December 4, 2017
St. John Damascene
Dear Family of Mary!
“…Therefore, apostles of my love, pray for those who do not know how to love, for those who do not love you, for those who have done evil to you, for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. My children, I ask this of you because, remember, to pray means to love and to forgive…” (December 2, 2017)
These are the final words of Our Lady’s December 2, 2017 message. They struck me deeply. Here we are at the very beginning of Advent. It is a special time of year, when we learn again to await the coming of the Messiah. We wait with all the patriarchs and prophets, all the holy men and women who believed God would send the Anointed One to save them. We wait with them with expectant faith for the coming of Him who will come at the end of ends.
And we wait with Our Lady, as she carried Jesus in her womb, as she traveled to Bethlehem, as she waited to give birth to Jesus, the long awaited One.
I feel that Our Lady is asking us as a prayer group to take on one of the things she is interceding for in this time of waiting. She has asked us many times to pray for “Those who have not come to know the love of Jesus.” These souls are the source of so much sorrow for Our Lady. She prays for them constantly, that they will open up to the love of Jesus, and find peace. I believe Our Lady wants us to join her in this intercession during Advent, as a special work of mercy.
It just struck me that maybe we could help Our Lady. I felt this very strongly on Saturday (Dec 2). And then on Sunday (Dec 3) I received a remarkable email from Patty, one of our shipmates, in which she shares something she received in prayer from Jesus that confirms our call to intercede for those who have not come to know the love of Jesus. Patty wrote:
I find this image of staying close to Mary, traveling with her, staying in her company, praying with her for those who do not know Jesus, to be very compelling. I believe it is a precious call from Jesus to help Our Lady as she seeks out those who need Jesus to be born in their hearts.
May we walk with our Mother, comforting her, easing her pain and strengthening her prayer with our own, so that many, many souls will open the doors of their hearts and let Jesus be born in them.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PPS. Mike Nolan has produced two new CDs:
“Oh Jesus, We Adore You!” (A collection of songs used for Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Medjugorje. It is very prayerful and peaceful!)
“The Mary TV Soundtrack!” (A joyful compilation of the music used on Mary TV! )
CDs are $15.00 each, and you can order them directly from Mike Nolan