St. Sixtus and Companions, St. Cajetan
Dear Family of Mary!
Our Lady appeared on Mt Podbrdo to Ivan on Saturday August 5 (10:00pm Medj time). It was the last day of the Youth Festival. Our Lady’s apparition took place at her statue on Mt Podbrdo. Here is Ivan’s account of this encounter with Our Lady, as translated from Croatian to Italian and then into English:
This evening Our Lady came to us once more particularly joyful.
First of all, she greeted all of us with her maternal greeting:
“Let Jesus Christ be praised, my dear children!”
Then, with hands extended, Our Lady prayed over all of us. Then, she said:
“Dear children, also today I rejoice with all of you! Again today I ask you to make your choice for Jesus. I see so many young people who are coming back to Jesus again, deciding for Jesus, and changing their lives. Therefore, I ask you to pray, young people. Pray for the family, young people! The Madonna prays for all of you, especially in this time of grace. Pray more! Pray so that my Son may be born in your hearts! So that He renews you! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
She then blessed all of us with her motherly blessing.
Our Lady continues to pray for all of you.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
PS. Hour of Mercy resumes at 3:00 pm (Medj Time) Monday through Saturday.
Daily Rosary will be at 4:00 pm (Medj time) daily!