Day: May 6, 2020

May 4, 2020 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje through Ivan Dragicevic

Dear children, this is a time of gratitude.  Today I ask love from you. Don’t look for faults in others and don’t judge others.  I expect you to love and to spread the truth because the truth is eternal, constant and always up to date.  Bring the light of my Son.  Drive out the darkness that wants to seize you more and take you far away from my Son, Jesus. Don’t worry, I am with you.  Thank you for responding to my call. (May 4, 2020)

May 7, 2020 Reflection – A Message from Our Lady through Ivan

(c) Mary TV 2020 Be carriers of the light of my Son!! May 7, 2020 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady gave a message on May 4, 2020 through Ivan Dragicevic! This is a special grace for us in these days… Dear children, this is a time of thanksgiving. Today, I am looking for love from you.  Do not look for imperfections in others and do not judge others. I want you to love and that you transmit the truth, because truth is eternal, unchangeable and always genuine. Be the carriers of the light of my Son and break the dark which wants to take you over and take you far away from my Son.  Do not have fear. I am with you.  Thank you for having responded to my call. (May 4, 2020, Ivan) Thank you dearest Mother, for your guidance in these days. We are grateful for your presence! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan © Mary TV 2020 PS. Let’s remember to pray this short but powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and we shall be created. R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit didst instruct the hearts of thy faithful, grant by the same Spirit that we will be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.  

May 6, 2020 Reflection – Be a reflection of God’s love…

(c) Mary TV 2020 Be a reflection of God’s love… May 6, 2020 Dear Family of Mary! “…Be a reflection of God’s love and witness the Risen Jesus by your lives…” (April 25, 2020) What does it mean to be a reflection of someone or something? How can we be a reflection of God’s love? We aren’t mirrors. We don’t just throw back at God His own image. At least not physically. But what about our souls? What about our actions? What about our words and feelings? In a dictionary I did find this explanation of “being a reflection of”: “to match or express the qualities, features, or feelings of someone or something.” I think this captures the idea of being a reflection of God’s love. We can match or express God’s love in our relationships. We can show the feelings and qualities of God’s love, which are feelings of deep empathy, self-sacrifice, kindness, concern, responsibility for, and delight in the other. God is love at it’s purest and deepest level. God is love. Love is God. To reflect God’s love is to reflect God. To be a reflection of God’s love is to be an agent of His love, to carry it in our hearts and express it at every moment in the form of acts and words and prayers. Our lives can become carriers of the qualities, features and feelings of God. Mother Church has collected many stories for us that show us how to be a reflection of God’s love. The Lives of the Saints!! These brothers and sisters grew in their union with God to such an extent that they became reflections of God’s love. Each reflection is unique because each saint is a unique person. Their lives show in infinite variation, the great love of God, the power of that love, the joy of that love. No two saints are identical and their lives are not identical. Yet all of them are the reflection of God’s love. And now we are being made into reflections of God’s love, so that our unique manifestation of God’s love will complete the tapestry of Heaven. We are called!! We are called to become reflections of God’s love. Our Lady once told us: June 5, 1986 “Dear children! Today I am calling on you to decide whether or not you wish to live the messages which I am giving you. I wish you to be active in living and spreading the messages. Especially, dear children, I wish that you all be the reflection of Jesus, which will enlighten this unfaithful world walking in darkness. I wish all of you to be the light for everyone and that you give witness in the light. Dear children, you are not called to the darkness, but you are called to the light. Therefore, live the light with your own life. Thank you for having responded to my call.” May we become witnesses of the light and reflections of the love of God! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2020 PS. Don’t forget our short but powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and we shall be created. R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit didst instruct the hearts of thy faithful, grant by the same Spirit that we will be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.