Day: January 28, 2025

January 28, 2025 Reflection – O Lady of the Angels, Mother of all the faithful!!!

O Lady of the Angels, Mother of all the faithful!!!   January 28, 2025 St. Thomas Aquinas Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady longs to intercede for us! She is always ready to be our advocate before the Father because she loves us so much. This message is an example of her care for us: June 19, 1986 “Dear children! During these days my Lord is allowing me to be able to intercede more graces for you. Therefore, I wish to urge you once more to pray, dear children! Pray without ceasing! That way I will give you the joy which the Lord gives to me. With these graces, dear children, I want your sufferings to be a joy. I am your Mother and I desire to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Isn’t this message most sweet and loving!! Oh how she loves us!!! St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast day is today, had a deep devotion to Our Lady. Though he was so brilliant, he never forgot his need of the Mother’s care. He wrote this beautiful prayer to Our Lady. Let’s ask him, today on his feast day, to pray with us to Our Lady, that we might stay faithful to her call and help her in her mission in these days! A PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY BY ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Most blessed and sweet Virgin Mary, Mother of God, filled with all tenderness, daughter of the most high King, Lady of the angels, mother of all the faithful: On this day and all the days of my life, I entrust to your merciful heart my body and my soul, all my actions, thoughts, decisions, desires, words, deeds, my entire life and death, so that, with your assistance, everything may be ordered to the good according to the will of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. From your beloved Son, beg for me the grace firmly to resist the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. My most holy Lady, I also beg you to obtain for me true obedience and humility of heart so that I may see myself truly as a sinner, miserable and weak and powerless, without the grace and assistance of my Creator and without your holy prayers. Obtain for me as well, most sweet Lady, true charity, so that from the depths of my heart I may love your most holy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and, after him, love you above all others. Grant, Queen of Heaven, that always in my heart I may both fear and love your most sweet Son. I pray also that, at the end of my life, Mother beyond compare, gate of heaven and advocate of sinners, you will protect me with your great piety and mercy, and obtain for me, through the blessed and glorious passion of your Son, and through your own intercession, the forgiveness of all my sins, which I hope to receive. When I die in your love and his love, guide me in the way of salvation and blessedness. – St. Thomas Aquinas (This prayer is found in A Year with the Saints: Daily Meditations with the Holy Ones of God.) Dearest Mother Mary, pray for us!! St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV P.S. Again I want to share with you the link to our donation page. Mary TV does need more support, and so I ask those who are not yet supporting Mary TV to consider a donation today! Thank you! We are grateful!!