Day: July 14, 2023

July 14, 2023 Reflection – Mary, Mother of Exorcists, pray for us!

Mary, Mother of exorcists, pray for us!   July 14, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady has been with us in Medjugorje for 42 years now. She has given us many messages, much teaching, much encouragement, much love and joy! She truly is our mother. But recently I have learned much more about Our Lady. She would never say it, but she has great power to defeat the devil. In her purity, holiness, humility and complete love for God, she is invulnerable to the enemies attacks, and the devil actually runs from her in great fear. From the early days of the apparitions in Medjugorje, there would be demonic manifestations amongst the pilgrims especially at apparition time. In the midst of the great silence, as pilgrims would greet Our Lady, there would be screams and loud cries from those who were suffering from demonic infestations. The devils cannot remain hidden when Our Lady comes. They manifest and scream in fear. This is a demonstration of Our Lady’s power over the enemy and his minions. Mary is called “The Terror of Demons”! Exorcists all attest to her power during exorcisms. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti gave testimony to this power in a recent blog on his website. Here is a link to that diary entry: Here is what he said: I have never heard of Jesus personally showing up in an exorcism and casting out the demons. Perhaps it has happened but I have not yet heard of one. Of course, it is in Jesus’ holy name that the demons are cast out. Recently, a possessed person told me that whenever I say the holy name of Jesus, it makes the demons “seriously angry” and he finds it “very painful.” Jesus’ death and resurrection is THE fundamental exorcism that smashed Satan’s kingdom. The name and power of Christ casts out demons. So then why doesn’t He personally show up at exorcisms? Understanding who Satan is and thus his punishment is important. Satan tried to make himself equal to God. As one of our exorcism prayers addresses Satan, “In your great pride you still presume to be held equal [to God].” One might speculate that if Jesus, the God-man, were to show up in person to cast out Satan, it would support his delusions that he can be on the same plane as God, to challenge Him, and to be equal to Him. But Satan is dust compared to Jesus; he is a lowly creature who has made himself even lower because of his evil. Moreover, it is often speculated by theologians that one of the reasons Satan originally rebelled against God was in response to the revelation of the Incarnation. For Satan, it was an insult that God would choose to exalt our lowly humanity instead of his superior angelic nature. Satan’s pride blinded him and he became enraged against Jesus and all of humanity, perpetually dedicated to destroying it. In response, Jesus sends a “lowly” woman from Palestine to cast him out. Her only “weapons” are her love for Jesus, her total humility, and her obedience to God. It is precisely in these that we humans triumph over evil. According to Divine justice, Satan is enduring a reality he never learned: the essence of true power belonging to God. As St. Paul says: “I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me” (2 Cor 12:9). I personally believe that the entire ministry of exorcism has been delegated by God to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the Mother of Exorcists; I believe she is spiritually present at every exorcism; and she often makes her presence directly felt in casting out Satan. I do not know a seasoned exorcist who does not have a deep, heart-felt devotion to the Mother of God. In fact, I tell new exorcists in training that such a devotion is not simply a pious addition to one’s ministry. It is essential. We begin every exorcism invoking the aid of the most powerful Mother of God. Mary, Mother of Exorcists, pray for us. I agree with Msgr Rossetti! I actually believe that every time Our Lady comes to us in Medjugorje, she is doing exorcisms. She is waging a war with the devil that he cannot win. And she is beginning in Medjugorje. Why else would we feel so much peace in that place? We experience the wonderful peace of God, without the interference of the devils. It is palpable. She has come to defeat the enemy of our souls. Here are two messages in which she tells us about the battle that she is waging for us and with us: February 25, 1994 “Dear children! Today I thank you for your prayers. All of you have helped me so that this war may end as soon as possible. I am close to you and I pray for each one of you and I beg you: pray, pray, pray. Only through prayer can we defeat evil and protect all that satan wants to destroy in your lives. I am your Mother and I love you all equally, and I intercede for you before God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” October 25, 1984 “Dear children! Pray during this month. God allows me every day to help you with graces to defend yourselves against evil. This is my month. I want to give it to you. You just pray and God will give you the graces you are seeking. I will help along with it. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Let’s cooperate with the graces Our Lady is bringing to us, and help her to defeat our common enemy. This time is Our Lady’s time. This is the time of victory! Mary, Mother of Exorcists, pray for us! In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan