and with the Rosary in your hand defeat him!”
August 31, 2017
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children! Today I am calling you to be people of prayer. Pray until prayer becomes a joy for you and a meeting with the Most High. He will transform your hearts and you will become people of love and peace. Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer. You, do not forget that prayer is the secret key of meeting with God. That is why I am with you to lead you. Do not give up on prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (August 25, 2017)
“Do not forget, little children, that Satan is strong and wants to draw you away from prayer.”
We know that we have an enemy. Satan desires to pull us away from God and to lead us into his eternal darkness. Of course what he offers us never looks dark or bad at first. But if what we are being tempted by draws us away from prayer and meeting with God, it probably is from our enemy.
Our Lady tells us “Do not forget…” because she knows how easy it is for us to forget!! We are so easily tricked. So easily side-tracked. She has warned us throughout her time in Medjugorje about Satan’s plans to destroy us. She knows his tricks and wants to protect us from them:
January 24, 1985 “Dear children! These days you have experienced God’s sweetness through the renewals which have been in this parish. Satan wants to work still more fiercely to take away your joy from each one of you. By prayer you can completely disarm him and ensure your happiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
August 8, 1985 “Dear children! Today I call you especially now to advance against satan by means of prayer. Satan wants to work still more now that you know he is at work. Dear children, put on the armor for battle and with the Rosary in your hand defeat him! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
October 16, 1986 “Dear children! Today again I want to show you how much I love you, but I am sorry that I am not able to help each one to understand my love. Therefore, dear children, I am calling you to prayer and complete surrender to God, because satan wants to sift you through everyday affairs and in your life he wants to snatch the first place. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
January 25, 1994 “Dear children! You are all my children. I love you. But, little children, you must not forget that without prayer you cannot be close to me. In these times satan wants to create disorder in your hearts and in your families. Little children, do not give in. You should not allow him to lead you and your life. I love you and intercede before God for you. Little children, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
January 25, 2015 “Dear children! Also today I call you: live your vocation in prayer. Now, as never before, Satan wants to suffocate man and his soul by his contagious wind of hatred and unrest. In many hearts there is no joy because there is no God or prayer. Hatred and war are growing from day to day. I am calling you, little children, begin anew, with enthusiasm, the walk of holiness and love; since I have come among you because of this. Together let us be love and forgiveness for all those who know and want to love only with a human love and not with that immeasurable love of God to which God calls you. Little children, may hope in a better tomorrow always be in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Though these warnings are strong, we know that Our Lady would only speak to us about the enemy to prepare us and protect us with the truth. And the antidote to all his lies and temptations is to pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray, pray, pray. This is the weapon. Especially the Rosary. As Our Lady said: “Dear children, put on the armor for battle and with the Rosary in your hand defeat him!”
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PS. On Friday, September 1, 2017, the parish of St. James will change it’s prayer schedule. Here is the new schedule for the evening program:
Evening Rosary: 5:00 pm Medjugorje time (11:00 am EDT)
Evening International Mass: 6:00 pm Medjugorje time (12:00 pm EDT)
Parish climb up Apparition Hill: Sundays at 2:00 pm Medjugorje time (8:00 am EDT)