Day: April 6, 2022

April 6, 2022 Reflection – If you remain in me…

If you remain in me… April 6, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Our Gospel for today tells us: Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31) Jesus tells us that to be his disciples, we must remain in Him. What does it mean to remain in Jesus? It seems we must stay focused on Him, desire Him, trust Him, live for Him, follow Him, listen to Him, admire Him, choose Him, and rest in Him. No one else should distract us from Him. We should stay with Jesus. And if we do, we will know the truth! Imagine that! If we remain with Jesus, we will acquire the Truth. And what is so important about that? The Truth is the only way to freedom and peace. Our Lady told us the same thing in this message from 2010: July 2, 2010 “Dear children; my motherly call, which I direct to you today, is a call of truth and life. My Son, who is life, loves you and knows you in truth. To come to know and to love yourself, you must come to know my Son; to come to know and to love others, you must see my Son in them. Therefore, my children, pray, pray, that you may comprehend and surrender with a spirit that is free, be completely transformed and, in this way, may have the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart on earth. Thank you!” May it be so!! May it be so!!! In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c)Mary TV 2022  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.