Day: July 4, 2022

July 5, 2022 Reflection – Pray with the Heart…

Fr. Slavko Barbaric, O.F.M. Pray with the Heart July 5, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! “Return to God and prayer that the Holy Spirit may work in you and through you.” (June 25, 2022) Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM. spent his priesthood teaching and guiding pilgrims in Medjugorje on how to live Our Lady’s messages. He wrote many books. But one of my favorite is “Pray with the Heart! – Medjugorje Manual of Prayer”. Fr. Slavko was a very good shepherd. He showed the pilgrims and the people of the parish how to return to God and to prayer!!! Here is a prayer to the Holy Spirit that Fr. Slavko wrote for the book “Pray with the Heart”: Mary, thank you for having called me to pray every day to the Holy Spirit through whom you conceived Jesus Christ, through whom you in meditation understood the word of God and remained faithful to it to the end. June 2, 1984 “Dear children! Tonight I wish to tell you during the days of this Novena to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on your families and on your parish. Pray, and you shall not regret it. God will give you gifts by which you will glorify Him till the end of your life on this earth. Thank you for having responded to my call.” O Spirit, I pray to You now with Mary who called me to pray to You. Pour Yourself out on me with all Your gifts! Pour out the gift of love into my life that from now on I may love God in You above all, and my neighbor as myself. Pour out on me the gift of wisdom that I may – in everything I do and think, feel and decide – always think, decide and act in Your light. O Spirit of Counsel, descend on me that I may, with my knowledge and the word of love, help those who ask me for counsel! Let my every word be a light to others! Spirit of Jesus, grant me the gift of Your strength that I may stand every trial and do the Father’s will, especially in times of hardship! Spirit of fortitude, strengthen me in the hours of frailty! O Spirit of Life, develop divine life within me which was given to me through You already in the bosom of my mother and at my baptism! Divine Fire, inflame the fire of divine love in my heart so that the darkness and ice of sin may disappear from it! Spirit of Healing, heal within me all that is wounded and develop the undeveloped! Descend on me with all your strength that I may be thankful for small things as well. Enlighten me, Holy Spirit, that I may know how to appreciate crosses and hardships, too. Mary, you are the bearer of the Holy Spirit. So thank you for calling me to pray to the Spirit of Truth. June 9, 1984 “Dear children! Tomorrow night pray for the Spirit of Truth! Especially, you from the parish because you need the Spirit of Truth to be able to convey the messages just the way they are, neither adding anything to them, nor taking anything whatsoever away from them, but just the way I said them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire you with the spirit of prayer, so you will pray more. I, your Mother, tell you that you are praying little. Thank you for having responded to my call.” O Spirit of Truth, enlighten me with Your Truth that I may first live the truth of love, peace and righteousness. Help me that I may be able with my words and deeds, to proclaim every day the word of the Father in its full light to everybody! Holy Spirit, guide our Pope, bishops, priests and all others who proclaim the Word of God! Fall on the parish community of Medjugorje, too, that it may be able to live Our Lady’s messages and to convey them to all! Fall on the priests who preach in Medjugorje! Fall on the confessors and those who confess. Spirit of Prayer, teach us how to pray. Cleanse our hearts that we may pray worthily and always find time for prayer! Holy Spirit, pray within me and invoke: Abba Father! Grant me the favor of praying with the heart! Mary, I also want to open my heart to the Holy Spirit, as you opened yours when you called me: May 23, 1985 “Dear children! These days I call you especially to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Especially during these days the Holy Spirit is working through you. Open your hearts and surrender your life to Jesus so that He works through your hearts and strengthens you in faith. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Holy Spirit, take away all burdens from me that my heart may be like a developing and growing flower that brings abundant fruit! Mary, may the Holy Spirit start and continue within me the deed which started in you, that the divine word may grow within me through it! O Holy Spirit, through Mary I choose You today the Master of my whole being. With trust and hope in Your endless love, which manifested itself so marvelously in Mary, I decide for Your gifts. I renounce every evil spirit and his action, and accept You, the Spirit of light, Love, Peace and Order. I devote to You all my abilities and want to act in Your light. I surrender to You all rights over my life. Watch over me and lead me to the Father! I pray to You with Mary through Jesus Christ. Amen. (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, O.F.M – Pray with the Heart – Medjugorje Manual of Prayer, copywright, Parish of Medjugorje 1988) “Return to God and prayer that the Holy Spirit may work in you and through you.” (June 25, 2022) In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c)Mary TV 2022  

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.