Day: June 24, 2022

June 24, 2022 Reflection – The 41st Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus The Eve of the 41st Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions in Medjugorje   June 24, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! This is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! It is Jesus’ love that has sent Our Lady to us for all these years. We have His Heart to thank for this great grace! Let us pray a prayer of thanksgiving and petition to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Lord Jesus, I adore You. I believe in You. You say, “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Bread from Heaven.” I adore You. You and Your Mother are calling to to open my heart to You to put You in the first place in my life. Dear Jesus, I do now what I can. I say, “Lord Thy will be done.” To You belongs the first place in my heart. Come, O Lord Jesus, take first place in my heart. I ask that you take away all that is hindering my heart from being open and thus creating a space for You alone. I love You, O Jesus. Lord Jesus I adore You. Come, O Lord Jesus, to You belongs the first place. I ask You to open my eyes to the anger, resistance, and fear I have of You. Heal the experiences that have caused these feeling toward You, so that then there can be space enough in my heart for You and You alone. Turn the darkness in my soul to the bright light of You love. I believe in You and in Your love for me. Place a deep desire for You in my heart. Lord Jesus, make me free and heal me. I adore You. Lord Jesus, I adore You, I praise You, I want You, I need You, I bless You, I thank You, and I love You. Heal my body and soul and give me Your peace. You are Lord. Amen. (Fr. Slavko Barbaric- Be Similar to My Heart) Here is the account of the very first time Our Lady was seen on Apparition Hill – June 24, 1981 (We really do have Jesus to thank for this wondrous gift!): The First Day: It was June 24, 1981, and the Feast of John the Baptist. Mirjana Dragicevic and Ivanka Ivankovic were alone along the base of Podbrdo (now known as Apparition Hill) heaading out of the village. It was a hot summer day, and after walking for a while they felt tired and decided to sit down and rest. Ivanka was looking towards the hill, and Mirjana was facing the opposite direction. In one moment Ivanka said, “I think Our Lady is on the hill.” Mirjana didn’t even look because the thought of Our Lady appearing seemed to her impossible. Mirjana responded, “Yeah, like Our Lady has nothing else to do that she would come to the two of us.” Mirjana stood up and left, intending to go back to the village, but as she was nearing the first house, she felt an intense call within herself to return. There she found Ivanka in the same spot and she said to Mirjana, “Look now please.” Mirjana saw a young woman in a long grey dress holding a baby in her arms. Mirjana said in that instant, she felt every possible emotion. Shortly after, Vicka Ivankovic arrived and also saw Our Lady. She became so frightened she took off her shoes and started running as fast as she could back toward the village. On the way she met two boys, Ivan Dragicevic, and Ivan Ivankovic. Vicka asked them to come with her back to the spot where they saw Our Lady. Finally, Milka Pavlovic joined them. It was now about 6pm, and all six of the children saw the amazingly beautiful young woman with a small child in her arms. The woman didn’t say anything to them but gestured that they should come closer. But they were too frightened to move, although they immediately believed the woman to be Our Lady. (The Medjugorje Messages – p. 29 – published by The Medjugorje Web) This is the very beginning of this remarkable event that has lasted now for 41 years. Our Lady came, in her great beauty and humility, to the village of Medjugorje. On that first day she didn’t speak, but she began to build a relationship with some of the children. That relationship has lasted for all these years. You can see the love they have for her. She truly is their mother. Let’s be prayerful today, and thank Our Lady for showing herself to the children of Medjugorje – in order to build in their village an Oasis of Peace. We have all benefited from Our Lady’s presence, which they welcomed 41 years ago. Let us pray: How to Give Oneself to Mary Mother of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy (Given by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, 4/19/1984) Oh my Mother! Mother of goodness, love and mercy! I love you immensely, and I offer myself to you. Through your goodness, your love, And your mercy, save me! I wish to be yours. I love you immensely And I wish that you protect me. In my heart, oh mother of goodness, Give me your goodness, So that I go to Heaven. I ask you for your immense love That you may give me the grace That I will be able to love each one Just like you loved Jesus Christ. I ask you in grace That I be able to be merciful* to you. I offer myself completely to you And I wish that you will be with me at each step, Because you are full of grace. I wish never to forget your grace, And if I should lose it, I will ask, make me find it again. Amen. Let us pray in thanksgiving all day today!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c)Mary TV 2022 Here is the simple Schedule for June 24: 6:00 AM – Peace March from Humac to Medjugorje 12:00 PM – English Mass (recorded) 3:00 PM – Daily Rosary/Divine Mercy 4:00 PM – Prerecorded 6:00 PM – Evening Program begins – Rosary, Holy Mass and Adoration all night!

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.