Day: May 28, 2024

May 29, 2024 Reflection – More Prayer with the Heart!

More Prayer with the Heart!!   May 29, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart…  (May 25, 2024) Here is another set of messages about prayer with the heart. It is good to take time with each message and let Our Lady’s words sink deeply into our hearts. She has a way of saying things that is personal and individual! The truth she speaks is simple and pure! We will be blessed if we take her words to heart!! April 25, 1987 “Dear children! Today also I am calling you to prayer. You know, dear children, that God grants special graces in prayer. Therefore, seek and pray in order that you may be able to comprehend all that I am giving here. I call you, dear children, to prayer with the heart. You know that without prayer you cannot comprehend all that God is planning through each one of you. Therefore, pray! I desire that through each one of you God’s plan may be fulfilled, that all which God has planted in your heart may keep on growing. So pray that God’s blessing may protect each one of you from all the evil that is threatening you. I bless you, dear children… Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 25, 1991 “Dear children! Today I invite you all so that your prayer be prayer with the heart. Let each of you find time for prayer so that in prayer you discover God. I do not desire you to talk about prayer, but to pray. Let your everyday be filled with prayer of gratitude to God for life and for all that you have. I do not desire your life to pass by in words but that you glorify God with deeds. I am with you and I am grateful to God for every moment spent with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” July 25, 1997 “Dear children! Today I invite you to respond to my call to prayer. I desire, dear children, that during this time you find a corner for personal prayer. I desire to lead you towards prayer with the heart. Only in this way will you comprehend that your life is empty without prayer. You will discover the meaning of your life when you discover God in prayer. That is why, little children, open the door of your heart and you will comprehend that prayer is joy without which you cannot live. Thank you for having responded to my call.” March 25, 1999 “Dear children! I call you to prayer with the heart. In a special way, little children, I call you to pray for conversion of sinners, for those who pierce my heart and the heart of my Son Jesus with the sword of hatred and daily blasphemies. Let us pray, little children, for all those who do not desire to come to know the love of God, even though they are in the Church. Let us pray that they convert, so that the Church may resurrect in love. Only with love and prayer, little children, can you live this time which is given to you for conversion. Place God in the first place, then the risen Jesus will become your friend. Thank you for having responded to my call.” July 25, 1999 “Dear children! Also today I rejoice with you and I call you all to prayer with the heart. I call all of you, little children, to give thanks to God here with me for the graces which He gives to you through me. I desire for you to comprehend that I want to realize here, not only a place of prayer but also a meeting of hearts. I desire for my, Jesus’ and your heart to become one heart of love and peace. That is why, little children, pray and rejoice over everything that God does here, despite that satan provokes quarrels and unrest. I am with you and I lead you all on the way of love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024