Day: February 17, 2025

February 18, 2025 Reflection – Follow me to life!

Follow me to life!   February 18, 2025 Dear Family of Mary! Today, the First Reading at Holy Mass is the account of Noah and the Arc. It is one of the Bible stories that makes for a good children’s book. The animals and birds and reptiles all crammed into the boat with Noah and his family…the rising waters with no land in sight…the sending out of the dove to find land! It is all so amazing. But this story is really pretty dire, terrifying and sad. All those humans and animals drowned in the flood. God’s anger… Noah’s task to repopulate the earth… It is drastic. Here is the account from Genesis from Holy Mass today: Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 When the Lord saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how no desire that his heart conceived was ever anything but evil, he regretted that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was grieved.  So the Lord said: “I will wipe out from the earth the men whom I have created, and not only the men, but also the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air, for I am sorry that I made them.” But Noah found favor with the Lord.  Then the Lord said to Noah: “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for you alone in this age have I found to be truly just. Of every clean animal, take with you seven pairs, a male and its mate; and of the unclean animals, one pair, a male and its mate; likewise, of every clean bird of the air, seven pairs, a male and a female, and of all the unclean birds, one pair, a male and a female. Thus you will keep their issue alive over all the earth. Seven days from now I will bring rain down on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and so I will wipe out from the surface of the earth every moving creature that I have made.” Noah did just as the Lord had commanded him.  As soon as the seven days were over, the waters of the flood came upon the earth. But what can we learn from Genesis 6? The Lord has given us this account to make it very clear that we must choose to follow Him. Only He is our future and our hope. Indeed our world today is again being overtaken by those who do not believe in God, and refuse to follow Him. It is not so different from the days of Noah! Our Lady has come to us in Medjugorje with the same message that Noah received. Listen to her!!! March 18, 2003 “Dear children! Particularly at this holy time of penance and prayer, I call you to make a choice. God gave you free will to choose life or death. Listen to my messages with the heart that you may become cognizant of what you are to do and how you will find the way to life. My children, without God you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a single moment. For, what are you and what will you be on earth, when you will return to it again. Do not anger God, but follow me to life. Thank you for being here.” March 18, 2016 “Dear children, with a motherly heart filled with love for you, my children, I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father. I desire for you to learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will. I desire for you to learn to boundlessly trust in His mercy and His love, as I always trusted. Therefore, my children, cleanse your hearts. Free yourselves from everything that binds you to only what is earthly and permit what is of God to form your life by your prayer and sacrifice so that God’s Kingdom may be in your heart; that you may begin to live proceeding from God the Father; that you may always strive to walk with my Son. But for all of this, my children, you must be poor in spirit and filled with love and mercy… You must have pure and simple hearts and always be ready to serve. My children, listen to me, I speak for your salvation. Thank you.” May we have hearts like Noah. Hearts that trust in God the Father and through an internal gaze and internal listening, follow God! May we cleanse our hearts, free ourselves from everything that binds us only to what is earthly and permit what is of God to form our lives by our prayer and sacrifice, so that God’s Kingdom may be in our hearts!!! May we listen to Our Lady in these days and say “yes” to her motherly call!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV P.S Here is an update from Denis about the new building!! Just click on this link: P.P.S. I want to thank you, because so many of you are deciding to donate to Mary TV! It is awesome! It is an answer to prayer! Thank you! We are grateful!! Let’s pray for one another!