Day: September 26, 2019

33 Day Consecration to Our Lady of the Rosary – Day 23

  The Rosary is good thinking! (c)Mary TV/Anthony Zubac 2019          September 26, 2019  Sts. Cosmos and Damian  St. Jean de Brebeuf and St. Isaac Jogues and companions  33 Day Consecration – Day 23 Dear Family of Mary! 33 Day Prayer of Consecration to Our Lady of the Rosary – Day 23 In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Receive our Consecration Prayer, O dearest Mother Mary! Today we continue with Fr. Shaman’s discussion of why the Rosary promotes good thinking: The Rosary is good thinking. It drives home four great truths of religion. (today reason #2) 2. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary teach the second great truth of religion; namely, sin is what makes this life a vale of tears. The Sorrowful Mysteries tell us that sin – not doing God’s will but doing our will – is the path to sorrow. How few think it is! Youth, for instance, often think alcohol, drugs, and sex are the road to happiness. Going our way and not His way is the way to pain and unhappiness.  (Rev. Albert J. M. Shamon. The Power of the Rosary. 1990 p. 4, 10) Isn’t it true! Think of Adam and Eve in the Garden. They were seduced by the Devil into thinking that God’s will for them (not eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) was really God’s way of hiding something wonderful from them. The serpent beguiled them into mistrusting God, thinking that God did not have their best interest in mind. And so, they fell. And we are all fallen. Now we must change our way of thinking, by choosing to believe that God’s plan for our lives is the very best plan of all!! Renewed trust in the Father is demonstrated especially through Jesus’ suffering and death on the Cross. Jesus always trusted the Father and so should we! As Our Lady has said: May 25, 2018 “Dear children! In this peaceless time, I am calling you to have more trust in God who is your Father in Heaven and who has sent me to lead you to Him. You, open your hearts to the gifts which He desires to give you and, in the silence of your heart, adore my Son Jesus who has given His life so that you may live in eternity – where He desires to lead you. May your hope be the joy of a meeting with the Most High in everyday life. Therefore, I am calling you: do not neglect prayer because prayer works miracles. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Dearest Mother, thank you for the gift of the Rosary! Thank you for finding such a perfect way to help us become good thinkers, those who ponder and learn the truth through the mysteries of Jesus’ life. We have a good teacher in you, dearest Mary!     Supplication to the Queen of the Holy Rosary: “O Blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain which unites us to God, bond of love which unites us to the angels, tower of salvation against the assaults of Hell, safe port in our universal shipwreck, we will never abandon you. You will be our comfort in the hour of death: yours our final kiss as life ebbs away. And the last word from our lips will be your sweet name, O Queen of the Rosary of Pompei, O dearest Mother, O Refuge of Sinners, O Sovereign Consoler of the Afflicted. May you be everywhere blessed, today and always, on earth and in heaven”. (Blessed Bartolo Longo) We commit ourselves to praying the Rosary for your intentions, dearest Mary, our Mother, as You enter this final battle with Satan, for the sake of souls. We will take up the Rosary as an obligation that we will fulfill with great joy! Together we will pray for Your Triumph over Satan, and for the coming of a New Time of Peace which has been given to us through You, Oh Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary!! Amen Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit! As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen Now we pray our Rosary for today! Luminous Mysteries!!  In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!Cathy Nolan©Mary TV 2019

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.