Day: August 9, 2019

August 8, 2019 Update from Denis

    (c)Anthony Zubac/Mary TV     August 8, 2019   Dear Shipmates, Family of Mary TV…. The Church has spoken!  An August 6, 2019 Catholic News Service headline said it all:  “Vatican confirms Medjugorje approval by joining youth festival”      The church has officially opened its doors to the grace heaven is pouring out through the presence of Our Lady in Medjugorje! More than 60,000 young people from 97 countries took part in the Medjugorje youth festival.  Cardinal Angelo De Donates, Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome, Cardinal Vinko Pulic, Archbishop of Sarajevo, Archbishop Luigi Pezzuto, Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization and Archbishop Henryk Hoser, the Permanent Papal Visitor in Medjugorje, each took turns presiding at the daily Mass during the six day festival, with seven hundred priests and fourteen archbishops and bishops concelebrating!  The youth festival can still be watched at The church has officially opened its doors to the grace heaven is pouring out through Medjugorje! Praise God!!!    God bless you! Denis Nolan   PS.  Spread the Catholic News Service article, below. Vatican confirms Medjugorje approval by joining youth festival Jonathan Luxmoore Aug. 6, 2019 Catholic News Service Senior Vatican representatives joined the first officially approved church festival at Medjugorje, three months after Catholic pilgrimages to the site in Bosnia-Herzegovina were authorized by the pope. “We are called to share the difficulties of our contemporaries and we have a responsibility to care for them,” Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization, told 60,000 young people from 97 countries Aug. 5.   “For something to happen, we have to offer something: our poverty, our misery, our borders, our contradictions. But God will change all that because God works miracles,” he said during the final evening of Mladifest, or Youth Festival.   Cardinal Angelo De Donates, papal vicar of the Rome Diocese, formally opened the event Aug. 2. Fourteen archbishops and bishops and about 700 Catholic priests joined the festivities, which concluded Aug. 6. Meanwhile, the pope’s apostolic visitor to Medjugorje, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, who presided over the festival Aug. 3, said the hilltop shrine had become “a place of meeting and knowing,” adding that “the secret of Medjugorje” was “an invisible reality, but intense and very present.” More than 40,000 apparitions have been claimed over 38 years at Medjugorje, where six teenagers reported first seeing an apparition of Mary June 24, 1981 while herding sheep. Some of the visionaries say Mary still appears to them daily with messages at the town, which was largely untouched by the 1992 to 1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In May 2018, Pope Francis named Archbishop Hoser as apostolic visitor, after a papal commission recommended that Medjugorje, which attracts up to 3 million visitors annually, be designated a pontifical shrine with Vatican oversight. A ban on pilgrimages organized by Catholic dioceses and parishes was lifted under a papal decree May 12, making possible the five-day festival. Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, secretary of the Congregation for Institutions of Consecrated Life, said in an Aug. 2 address that the young pilgrims were “in deep unity” with the pope and grateful to him for “opening up the possibility of coming to pray here.” Radio Medjugorje reported Aug. 5 that parts of the festival had been watched via the internet by more than 2.8 million people worldwide. Speaking at an Aug. 2 press conference, Archbishop Hoser said the pope had “opened a great door to enter Medjugorje” with his May decree, adding that he was “personally and intimately convinced” the Marian center offered “a model for new evangelization.”   He said Medjugorje should be seen as “a living, dynamic reality,” with over 700 vocations so far recorded there, adding that the center’s importance was summed up “by the people coming here, praying here, being transformed here and returning to their countries with the Gospel spirit they breathed here.” “The Holy See’s position has crystallized clearly and has two aspects: the pastoral aspect, which is fully accepted, and the doctrinal aspect, meaning study of the apparitions,” he told KAI, Poland’s Catholic information agency. “The fact apparitions are still continuing is the main obstacle to a final ruling, since it’s hard to decide on something which hasn’t finished. For now, the question of recognizing the authenticity of the apparitions remains in the hands of the Secretariat of State.”     Aerial shot of the Youth Festival in Medjugorje August 2019!!  Wow!!   PPS.  Mary TV’s Medjugorje Internet TV channel continues broadcasting 24/7.  Every month people in thousands of cities throughout the world are praying with the parish in Medjugorje through Mary TV.  Consider joining us in this important work for Our Lady by becoming a monthly donor.  A growing outreach entails a growing budget!     Donate!!  

