Day: September 12, 2023

September 13, 2023 Reflection- “Seek what is above…”

Seek what is above…   September 13, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! I believe that one of the most important things Our Lady has come to teach us is the reality of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. And I believe that this reality is the key to surviving in these most desperate of times. Without a deep conviction that God is real, that Heaven and eternal life is real, and that we are called to that life, we could be swept away by the false doctrines that are swirling around us today. In the first reading today, St. Paul gives very concrete advice on how to walk through this life with the truth before our eyes: Brothers and sisters: If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4) Constantly think of what is above, in the Heavenly places. Let Heaven be our reality, and this life be the passing thing it is. All that is good and beautiful here only points to the perfect goodness and beauty of Heaven. We are on a journey, and our eyes must be on God. Our Lady has given us so many messages in which she calls us to think of Heaven and the things of Heaven. She relentlessly calls us to look up, to look to God in Heaven, to yearn for Heaven, to long for eternal life. Here is one such message: January 25, 2018 “Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer, so that the Holy Spirit, through prayer, may descend upon you and give you conversion. Open your hearts and read the Sacred Scripture, that through the testimonies you also may be closer to God. Above everything, little children, seek God and the things of God and leave earthly ones to the earth, because Satan is attracting you to the dust and sin. You are called to holiness and created for Heaven; therefore, seek Heaven and the things of Heaven. Thank you for having responded to my call.” It is very important that we retrain our eyes to seek God and the things of God. Our Lady is here with us to help us. Her messages are designed to keep us looking above. May we receive the Holy Spirit who will give us conversion of heart. May we seek Heaven and the things of Heaven! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2023