July 21, 2017
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Dear Family of Mary!
June 2, 2007 “Dear children! Also in this difficult time God’s love sends me to you. My children, do not be afraid, I am with you. With complete trust give me your hearts, that I may help you to recognize the signs of the time in which you live. I will help you to come to know the love of my Son. I will triumph through you. Thank you.”
Yesterday was day three of a personal novena that Denis and I are praying to undo the knots in our lives. We are asking Our Lady to undo the knots that have entangled us. And I must say in the first three days the results have been amazing!
Yesterday we were able to go to Confession as part of our novena. And after Confession and Holy Mass, we went for our usual walk around the lakes at Notre Dame. We pray the Rosary continuously on these walks. It is a time to intercede and just breathe in God’s creation.
We have walked this trail so many times, we know it by heart! There is a tree along the way that has a very large bare spot like a circular window or hobbit door in its trunk. Denis always thought it would be neat to put a door knob on it!
But yesterday as we walked up to that tree we stopped in utter amazement! Instead of bare wood, we saw the most colorful and moving painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe!! It was perfectly fitted to the circular space, and a blue rosary was hanging next to it. It was so beautiful! And we felt it was a sign from Our Lady, for sure! We felt her presence so strongly, so beautifully. For us it was a sign that she was answering our prayer, undoing our knots, setting us free so that we could serve her better!
The painting was signed “B.B. 07/19/17″. We want to thank B.B. for painting such a lovely portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and generously installing it in that old tree along the path around the lake! It was an act of love and generosity!! It definitely made our day!
I want to share with you the Act of Contrition that is associated with this Novena to Mary, Untier of Knots. Denis and I find it so very healing.
My Lord, I am heartily sorry for my sins;
Purify my heart with Your Holy Blood
I pray for Your Mercy;
Grant me the grace of a new conversion.
My Lord, By the power of Your Cross,
I wish to forgive every person who has hurt me.
Shortly before Your Death You prayed,
Father, forgive the, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Merciful Lord,
Teach me mercy even when that seems to be impossible
I renounce every temptation to harden my heart;
I want to find no anger in my heart, no bitterness, no self-pity.
I renounce every desire to get even and to condemn;
I desire to bless everyone who in any way has harmed me.
I pray to be forgiven for everything I ever did to harm someone else,
Even those I harmed without knowing it.
My Lord, remove my heart of stone and give me a new heart, a heart of flesh.
Fill it with your humility and meekness;
Soften it with your mercy.
I fervently implore You,
Give me the Holy Spirit,
So that I might know how to love You and my neighbor,
so that I might fight the good fight and always choose to do what it truly good.
Grant that I not trust in my own strength alone
and that I not let disappointment quench my hope,
That hope that is anchored in Your strength and Your love.
(From “Novena to Mary, Untier of Knots, by Vojtech Kodet, O.Carm. – Catholic Book Publishing Corp. New Jersey)
Incredible prayer. Incredible gift of Our Lady on the tree! So much grace available in this time, if we pray.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017