Day: October 17, 2022

October 18, 2022 Reflection – Be witnesses of love without bounds!

Be witnesses of love without bounds!   October 18, 2022 St. Luke, Evangelist Dear Family of Mary! September 25, 2022 “Dear children! Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God and witnesses of love without bounds. I am with you, little children, and, anew, I am calling all of you: take courage and bear witness to the good works that God is doing in and through you. Be joyful in God. Do good to your neighbor so that it will be good for you on earth and pray for peace, which is threatened because Satan wants war and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Our Lady told us to pray in this way in the September 25 message: “Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be… witnesses of love without bounds!” What does it mean to be witnesses?  She has asked us to witness many times.  What does it mean to be a witness?  The simple answer is: a witness is a person who saw, or can give a firsthand account of, something. Witnesses experience an event or see something happen that they later can attest to.  They share through their own words an experience they have had.  Our Lady tells us to pray to the Holy Spirit so that we can be witnesses of “love without bounds”!  We have to ask ourselves when we have seen love without bounds?  When have we experienced love without bounds so that we can witness to others about it? Our Lady answers this question in the next line: “I am with you, little children, and, anew, I am calling all of you: take courage and bear witness to the good works that God is doing in and through you.” The love without bounds is the love which God does within us, which He lavishes upon us as we draw close to Him.  The love without bounds is demonstrated each time we go to Confession and we are absolved of all our sins!  The love without bounds exists in the Eucharist which is the Body and Blood of our Savior, sacrificed for our salvation, and given to us as daily food!  The love without bounds is Jesus, conceived in a Virgin’s womb, who is born, lives, heals, ministers, teaches and loves all those He meets, and then dies on the Cross, completely poured out for our sins, and uttering forgiveness to His last breath.  This is the love without bounds.  This is the love that has saved us all. The boundless love we are to witness is the love that has saved us!  It is the love that won for us eternal life!!  It is boundless!! It is so huge the universe cannot hold it.  It is so powerful that no one can stop it!! This is the witness that the Apostles gave in Jerusalem.  And it is the witness we must give wherever we live.  The witness of the boundless love of God!! Our Lady is with us to live this love and witness it as well.  This message is very consoling: March 25, 2005 “Dear children! Today I call you to love. Little children, love each other with God’s love. At every moment, in joy and in sorrow, may love prevail and, in this way, love will begin to reign in your hearts. The risen Jesus will be with you and you will be his witnesses. I will rejoice with you and protect you with my motherly mantle. Especially, little children, I will watch your daily conversion with love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Thank you dearest Mother!  We want to be witnesses of love without bounds!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022  

October 17, 2022 Reflection – Be Joyful Seekers of God!

Be Joyful Seekers of God!   October 17, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Here is the September 25, 2022 message again! September 25, 2022 “Dear children! Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God and witnesses of love without bounds. I am with you, little children, and, anew, I am calling all of you: take courage and bear witness to the good works that God is doing in and through you. Be joyful in God. Do good to your neighbor so that it will be good for you on earth and pray for peace, which is threatened because Satan wants war and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call.” “Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God…” Our Lady calls us to be “Joyful seekers of God…” Seeking God is so necessary. We have that gnawing feeling in our hearts that tells us that we are missing something, hungry for something in our souls, something we need very much.  That something is our God. But we live in a world that has been divided from God through original sin. We failed in our first relationship with Him. As much as He loves us, He has banished us from the Garden, and we wander in a world bereft of His presence. Our hearts yearn for Him. Even if we don’t realize it yet. But we are seekers, from the time we are born. Seekers of a home we know exists somewhere. This is the longing for God. Our Lady knows that we feel this way.  She knows our loneliness for God. And so she tells us to ask the Holy Spirit to give us Light!  Show us how to be seekers of God, but not just seekers, JOYFUL SEEKERS!!  She tells us it is possible to seek with such certitude that we seek in joy!! Wow!  When we know that our God is our Father, and that He wants us to come home, we can start searching for Him in joy!!  Like the Prodigal Son, we will find our Father who will embrace us! St. Anselm wrote a beautiful prayer on seeking the Lord.  Let His words encourage us to be joyful seekers of God! A Prayer by St. Anselm of Canterbury O my God, teach my heart where and how to seek You, where and how to find You. You are my God and You are my all and I have never seen You. You have made me and remade me, You have bestowed on me all the good things I possess, Still I do not know You. I have not yet done that for which I was made. Teach me to seek You. I cannot seek You unless You teach me or find You unless You show Yourself to me. Let me seek You in my desire, let me desire You in my seeking. Let me find You by loving You, let me love You when I find You. Amen “Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God…” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2022

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.