October 1, 2020 Update from Denis – This is a time of grace!
(c)Mary TV October 1, 2020 Feast Day of the Little Flower, St. Thérèse of Lisieux Dear Family of Mary TV, In the midst of this tremulous time Our Lady tells us, “This is the time of grace.” Our Lady herself is the time of grace! “This is the time of grace which God gives you through my presence!” In her last message she underlined it’s importance, it’s urgency: “God is great in His love and in my presence…. God loves you and is sending me to save you and the earth on which you live,” (September 25, 2020). By the grace of God through your donations Mary TV has provided a link for Our Lady’s children throughout the world to stay connected with her presence in Medjugorje. But now we need more families to join. It would be unfortunate if we had to scale back because of a lack of funds. But by the grace of God we’ve just been offered a new matching grant. Until the end of October all donations (tax exempt) to Mary TV’s matching grant will be doubled! Don’t put it off. Send your donation today! On February 24, 1990, Pope Saint John Paul ll said, “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.” His good friend, Cardinal Jaime Sin of the Philippines wrote to me from his death bed that he was offering his prayers and sufferings for Mary TV to become a reality. I received his letter in the mail the day after he died. The saintly cardinal did his part. Now let’s do ours! Thank you and God bless you! Denis Nolan Mary TV PS. To Donate go to our home page: www.marytv.tv. On the right had side of the page, near the top, there is a list. Click on the “Donate” link in that list, and all the options for donating will pop out! Choose what is best for you!! Here is a screen shot of the home page with the Donation pop out!