December 1, 2017
Dear Family of Mary!
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Lk 21:33)
Jesus’ words, found in Holy Scripture, are eternal. They teach us how to live now, in this life, in this moment, so that we will find ourselves one day in Heaven for eternity. They introduce that which is indestructible into our very fragile lives. Jesus’ words are Truth. They will not be contradicted. They will last forever, always the Truth! How powerful are the Words of Christ!!
Our Lady gave us a powerful message about God’s Word in which she encouraged us to draw ever closer to it! You can feel her deep desire that each of us embrace the Word of God and make it the center of our being. She knows that God’s Word will be our strength, a strength that we need in these most difficult days. She told us:
September 02, 2013 “Dear children, I love you all. All of you, all of my children, all of you are in my heart. All of you have my motherly love, and I desire to lead all of you to come to know God’s joy. This is why I am calling you. I need humble apostles who, with an open heart, will accept the Word of God and help others to comprehend the meaning of their life alongside God’s word. To be able to do this my children, through prayer and fasting, you must learn to listen with the heart and to learn to keep submitting yourselves. You must learn to keep rejecting everything that distances you from God’s word and to yearn only for that which draws you closer to it. Do not be afraid. I am here. You are not alone. I am imploring the Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen you. I am imploring the Holy Spirit that, as you help others, you too may be healed. I am imploring Him that, through Him, you may be God’s children and my apostles.”
What a beautiful message this is! Our Lady tells us that she loves ALL of us!! ALL! And in that love she desires to bring us to the Word of God.
She tells us we will need to be humble and have open hearts if we want to accept the Word of God. We will need to pray and fast in order to listen with the heart and learn to submit to God’s Word out of love. We will need to choose to come closer to God’s Word, rejecting all that would lead us away from it. And we will need to trust her, and not be afraid.
Coming close to God’s Word can be frightening, because His Word demands a change in us. We see our mistakes, failures and sins in the light of God’s Word. But she wants us to have courage, so she is with us to help us!! She is imploring the Holy Spirit to help us. She wants us the adhere to the Words of Jesus that will not pass away!
Reading Scripture daily is a very important part of our walk with Jesus and Mary! The more we read the Word of God, the more the Holy Spirit can shine His light into our hearts. The Words of Jesus are lights that shine into our personal reality, bringing a depth of understanding to our actions and our situations that we can only marvel at. How can the words spoken by Jesus 2000 years ago be so applicable to our time, our lives, our problems and our needs? It is because they are eternal! The Eternal One who made us knows exactly how we tick. He knows everything, and can solve the most difficult situation with just a phrase or a parable. Scripture is amazing!!!
Let’s take Our Lady’s words to heart, and draw close to Jesus’ Words!! Heaven and earth will pass away, but Jesus’ words will not pass away!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PS. Tomorrow Mirjana will encounter Our Lady, and hopefully will receive a message for us. Mary TV will share the video of that encounter later that day, and I will send out the message as soon as I can. We are at the end of the Liturgical Year. May this new Church Year bring unimagined blessing and graces to us and the whole world!!
PPS. Mike Nolan has produced two new CDs:
“Oh Jesus, We Adore You!” (A collection of songs used for Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Medjugorje. It is very prayerful and peaceful!)
“The Mary TV Soundtrack!” (A joyful compilation of the music used on Mary TV! )
CDs are $15.00 each, and you can order them directly from Mike Nolan