Day: August 1, 2023

August 2, 2023 Reflection – Our Lady brings us peace…

Our Lady brings us peace…   August 2, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! We continue our personal retreats with Our Lady before her birthday on August 5th! Our Lady has come to us as the Queen of Peace. Her whole mission is to bring peace to earth. And we are called to help her with that mission. This means we need peace in our own hearts, the peace she brings, the peace which is Jesus. She has told us: January 25, 1996 “Dear Children! Today I invite you to decide for peace. Pray that God give you the true peace. Live peace in your hearts and you will understand, dear children, that peace is the gift of God. Dear children, without love you cannot live peace. The fruit of peace is love and the fruit of love is forgiveness. I am with you and I invite all of you, little children, that before all else forgive in the family and then you will be able to forgive others. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Here is a prayer by St. Cyril of Alexandria that may help us to enter into Mary’s gift of peace to us: St. Cyril of Alexandria We honor you, O Mary, Mother of God, treasure of the universe, inextinguishable flame, crown of virginity, scepter of the true faith, indestructible temple, tabernacle of the one whom the world cannot contain, and mother and virgin. … In your virginal womb you enclosed the immense and incomprehensible One. Through you the Trinity is glorified and the cross is celebrated and adored everywhere on earth. Through you the heavens exult with joy, the angels and archangels are glad, demons are put to flight, the demon tempter is cast out of heaven, and our fallen nature has again been assumed into heaven. … It is through you that the only-begotten Son of God, who is the Light, shone amid the nations who were seated in darkness and the shadow of death. What human voice can ever worthily celebrate the ineffable greatness of Mary? She is mother and virgin at the same time. Through her peace has been restored to the world. What peace? Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom Mary has brought forth! (St. Cyril of Alexandria (382-444)) In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan I encourage you all to go to the archives and experience the Youth Festival 2023 again and again!!