November 10, 2016
St. Leo the Great
Dear Family of Mary!
“…My children, I was a chalice of the God-man; I was God’s instrument. That is why I am calling you, my apostles, to be a chalice of the true and pure love of my Son. I am calling you to be an instrument through which all those who have not come to know the love of God-who have never loved-may comprehend, accept and be saved…” (November 2, 2016)
As we approach the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Our Lady has called us to become chalices that hold the true and pure love of Jesus. She tells us she was “a chalice of the God-man” and that now we must become like her, making our hearts completely available to Jesus and then carrying the love which is Jesus to others.
St. Faustina prayed to be transformed into love for Jesus and then she heard these words from Jesus during Holy Mass:
“Today, I want to be transformed, whole and entire, into the love of Jesus and to offer myself, together with Him, to the Heavenly Father. During Holy Mass, I saw the Infant Jesus in the chalice, and He said to me, I am dwelling in your heart as you see Me in this chalice.” (Diary 1820)
We are being called to allow Jesus to dwell in our hearts, as did Our Lady and similarly so did St. Faustina. We are being called to open our hearts completely, and become pure dwelling places for the Lord. In this way we will carry Him to the world, so much in need of His mercy.
Starting tomorrow (November 11) we can begin the Novena to Divine Mercy, and it will end just at the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. I would love to pray it with all of you. So I will send out the novena each day. We will end on the eve of the Feast of Christ the King, the end of the Jubilee Year.
What a fantastic year of graces and miracles we have had. I have felt the power of Divine Mercy growing over this year. With thanksgiving, let us pray the novena of Mercy!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016