given us Jesus, as our brother, to lead us to that Father who loves us. All Jesus needs is our ‘yes’. It seems too good to be true. But it is. Jesus is the only way to the Eternal Father, and Jesus is given to us by the Father to ensure that we get back to Him. Doesn’t it make you want to swoon? So much love. So much tenderness. So much compassion and kindness. We are called to love because we are so loved! Thank you, dearest Mother, for this message which touches our deepest selves, where fear and failure and mistrust hide. You are reaching down there to root them out. You want us to finally completely surrender to your Son, so that He can save us. May we say “yes”. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan © Mary TV 2019 PS. Here is a prayer we can pray for the unborn on this day of prayer, along with our Rosaries. O Mary, Mother of the Unborn, protect the gift of human life which your Divine Son has allowed to be given. Give strength and joy to all parents as they await the birth of the precious child they have conceived. Give courage to those who are fearful, calm those who are anxious and guide all of us, with your motherly care, to treasure and protect the miraculous gift of human life. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen