I am happy to share with you Our Lady’s main messages. The main messages of Our Lady are prayer, peace, conversion, confession, and fasting. And Our Lady recommends that we pray all three parts of the Rosary daily. And she recommends fasting every Wednesday and Friday on bread and water. And a beautiful thing that Our Lady invites us to pray for is to pray for our strong faith.
But when Our Lady invites us to pray, she doesn’t want us to just move our lips. But Our Lady would like for us day by day to open our hearts so that prayer may really become a joy for us so that we may succeed to pray with love.
Our Lady gave a beautiful example when she said: All of you in your homes have a flower pot. And if you put just a few drops of water in this pot every day you will see a beautiful flower growing. The same example is our heart, because if you put a few drops of prayer in your heart you will see it become a beautiful rose. And if just for a few days we do not give it water we will see the plant vanish as if it never existed. And Our lady says that the same thing will happen to us if we do not pray one day, and we say I am tired so I will pray tomorrow. But then when tomorrow comes we find another excuse, and then practically day by day we distance ourselves from prayer and our heart only gets implants from the bad side. And Our Lady says, same as a flower cannot live without water, so we cannot live without God’s grace…
Now we will remain united in silence in prayer. I will pray for blessing for all of us, but it is very important for all of us to remain in silence. Our Lady says, “Do not be afraid of silence because silence can bring forth so many beautiful and great things. Our Lady has said more than once, “You people talk too much and you pray too little, so that is why we must change this attitude and pray more and talk less. So it is very important to remain in silence in prayer…

This is only a sample of what Vicka said, but you can hear the entire talk on our website soon. Vicka prayed then in silence for a very long time. One pilgrim told me that she felt drawn into prayer, as into a deep pool of water. She was able to pray unusually well as Vicka prayed.
Vicka is a luminous example of someone who is given over completely to God. She suffers joyfully, offering all her suffering to the Lord. And she witnesses such joy!
We were so blessed to be with her in the early morning brightness, the air so cool and fresh. What a blessing it was to pray with Vicka. It reminded me of this message:
April 25, 1987 “Dear children! Today also I am calling you to prayer. You know, dear children, that God grants special graces in prayer. Therefore, seek and pray in order that you may be able to comprehend all that I am giving here. I call you, dear children, to prayer with the heart. You know that without prayer you cannot comprehend all that God is planning through each one of you. Therefore, pray! I desire that through each one of you God’s plan may be fulfilled, that all which God has planted in your heart may keep on growing. So pray that God’s blessing may protect each one of you from all the evil that is threatening you. I bless you, dear children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2017
PS. One of our pilgrims stayed behind to listen to Vicka again and again, almost all morning. When Vicka was leaving, she had one of her helpers give him a rosary she was praying with. it was so special to receive that rosary. But he noticed a woman near the stair that Vicka had been standing on, begging that Vicka come back to just pray with her a little. She was desperate. But Vicka was exhausted and they couldn’t ask her to return. The woman was so sad. So our pilgrim placed the rosary Vicka had given him into her hands and explained that it was Vicka’s rosary. He said she could have it. She broke down in tears. He found out she was very ill, and this rosary meant the very much to her. She wept and wept.
We have no idea what wonders God is working in us as pilgrims as we love one another. In heaven we will know!!!