November 22, 2017
St. Cecilia
Dear Family of Mary!
November 25, 2007 “Dear children! Today, when you celebrate Christ, the King of all that is created, I desire for Him to be the King of your lives. Only through giving, little children, can you comprehend the gift of Jesus´ sacrifice on the Cross for each of you. Little children, give time to God that He may transform you and fill you with His grace, so that you may be a grace for others. For you, little children, I am a gift of grace and love, which comes from God for this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Our Lady wants us to accept Jesus as the King of our lives. She wants us to understand that He is the King of all creation, that He is the highest power. But at the same time, that He has made Himself the lowest among us, in order to save each of us. He gave Himself entirely on the Cross, so that we could be rescued from eternal separation from Him, from heaven. We will only understand Him if we contemplate His passion long enough for it to sink in to our hearts and minds. He loved us to His death.
The Feast of Christ the King which we will celebrate on Sunday is the last big feast of the liturgical year. It is the culmination of all that we have remembered and received. Jesus will one day be revealed to the whole world as the King of the Universe. But will the world be ready to receive Him, or will souls be lost. This is the great and impending question of our day.
I believe that Our Lady is with us to help us to truly understand Jesus’ love for us, to grasp the enormous work of salvation He accomplished for us, and to help us to turn to Him with our hearts full of love for Him, now! Now!!
How do we fall in love with Jesus? “Little children, give time to God…” We must pray. We must give Jesus time, the only thing we have control over. Our time is for us to spend as we choose. And so, the way we choose to use our time shows what we love. Do we love to work? Do we love to sleep? Do we love to exercise or play cards? Do we love Jesus?
“Little children, give time to God that He may transform you and fill you with His grace…” If we choose to give our time to Jesus, He will not waste any of that gift of time. He will transform us into His peace, His love, His joy, His hope, His friends.
Our King wants to enter each of our hearts and heal them, enlighten them, make them young and fresh again, and turn them into sanctuaries of love. We have only to choose to use our time to pray. Our Lady is with us to help us. We can welcome the King of the whole Universe into our poor little hearts right now, and He will come and make of them His palace.
Jesus, please be the King of our lives!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PS. For the past few days (from November 17 to 21) Fr. Maximilian Dalve has been giving the homily for English Mass in Medjugorje. It has been like a mini retreat on the love of God. If you have time, go to Mary TV and listen to his homilies starting with November. They are a great help in drawing close to Christ the King of love! Here is the link: https://marytv.tv/?page_id=192