Novena to Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven – Day 4

(c)Mary TV/Anthony ZubacPray, pray, pray!   August 9, 2019St. Teressa Benedicta of the CrossNovena in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Day 4 Dear Family of Mary! Pope Pius XII understood our need for the Mother in these days when the world’s societies were plummeting into Godlessness and despair. He knew we would need a sign to solidify our faith and keep our eyes on God. He wrote: “Finally it is our hope that belief in Mary’s bodily Assumption into heaven will make our belief in our own resurrection stronger and render it more effective”. (Munificentissimuss Deus) This belief in our destiny as children of God who will live with Him forever in heaven gives us the peace that we need to stand firm as we live out our journey on earth. Our Lady has spoken to us in Medjugorje on many occasions about the dangers of our times and our need for hope in our future in heaven: “Dear children! I rejoice with you and I invite you to prayer. Little children, pray for my intention. Your prayers are necessary to me, through which I desire to bring you closer to God. He is your salvation. God sends me to help you and to guide you towards paradise, which is your goal. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (September 25, 1994) Our Lady tells us that God has sent her to help us and guide us towards paradise, which is our goal. Amazingly, it is because of the Assumption that Mary can now be sent back to us on earth, to guide and teach us. She comes to us really, body and soul, from heaven!! This is the fruit of the Assumption. And she is coming to help us believe that one day we too will be in heaven, body and soul!! This is our great hope and our destiny. To be in heaven with God, whole and entire. But she tells us that we must, pray, pray, pray!! Let’s give thanks to the Father for sending such a Mother to us in Medjugorje! Let us pray:   Prayer to Our Lady of the Assumptionby Pope St. Pius X O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and Mother of humanity, we believe with all the fervor of our faith in your triumphal assumption both in body and in soul into heaven where you are acclaimed as queen by all the choirs of angels and all the legions of saints; we unite with them to praise and bless the Lord who has exalted you above all other pure creatures and to offer you the tribute of our devotion and our love. We know that your gaze, which on earth watched over the humble and suffering humanity of Jesus, in heaven is filled with the vision of that humanity glorified and with the vision of uncreated wisdom, and that the joy of your soul in the direct contemplation of the adorable Trinity causes your heart to throb with overwhelming tenderness; and we, poor sinners whose body weights down the flight of the soul, beg you to purify our hearts so that, while we remain below, we may learn to see God and God alone in the beauties of his creatures. We trust that your merciful eyes may deign to gaze down upon our miseries and anguish, upon our struggles and our weaknesses; that your countenance may smile upon our joys and our victories; that you may hear the voice of Jesus saying to you of each one of us, as He once said to you of his beloved disciple: “Behold your son,” and we who call upon you as our mother, we, like John, take you as the guide, strength and consolation of our mortal life.    We are inspired by the certainty that your eyes, which wept over the earth crimsoned by the blood of Jesus, are yet turned toward this world racked by wars and persecutions, the oppression of the just and the weak. From the shadows of this vale of tears, we seek in your heavenly assistance, tender mercy, comfort for our aching hearts, and help in the trials of Church and country. We believe finally that in the glory where you reign, clothed with the sun and crowned with stars, you are, after Jesus, the joy and gladness of all the angels and the saints, and from this earth, over which we tread as pilgrims, comforted by our faith in the future resurrection, we look to you our life, our sweetness, our hope; draw us onward with the sweetness of your voice, so that one day, after our exile, you may show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. O clement, O loving,O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!Cathy Nolan©Mary TV 2019

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.