Day: June 27, 2023

June 29, 2023 Reflection – To be a Mother to you…

  To be a Mother to you… June 29, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God will bless you abundantly. Thank you for having responded to my call. (June 25, 2023) Our Lady wants to be a Mother to us!!! This is the gift of God for us! He asked her to be the Mother of Jesus all those years ago, and she said, “Let it be done to me according to your will!” And today She tells us that She has been given permission to be our Mother as well! The Father has expanded His plan for Mary, by allowing her to be our Mother as well! This gift of Mary’s motherhood was first announced at the foot of the Cross when Jesus said to her, “Behold you son!” and St. John became her son. Mother Mary is the best of mothers!! Let her be your mother. We need to give her permission to be our mother!! Let’s pray: “Mary, Mother of Jesus, be mother to me today!” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan P.S. This pilgrimage has been like no other for Denis and me! Our Lady has showered us with her love! We have much to share, and we will do it over the next few days. News about the building! News about Medjugorje! News about Our Lady’s love!! Pray for us as we travel today, all the way from Medjugorje to Indiana! Thank you!!!  

June 28, 2023 Reflection – To pray for you…

To pray for you!   June 28, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God will bless you abundantly. Thank you for having responded to my call. (June 25, 2023) Our Lady prays for us! She intercedes on our behalf with the Father. She is with us in our lives, and she sees what we need! Here are some of the ways she prays for us: I pray for you and I intercede to God for peace; first peace in your hearts and also peace around you, so that God may be your peace. (06/25/92) I pray for you and I intercede for you before God, so that you may comprehend that each of you is a carrier of peace. (06/25/1997) Today I pray for you and with you that the Holy Spirit may help you and increase your faith, so that you may accept even more the messages that I am giving you here in this holy place. (06/25/02) I am with you and I pray for you and your conversion until you put God in the first place. (05/25/15) I pray for you to return to the right way, to my Son, your Savior, your Redeemer, to Him who gave you eternal life. (04/02/10) Our Lady prays for us! She has only our good in mind! Let’s live her messages with our hearts and give her her hearts desire, our salvation! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan  

June 27, 2023 Reflection – The Most High permits me to be among you!

The Most High permits  me to be among you… June 27, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! The Anniversary Message! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God will bless you abundantly. Thank you for having responded to my call. (June 25, 2023) What a wonderful message we have received! Our Lady wants nothing more than to care for us as our Mother. She is such a good mother. Gentle, attentive, and warm. She looks into every detail of our life, and does her best to help us. When Our Lady said, “The Most High permits me to be among you,” she was telling us that it was her initiative to come to us in these apparitions. She asked the Father if she could come to Medjugorje! And He said “Yes”!! The Father gave Our Lady permission to come, and she came!! She loves us! And she chooses us! Acts of love must always come from within us. Just like Our Lady chooses us and loves us, and then asks permission to come to us, so we must choose to love others, and then ask permission of God to show that love, ask His permission to be those who love. With that permission He will always send His grace to augment our love! He wants to love through us, but He needs our love to be the vehicle of His love. He does not use us as robots. We love and He joins His love to ours if we ask Him, and then wonderful things happen! Our Lady has been choosing us in Medjugorje for 42 years! And the Father is permitting her to be with us and love us, joining His love to hers and creating an oasis of peace and love and joy in this tired world. Now it is time for us to choose Our Lady, to love her from our little hearts, and ask the Father to permit us to love her. Then He will love Our Lady through us too! Isn’t that amazing? We need to respond to her love with our own love, our personal decision to love her, and then with God’s permission, we will be able to do just that! God made us free, so our love is ours to give, but it is best given in and through the love of God! That is such a miracle! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan