Day: April 23, 2020

April 24, 2020 Reflection – God will hear your cries…

(c)Mary TV April 24, 2020 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! I am with you all these years to lead you to the way of salvation.  Return to my Son; return to prayer and fasting. Little children, permit for God to speak to your heart, because Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness.  You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer will be heard; God will hear your cries and give you peace. I am with you and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (March 25, 2020) I love this message! I love the strength of this call! Our Lady sounds like Joan of Arc, rousing the troops and calling them into battle!! In the midst of the pandemic, with nations crippled by disease and economic chaos, Our Lady calls us to turn to God, to return to prayer and fasting, to again convert, to have courage and to decide for holiness. This is the call of a valiant leader. But have we responded? Have we permitted God to speak to our hearts? She told us that Satan IS REIGNING! Can we deny these words? Satan is in control of so much in our world today. Wherever money and power are, the enemy is there. We don’t like to think it, but satan has infected many of our institutions, twisting and manipulating them to deny God and the good of Human Life. He wants to destroy us all. But Our Lady is with us, she is blessing us. And she assures us that if we turn to God, it is not too late to see miracles of deliverance and healing. So, let’s let her words of March 25, 2020 resound in our hearts and our souls, and respond with a yes!! We will do all that she says: “Dear children! I am with you all these years… to lead you to the way of salvation… Return to my Son… return to prayer and fasting… Little children… permit for God to speak to your heart… because Satan is reigning… and wants to destroy your lives… and the earth on which you walk… Be courageous… and decide for holiness… You will see conversion in your hearts and families… prayer will be heard… God will hear your cries… and give you peace… I am with you… and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing… Thank you for having responded to my call.” (March 25, 2020) In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2020  

April 23, 2020 Reflection – Faces Transformed by prayer

(c)Mary TV / Anthony Zubac 2019 April 23, 2020 St. George, Martyr St. Adalbert, Bishop, Martyr Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! In this time of grace, I desire to see your faces transformed in prayer. You are so flooded by earthly concerns; you do not even feel that spring is at the threshold. You are called, little children, to penance and prayer. As nature fights in silence for new life, also you are called to open yourselves in prayer to God, in Whom you will find the peace and warmth of the spring sun in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (February 25, 2020) This message was given to us just as the Coronavirus was beginning to spread all over the world. Soon our lives would be altered on a grand scale. Nations would be isolated, and people would be quarantined in their homes. Soon we would not be able to go to Church or gather in public. Indeed, we were flooded by earthly concerns at that time. The viral pandemic was growing. It was hard not to be glued to the news. But Our Lady wanted us to get our eyes off the world situation. She didn’t want us to be fixated on fear. Instead she called us to be transformed by prayer, so that our faces glowed with the peace and trust that only the Holy Spirit can inspire. She wanted us to keep our eyes fixed on the Light of the World. All our answers would come from Jesus. (I don’t want to diminish the fight for the lives of those who are ill or the fight to keep people from contracting the virus. That fight is very important. And we must support it as best we can. But we also must do spiritual battle for the life of our souls, and all the souls around us. And that fight is done in prayer.) Mary has come to give us peace, to bring us into the Kingdom of Peace, the Kingdom of her Son. She told us so in another message: “Dear children! I am carrying to you the King of Peace that He may give you His peace. You, little children, pray, pray, pray. The fruit of prayer will be seen on the faces of the people who have decided for God and His Kingdom. I, with my Son Jesus, bless you all with a blessing of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (December 25, 2013) Our Mother brings us her Son, the King of Peace. We must pray, pray, pray, to receive Him. When we do, the fruit of that prayer “will be seen on the faces of the people who have decided for God and His Kingdom.” Our faces will be transformed in prayer! That is really important! Our faces will look different if we are people who pray, pray, pray. Our faces will radiate peace. We are in a fight these days. It is a fight for life. It is a fight for the temporal lives of all who contract the virus. But it is also a fight for the life that God has given us, the life of our souls, the life that will last for all eternity. We are fighting for salvation, for the blessings of peace. “As nature fights in silence for new life, also you are called to open yourselves in prayer to God, in Whom you will find the peace and warmth of the spring sun in your hearts….” We are in a fight for the new life of grace! And we will win, because we have Our Lady on our side. And with our transformed faces full of peace, we will draw many other souls into that same life, the life of God. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2020  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.