October 7, 2017
Our Lady of the Rosary!
Dear Family of Mary!
Today we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary! This feast day comes during the month of October which is dedicated to the Rosary. And this year on October 13 we have a special day, the hundredth anniversary of the miracle of the sun at Fatima! The great sign given to the people in Portugal of the veracity of the visions at Fatima. Many have been looking forward to this anniversary in hopes that a new sign may be given.
I believe that we have the sign already. At Fatima Our Lady asked for the prayer of the Rosary so that as many souls as possible would be turned towards God. Fatima presented the Rosary to the modern world as the weapon against Godlessness. And though the ensuing years were desperately full of sin, of violence, and of depravity, the Rosary never stopped. Faith never stopped. Hope never stopped.
And the miracle I see is that in Medjugorje the fulfillment of Fatima has taken place. Here in Medjugorje the Rosary is prayed every day, over and over again, on the hills, in the Church, on the roadways and paths, in the homes and pansions. The Rosary continues to grow in intensity in Medjugorje, and the miracle of peace is evident. The one thing everyone says about Medjugorje is that they experience such peace. Unworldly peace.
Yesterday I experienced a little of the triumph of the Rosary in Medjugorje. At 1:00 pm Rosie and Kathy and several of our shipmates gathered at the Mary TV Tea House, and we pulled out our Rosaries and began to walk together towards Bijakovici and the Blue Cross. Rosie and Kathy make this walk every Friday afternoon, praying for all Our Lady’s intentions.

We walked slowly and prayed very intentionally. We walked on the little path through the fields that ends at Vicka’s old home. Then we turned right, to go to the Blue Cross. As we walked I felt the peace of Our Lady. We were not many, we were not powerful or important, we were just Our Lady’s children, walking together and praying the Rosary.

When we reached the Blue Cross area we continued to pray. We prayed Divine Mercy for souls. We prayed the Memorare. We prayed the St. Michael prayer. We prayed for Our Lady’s intentions. It was simple and simply wonderful!

The Blue Cross
This is Medjugorje. The Rosary. And I believe Medjugorje is the miracle that we are looking for on October 13. Our Lady is here creating an oasis of peace through the Rosary, which leads us to the Sacraments, to repentance, to prayer with the heart, and on and on.

Thank you to all of you who have responded to Our Lady’s call to pray, especially to pray the Rosary! We are experiencing a miracle!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2017