September 11, 2017
Dear Family of Mary!
Ivan met with his prayer group at the Blue Cross on Friday evening, September 8, 2017. This was the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady appeared to Ivan that evening. Here is Ivan’s report of his encounter with Our Lady that night:
Message from the Queen of Peace, to Ivan, on Friday, September 8, 2017, 21,00 pm to the Blue Cross…
Even today the Madonna has come to us very joyful and happy, and greeted us all with her motherly greeting, ” Praised be Jesus, my dear children!” Then she prayed for a long time here on all of us with her hands extended. She prayed in particular about you sick people.
Then tonight the Madonna prayed in particular for young people and for families, and she said briefly:
“Dear children, even today I would like to invite you again to pray for families: to pray for holiness in families and young people. My children have gone away. They have moved away from my Son Jesus. Pray, dear children! Know that I pray for all of you and intercede for all of you before my Son. Thank you, dear children, for having responded today to my call.”
Then Our Lady blessed us all with her motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought to be blessed. Also I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families. I specifically recommended all of you sick people present and all of you priests here tonight.
Then the Madonna continued to pray for a period of time on all of us, and in this prayer she left in the sign of the light and the cross, with the greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”
This is what is most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV