Day: September 21, 2022

September 21, 2022 Reflection – God is with you!

God is with you!   September 21, 2022 St. Matthew, Apostle Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady concluded her August 25, 2022 message with these words: You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. (August 25, 2022) She is commissioning us to do a great work. And she ends that commission with these incredibly comforting and strengthening words! “God is with you!” The reason we can be bold and stand up for God and His Truth is because God is with us. Without God, we would be nothing! But Mother Mary prophesies over us, saying: “God is with you!” Just as the prophets of the Old Testament prophesied to the people of their day!! I have collected some of those Old Testament prophecies below. You can go to the chapters and read the events that brought about these prophecies. Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Nathan, David, Isaiah and Zechariah all spoke these words to the people of God. If the Lord is with us, we must not fear, but trust in Him and do what must be done! Deut.20: 1- “When you go forth to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Joshua 1: 9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 1Samuel 10: 7- Now when these signs meet you, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you. 1Chronicles 17: 2- And Nathan said to David, “Do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.” 1Chronicles 28: 20 -Then David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it. Fear not, be not dismayed; for the LORD God, even my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished. Isaiah 45:14- Thus says the LORD: “The wealth of Egypt and the merchandise of Ethiopia, and the Sabe’ans, men of stature, shall come over to you and be yours, they shall follow you; they shall come over in chains and bow down to you. They will make supplication to you, saying: God is with you only, and there is no other, no god besides him.’” Zechariah 8: 23 – Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, `Let us go with you, for we have heard that  God is with you.’” Clearly, when God is with us we have nothing to fear.  Our Lady has been sent by God to encourage us to trust in Him now, in these days.  She has come to bring us close to her Son, Jesus, so that we can help Him in the battle for souls over the whole world.  We must not fear, because God is with us!  God is with us!  Be courageous and do not be afraid!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.