Day: February 4, 2021

February 5, 2021 Reflection – Ponder how much you have received…”

Ponder how much you have received! February 5, 2021 St. Agatha Dear Family of Mary! “…As nature which gives itself, you also, little children, ponder how much you have received…” (January 25, 2021) I really love the way Our Lady calls us to gratitude, over and over again!  In this one sentence she directs us to look at nature and realize how much nature gives: Light, water, air, plants for our food, trees for wood which warms us and with which we build our homes, animals for food and to help with our work, fish for food, and on and on.  Nature gives and gives. But instead of telling us to give like nature, she tells us to think about how much we have received!  Instead of giving us a lesson on generosity, she is giving us a lesson on gratitude.  Truly this way of thinking can make us very humble, childlike, and happy!!  We have received so much through nature which is the gift of God!  God made it all and has given it to us.  There is never a moment in which we cannot give thanks!  And even more, we can give thanks to God for creating us and loving us into His eternal arms! Here are two litanies of thanksgiving that we might pray with weekend as we learn gratitude anew! A LITANY OF THANKSGIVING (from “The Book of Common Worship: Daily Prayer” publ. Westminster/John Knox Press 1993) Give thanks to the Lord who is good. God’s love is everlasting. Come, let us praise God joyfully. Let us come to God with thanksgiving. For the good world; for things great and small, beautiful and awesome; for seen and unseen splendors; We thank you, Lord God. For human life; for talking and moving and thinking together; for common hopes and hardships shared from birth until our dying; We thank you, Lord God. For work to do and strength to work; for the comradeship of labor; for exchanges of good humor and encouragement; We thank you, Lord God. For marriage; for the mystery and joy of flesh made one; for mutual forgiveness and burdens shared; for secrets kept in love; We thank you, Lord God. For family; for living together and eating together; for family amusements and family pleasures; We thank you, Lord God. For children; for their energy and curiosity; for their brave play and startling frankness; for their sudden sympathies; We thank you, Lord GOD For the young; for their high hopes; for their irreverence toward worn-out values; for their search for freedom; for their solemn vows; We thank you, Lord God. For growing up and growing old; for wisdom deepened by experience; for rest in leisure; and for time made precious by its passing; We thank you, Lord God. For your help in times of doubt and sorrow; for healing our diseases; for preserving us in temptation and danger; We thank you, Lord God. For the Church into which we have been called; for the good news we receive by Word and Sacrament; for our life together in the Lord; We praise you, Lord God. For your Holy Spirit, who guides our steps and brings us gifts of faith and love; who prays in us and prompts our grateful worship; We praise you, Lord God. Above all, O God, for your Son Jesus Christ, who lived and died and lives again for our salvation; for our hope in him; and for the joy of serving him; We thank and praise you, Eternal God, for all your goodness to us. Give thanks to the Lord, who is good. God’s love is everlasting. A Litany of Thanks to God Father, you bless us with the gift of life. Father, we give you thanks. You give us your Son as our Savior. Father, we give you thanks. you teach us his word of life. Father, we give you thanks. You make us your holy people. Father, we give you thanks. You cleanse us from our sins. Father, we give you thanks. You give us Mary as our mother and our model. Father, we give you thanks. You invite us to love you by loving others. Father, we give you thanks. You give us talents and gifts to use for your glory. Father, we give you thanks. You help us to do good works for you. Father, we give you thanks. You nourish us with the bread of life. Father, we give you thanks. You give us the cup of salvation. Father, we give you thanks. You have given us your Spirit. Father, we give you thanks. You promise us the joys of heaven. Father, we give you thanks. You call us to sing your praises forever. Father, we give you thanks. Beloved God, you have given us all grace and life through the hands of Christ our Savior. With Jesus, we bless Your Name. With Him we thank You. With Christ our Lord, we pray to You: Our Father, in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven, Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. Amen.   In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021    

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.