Day: March 4, 2025

March 5, 2025 Reflection – Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned!

Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned! March 5, 2025 Ash Wednesday Dear Family of Mary March 2, 2019  “Dear children, I call you ‘apostles of my love’. I am showing you my Son who is the true peace and the true love. As a mother, through the mercy of God, I desire to lead you to Him. My children, this is why I am calling you to reflect on yourselves, starting out from my Son, that you look to Him with the heart and that you may see with the heart where you are and where your life is going. My children, I am calling you to comprehend that it is, thanks to my Son, that you live – through His love and sacrifice. You are asking of my Son to be merciful to you and I am calling you to mercy. You are asking of Him to be good to you and to forgive you, and for how long am I imploring you, my children, to forgive and to love all the people whom you meet? When you comprehend my words with the heart, you will comprehend and come to know the true love and you will be able to be apostles of that love, my apostles, my dear children. Thank you.” Let us pray: Psalm 51 R: Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;  in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt  and of my sin cleanse me. R/ For I acknowledge my offense, and my sin is before me always: “Against you only have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight.” R/ A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Cast me not out from your presence, and your Holy Spirit take not from me. R/ Give me back the joy of your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me. O Lord, open my lips,  and my mouth shall proclaim your praise. May we live this Lent as never before, always seeking God, longing for Him, and loving Him above all else. This is the time to seek the Lord! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV  

March 4, 2025 Reflection – I love Thee, oh my God!

I love Thee, oh my God!   March 4, 2025 St. Casimir Dear Family of Mary February 25, 2025 Message: Dear children, May this springtime be an encouragement for personal conversion for you, that with your lives you may pray and love God above all, for all those who are in need. Little children, be my hands of peace and prayer; be love for all those who do not love, do not pray and do not want peace. Thank you for having responded to my call. (February 25, 2025) Our Lady asks us to love God above all!!! Here is a litany to help us do just that: Litany of the Love of God (Composed by His Holiness, Pope Pius VI) (For private use) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Thou Who art Infinite Love, Have mercy on us. Thou Who didst first love me, Have mercy on us. Thou Who commandest me to love Thee, Have mercy on us. With all my heart, I Love Thee, O My God With all my soul, I Love Thee, O My God With all my mind, I Love Thee, O My God With all my strength, I Love Thee, O My God Above all possessions and honors, I Love Thee, O My God Above all pleasures and enjoyments, I Love Thee, O My God More than myself, and everything belonging to me, I Love Thee, O My God More than all my relatives and friends, I Love Thee, O My God More than all men and angels, I Love Thee, O My God Above all created things in heaven or on earth, I Love Thee, O My God Only for Thyself, I Love Thee, O My God Because Thou art the sovereign Good, I Love Thee, O My God Because Thou art infinitely worthy of being loved, I Love Thee, O My God Because Thou art infinitely perfect, I Love Thee, O My God Even hadst Thou not promised me heaven, I Love Thee, O My God Even hadst Thou not menaced me with hell, I Love Thee, O My God Even shouldst Thou try me by want and misfortune, I Love Thee, O My God In wealth and in poverty, I Love Thee, O My God In prosperity and in adversity, I Love Thee, O My God In health and in sickness, I Love Thee, O My God In life and in death, I Love Thee, O My God In time and in eternity, I Love Thee, O My God In union with that love wherewith all the saints and all the angels love Thee in heaven, I Love Thee, O My God In union with that love wherewith the Blessed Virgin Mary loveth Thee, I Love Thee, O My God In union with that infinite love wherewith Thou lovest Thyself eternally, I Love Thee, O My God Prayer My God, Who dost possess in incomprehensible abundance all that is perfect and worthy of love, annihilate in me all guilty, sensual, and undue love for creatures. Kindle in my heart the pure fire of Thy love, so that I may love nothing but Thee or in Thee, until being so entirely consumed by holy love of Thee, I may go to love Thee eternally with the elect in heaven, the country of pure love. Amen. May we enter into Lent tomorrow with this prayer in our hearts!! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan Mary TV P.S. I want to thank you, because so many of you are deciding to donate to Mary TV! It is awesome! It is an answer to prayer! Thank you! We are grateful!! Let’s pray for one another! Go to to experience Medjugorje through Mary TV!