Day: September 8, 2024

September 9, 2024 Reflection – I invite you to unite for peace through prayer

I invite you to unite for peace through prayer   September 9, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! I want to share with your the remarks given by Ivan Dragicevic, on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at the end of the prayer gathering in his chapel in Medjugorje, during which Our Lady appeared to him! He shares about his encounter with Our Lady, and the message she gave to us. Many of you were able to be present for that prayer time through the live-stream on Mary TV! Here are Ivan’s remarks: September 7, 2024 prayer with Ivan Dear priests, dear friends in Christ, all dear ones who are united with us through the internet.  I wish to share with you the most important from today’s encounter with Our Lady. For all of you who are with us for the first time, I would like to make a little introduction. I know it is very difficult to describe everything using our words but I’ll do my best. Our Lady was very joyful and very happy this evening when she appeared. She greeted us all with the words “Praised be Jesus, my dear children!” Then she looked over all of us, prayed over all of us and prayed especially over all the priests present here and all the sick. And then Our Lady gave us her message when she says: “Dear children, I invite you today and encourage you to pray for peace. Especially today I invite you to unite for peace through prayer and become witnesses in this peaceless world. Encourage each other to love and pray. May your faith be encouragement to others so that they may believe and love. I invite you all to be closer to my Son and to be closer to the Heart of my Son. Thank you again today, dear children, for responding to my call.” And then Our Lady gave us her motherly blessing and she blessed all the religious articles that we brought for blessing. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families. I especially recommended all of you who are sick, and all of you as well who sent emails or written petitions to us to recommend them to Our Lady. Our Lady kept praying for peace in the world and she left in prayer in the sign of the light and the cross with the words, “Go in peace my dear children!” This would be the most important from this evening’s apparition. As you can see by the words given by Our Lady this evening, the greatest desire for all of us is to pray for peace. To be united through prayer, so that we may become the sign, the sign at this peaceless time. Well, we’re going to conclude our meeting with prayer and the blessing of the religious articles, and we would like also to thank all of you who were praying this evening with us and we would like to invite you to join us next Saturday  (September 14, 2024) at the same time, 4:30pm Medjugorje time. (The prayer ended with Ivan inviting a priest to come forward and bless everyone and all religious items that brought for blessing.) Thank you, Ivan, for sharing this precious prayer time in your chapel with all of us!!! N.B. …the email address to send to Ivan personal petitions that he will present to Our Lady: [email protected] Thank you, Ivan, for sharing this precious prayer time in your chapel with all of us!!! Mary TV will live-stream the September 14 2024 prayer and apparition at Ivan’s Chapel, starting at 4:30 PM Medjugorje time (10:40 AM Eastern time, US). You can join the stream on our main channel on Mary TV’s Home Page – ! Thanks be to God for sending Our Lady to us in these days, to give us hope, peace, prayer and courage! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV