Day: September 2, 2020

September 3, 2020 Reflection – Pray, pray, pray!

  (c)Mary TV September 3, 2020 St. Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church Dear Family of Mary! “Dear children! This is a time of grace. I am with you and anew am calling you, little children: return to God and to prayer until prayer will be a joy for you. Little children, you do not have a future or peace until your life begins with a personal conversion and a change to the good. Evil will cease and peace will begin to reign in your hearts and in the world. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray. I am with you and intercede before my Son Jesus for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”  (08/25/20) Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray…. Our Lady has said this simple exhortation at least 73 times in her messages. She really means it! Here is a litany derived from some of Our Lady’s messages in which she has said: “Pray, pray, pray!”  May Our Lady’s words activate our hearts to desire prayer and to live prayer! A Litany of Prayer from Our Lady of Medjugorje Dear Mother, you have asked us to pray, pray, pray.  Increase our desire to pray! “Dear children, satan continues to hinder my plans. Pray, pray, pray! In prayer, abandon yourselves to God. Pray with the heart.” (08/09/84) (Mother, teach me to pray!) “Dear children! Sympathize with me! Pray, pray, pray!” (03/19/83) “Please, do not let my heart weep with tears of blood because of the souls who are lost in sin. Therefore, dear children, pray, pray, pray!” (05/24/84) “Now I just want to say pray, pray, pray! I don’t know what else to tell you because I love you and I want you to comprehend my love and God’s love through prayer.” (11/15/84) “Today I wish to call you to pray, pray, pray! In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit.” (03/28/85) “Little children, pray, pray, pray! Let prayers begin to rule in the whole world.”  (08/25/89) “I wish to teach you to pray with the heart. In prayer with the heart you shall encounter God. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray!”  (10/25/89) “Satan wishes to destroy everything that is holy in you and around you. This is why, little children, pray, pray, pray to be able to grasp all that God is giving you through my coming.” (09/25/92) “Today like never I call you to pray for peace, for peace in your hearts, peace in your families and peace in the whole world, because satan wants war, wants lack of peace, wants to destroy all which is good. Therefore, dear children, pray, pray, pray.”  (03/25/93) “My dear little children, pray, pray, pray and do that which the Holy Spirit inspires you.” (05/25/93) “I beg you: pray, pray, pray. Only through prayer can we defeat evil and protect all that satan wants to destroy in your lives.”  (02/25/94) “Little children, pray, pray, pray, because prayer is the foundation of your peace.” (06/25/97) “Pray, pray, pray and you will be able to accept others with love and to forgive all who have done evil to you.” (09/25/97) “Pray, pray, pray that your heart may open and be sensitive for the Word of God.”  (11/25/97) “With my Son Jesus, on this day I call you to pray, pray, pray, because without prayer you do not have joy or peace or a future.” (12/25/98) “This is a time of grace. That is why pray, pray, pray until you comprehend God’s love for each of you.” (02/25/01) “Little children, pray, pray, pray, because prayer works miracles in human hearts and in the world.” (10/25/01) “Pray, pray, pray and only in faith and through prayer your soul will find peace and the world will find joy to be with God.”  (09/25/02) God gave you a gift of this time as a time of grace. Therefore, little children, make good use of every moment and pray, pray, pray.  (08/25/05) “Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray. Little children, when you pray you are close to God and He gives you the desire for eternity.”  (11/25/06) “Little children, pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and your life will become a simple walk towards God.”  (02/25/13) “Pray, pray, pray until love and peace begin to reign in your hearts.” (03/25/13) “Pray, pray, pray for the radiance of your prayer to have an influence on those whom you meet.” (01/25/14) “Little children, pray, pray, pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living.”  (06/25/14) Dear Mother Mary, you have told us: “My children, pray, pray, pray. Remember that the most important thing in our lives is prayer.”  (12/27/1983) We are beginning to understand your words.  We long to pray with our hearts, to pray always, to pray with love and hope, to pray with perseverance.  We want to help you through our prayers.  Please increase our desire to pray and give us the strength to pray.  We say yes to your call to pray, pray, pray! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2020  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.