March 16, 2023 Reflection – The Center of our lives!
Jesus in the Eucharist is the Center of our Lives! March 16, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Jesus in the Eucharist must be the center of our lives. This is the foundation of everything we believe and do. Our Lady is with us to establish this deep connection with Jesus in the Eucharist in our hearts: June 2, 2012 “Dear children, I am continuously among you because, with my endless love, I desire to show you the door of Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is opened: through goodness, mercy, love and peace – through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time on vanities. Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you. Through that salvific love and the Holy Spirit He chose me and I, together with Him, am choosing you to be apostles of His love and will. My children, great is the responsibility upon you. I desire that by your example you help sinners regain their sight, enrich their poor souls and bring them back into my embrace. Therefore, pray, pray, fast and confess regularly. If receiving my Son in the Eucharist is the center of your life then do not be afraid, you can do everything. I am with you. Every day I pray for the shepherds and I expect the same of you. Because, my children, without their guidance and strengthening through their blessing, you cannot do it. Thank you.” Here is a beautiful Litany to Jesus in the Eucharist written by St. Peter Julian Eymard. This is our joy today and every day!! Litany of the Holy Eucharist St. Peter Julian Eymard S.S.S ℣. Lord, have mercy ℟. Lord, have mercy ℣. Christ, have mercy ℟. Christ, have mercy ℣. Lord, have mercy ℟. Lord, have mercy ℣. Jesus, the Most High ℟. have mercy on us ℣. Jesus, the holy One ℟. have mercy on us… ℣. Jesus, Word of God ℣. Jesus, only Son of the Father ℣. Jesus, Son of Mary ℣. Jesus, crucified for us ℣. Jesus, risen from the dead ℣. Jesus, reigning in glory ℣. Jesus, coming in glory ℣. Jesus, our Lord ℣. Jesus, our hope ℣. Jesus, our peace ℣. Jesus, our Savior ℣. Jesus, our salvation ℣. Jesus, our resurrection ℣. Jesus, Judge of all ℣. Jesus, Lord of the Church ℣. Jesus, Lord of creation ℣. Jesus, Lover of all ℣. Jesus, life of the world ℣. Jesus, freedom for the imprisoned ℣. Jesus, joy of the sorrowing ℣. Jesus, giver of the Spirit ℣. Jesus, giver of good gifts ℣. Jesus, source of new life ℣. Jesus, Lord of life ℣. Jesus, eternal high priest ℣. Jesus, priest and victim ℣. Jesus, true Shepherd ℣. Jesus, true Light ℣. Jesus, bread of heaven ℣. Jesus, bread of life ℣. Jesus, bread of thanksgiving ℣. Jesus, life-giving bread ℣. Jesus, holy manna ℣. Jesus, new covenant ℣. Jesus, food for everlasting life ℣. Jesus, food for our journey ℣. Jesus, holy banquet ℣. Jesus, true sacrifice ℣. Jesus, perfect sacrifice ℣. Jesus, eternal sacrifice ℣. Jesus, divine Victim ℣. Jesus, Mediator of the new covenant ℣. Jesus, mystery of the altar ℣. Jesus, medicine of immortality ℣. Jesus, pledge of eternal glory ℣. Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world ℟. have mercy on us ℣. Jesus, Bearer of our sins, you take away the sins of the world ℟. have mercy on us ℣. Jesus, Redeemer of the world, you take away the sins of the world ℟. have mercy on us ℣. Christ, hear us ℟. Christ, hear us ℣. Christ, graciously hear us ℟. Christ, graciously hear us ℣. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer ℟. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. ℣. Let us pray… ℣. Lord our God, in this great sacrament we come into the presence of Jesus Christ, your Son, born of the Virgin Mary and crucified for our salvation. May we who declare our faith in this fountain of love and mercy drink from it the water of everlasting life. Amen. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV