Day: October 13, 2024

October 14, 2024 Reflection – Praised be Jesus, dear children of mine.

Praised be Jesus, dear children of mine.   October 14, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! On Saturday, October 12, Mary TV was able to stream the prayer and encounter with Our Lady. Below is Ivan’s greeting to the group and his summary of the apparition at the end of our prayer time. Ivan’s International Prayer Gathering and Encounter with Our Lady- Oct 12, 2024 Ivan’s Introduction: “Praised be Jesus and Mary, dear priests, dear friends in Christ. Especially I would like to greet all of you who are united with us through the Internet, through zoom. Today we will pray the Rosary, the Glorious and Joyful mysteries, and we will pray in a special way for peace in the world, for peace in our families, and in a special way for peace in our hearts.” Ivan’s remarks after the apparition: “Dear priests, dear friends in Christ, and in a special way I greet those who are joining us in prayer through the Internet, through Zoom. Today we are here because of the invitation of our Mother, to pray together with her, to pray for her intentions, and her plans for the world. It is very difficult to describe the encounter with Our Lady with earthly words… every word on this earth is insufficient to describe and express this encounter. When Our Lady comes, She always brings a part of Heaven with her. The hardest part to describe is her love, the overwhelming love She has for all of us. Today again, She came to us, joyful and happy, and greeted us all with her Motherly greeting:  ‘Praised be Jesus, dear children of mine.’ After this, She lifted her gaze upon all of us, extended her hands, and with joy in her eyes, She prayed over all of us for some time in her Aramaic language. After this, Our Lady turned her gaze toward the church to pray over all of those who are there taking part in the evening prayer program. In a special way, She prayed over you priests who are present, and those of you who are sick. After this, Our Lady remained in prayer, praying especially for families, for holiness in the families and for the youth. After this, She imparted her Motherly blessing over all of us, and blessed those things you brought for blessing. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families, and those of you who are sick. After this, Our Lady spent some time praying especially for peace, and in that prayer She departed in the sign of the Light and the Cross with the words: ‘Go in peace, dear children of mine.’ This would be a summary of the most important parts of this evening‘s encounter with Our Lady. I would like, especially, to emphasize that Our Lady prayed for holiness in the family and for the youth. For those of you who are joining us through the Internet, I would like to mention that our next prayer gathering will be on November 2, Boston time- 5 PM eastern standard time – thank you.” (Summary of the October 12, 2024 prayer with Ivan Dragicevic) We are so grateful to Ivan for allowing us to stream this prayer time and apparition with him. Let’s pray for Ivan as he continues to share the presence of Our Lady with the world! In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV P.S. The next live stream of the prayer time and apparition to Ivan Dragicevic will be November 2, 2024, in Boston! It will begin at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (which is 11:00 pm Medjugorje time)! Join us on !!

Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.