Day: May 2, 2024

May 3, 2024 Reflection – Be my extended hands…

Be my extended hands…   May 3, 2024 St. Philip and St James Dear Family of Mary! …You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call. ( April 25, 2024 ) It is such an honor that Our Lady would ask us to be her extended hands!! Who would have ever guessed we would have such an honor? We cannot hold back our yes!! Yes! Dearest Mother, we want to be your extended hands!! Here is another message in which she made such an appeal to us. May we accept her offer with joy! November 25, 2009  “Dear children! In this time of grace I call you all to renew prayer in your families. Prepare yourselves with joy for the coming of Jesus. Little children, may your hearts be pure and pleasing, so that love and warmth may flow through you into every heart that is far from His love. Little children, be my extended hands, hands of love for all those who have become lost, who have no more faith and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Yes, Mother, we will be your extended hands of love, if you show us how!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024

May 2, 2024 Reflection – Be prayer and my extended hands…

Be prayer and my extended hands…   May 2, 2024 St. Athanasius Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to prayer; because Satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call. ( April 25, 2024 ) Our Lady ends this message with a call to us to make a difference in this great conflict between good and evil. She tells us to truly become her coworkers. She needs us in a down-to-earth practical way. Her call is very concrete: “You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God.” She offers us two ways to help her gather in her children who are still lost in the darkness. 1) Be Prayer… for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God.” This can only mean that our entire beings must become like burning candles set before the altar of the Lord, full of holy worship and adoration for the One who loves us. We can no longer live without prayer. A constant turning towards God! A longing for God that will not be quenched. A prayer of petition for all those who do not know our Savior yet, and who are in desperate need of Him. Our prayer for those souls who are in darkness and seek the light of our God is essential!! 2) Be… my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. And here is the other way! We must be her extended hands of love! What does that mean? We must carry her heart in ours, and respond to every person we meet with her love and her help!! In the grocery store, at work, at church, in school, wherever we are we must be the loving hands of Our Lady, as best we can. If you are shy, like me, it may mean just smiling at someone with a peaceful demeanor. But we must be her extended hands of love! That is a blessed task indeed! Let’s pray on these two ways of helping our Mother to reach her children who are still far away. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024