September 20, 2022 Reflection – You be courageous!
You be courageous! September 20, 2022 St. Bernard Dear Family of Mary! “You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you!!” (08/25/22) Our Lady spoke these words to us last month at the end of her message. They struck me then, and continue to hold my attention. After all we have been through with Our Lady over the past 41 years, she is still undaunted. She does not bend in the face of turmoil and distress. She does not fear. She is a powerful queen who comes from the throne of the Father, carrying His commands to us. She is sent to us to lead us through these days of battle into victory. And she will not be swayed. “You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you!!” (08/25/22) Our Queen tells us to be courageous. Courage comes from the heart. It is in our heart, that place where our person, our will, our memory, all our emotions, and our desires can be found, that we find the strength to act. We must take into our heart the situation that we face, consider it and pray to God for help, and then decide on an action. Once we decide, our heart will fuel that decision with the strength of our being and God’s grace. Courage is a wonderful thing. It makes us heroes for the good, if we choose to act on the good. Mother wants us to be those who live from the heart, desiring the good and acting on it with our whole being. Fear is the opposite of courage, and so she tells us not to fear because fear will stop us from acting, and even more, fear will divide us from God, who is with us to fight by our side. If God is with us, fear makes no sense at all!! Our Lady gave us another message in which she called us to courage. This message is amazing! March 25, 2020 “Dear children! I am with you all these years to lead you to the way of salvation. Return to my Son; return to prayer and fasting. Little children, permit God to speak to your heart, because Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness. You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer will be heard; God will hear your cries and give you peace. I am with you and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Our Lady tells us to permit God to speak to our hearts. Why? Because it is in our hearts that we must make our decisions. It is in our hearts that we must renounce satan and choose God. It is in our hearts that we will unmask all the lies of Satan and defeat him. We only need to let God speak to us, through prayer and fasting, and turn the tied of evil through our courage! May we turn to prayer with the heart. May we let God enter our hearts and rebuild them with His strength so that we will be sturdy warriors in Our Lady’s army. Now is the time. Peace may still be won. “Be courageous and decide for holiness!” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022